Chapter 21 b Misfits

In an instant the power dynamics seemed skewed. Iggy’s lips parted and he shook his head. “You’re kidding.”

Firmin dropped his hands and jaw. “Do you think I would joke about it?” He marched around his desk and whipped open a drawer. He withdrew green tinted glasses, opened them, and put them on his face. His hands lifted at his sides and even though he was smiling, his voice sounded sad. “These glasses have been the best solution to my problem for the last ten years. I can’t see the color red in these. That’s the only reason why I have them. It’s alright, you can laugh. It’s just a funny joke, right?”

He peeled the glasses off of his face and looked down at them lying in his palm. Then, he chucked them back into the drawer and slammed it shut.