Chapter 4

Amy's POV:

The sound of clock ticking was the only sound resonating through courtroom, as the judge was busy with the jury deciding the verdict. The sweat forming on the forehead of defence lawyer clearly indicating that he already knew who was going to lose,causing me to smirk. But I wouldn't pity him because he was supporting someone who was involved in trafficking and hacking bank accounts. This one was by far the longest and time taking case I have ever fought. The criminal was not the to be proved guilty easily,that bastard was way too cunning.

The judge clears his throat bringing everyone's attention to him.

"By looking at all the evidences presented to us by NIO team, the facts explained and proved by Ms Moretti and also listening to witnesses, the court of Istanbul declares Mr Whitmore guilty and hence subjecting him to 40 years imprisonment and fine imposed"

The judge says closing the file .A wide smile takes place on my face as I watch the officers taking that man away not missing the glare I receive from him,its not the first time I received it.The biggest disadvantage of working as a criminal laywer is you make more enemies than friends. I listen as the officers explain the victory to reporters.Working in NIO means almost representing Government, I already know that this case will make headline even before midnight .As I already said this case was related to the hacking of bank accounts of government officials.

"Congratulations Amy,you did it again" my assistant talia says happily as I pack my stuff .

"Thanks and to you too ,without it wouldn't be possible,afterall teamwork pays off".

"I would have agreed but in your case it's your persistence and stubbornness to never give up ".she replied

"Should I take it as a compliment " I said raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe but Amy you should at least be careful . It's not good making enemies. "

"I would make 100 of enemies if it would result in putting an end to such crimes and also it is a sight to see such bastards behind bars" I explained.

"I am not defending those criminals or something like that but I am just giving you an advice to avoid such high risk cases or sort things to a certain level . You don't have to oppose everyone."she says desperately.

"You know talia that when I want something I get it even if have to reach hell for it" i say a tad bit annoyed.

"Only you can say that amy" she says sighing.

Just as i was about to reply.Mr Vlad comes.

"You once again won Ms Moretti . I must you are way more clever than your age." He says crossing his arms.

"Well thank you Mr Vlad ,but let me you I win because I always side with truth unlike you"i reply confidently.

"I couldn't agree with that Amy, just because I defend them doesn't mean I appreciate their doings and it's not necessary that our agencies are always right maybe they are pressurised, there can be plotting and conspiracies."he replied

That triggered me "Oh please Mr .Vlad , they didn't risk their lives for nothing and false accusations "I replied in an irritated manner.

He scoffed and said "Maybe, but you are saying that because of your sister serving in one of the agencies".

Agitated by his reply I raise my finger at him "Mr.Vlad I guess you and all the people who acknowledge me know very well that my professional life is not related to my personal life in any way"

He raises his brow replying "You should be very careful Ms.Moretti your feisty attitude and stubbornness will lead you in deep waters one day ."

"Its very kind of you to give me such advice ,now if you excuse me I have better things to do than listen to your nonsense "

Not waiting anymore for his words I storm off the room with talia following me.

"I just don't get it why everyone here likes to give me their shitty advice"i say still trying to calm myself .

"Maybe it's your attitude "talia mumbles slowly but I hear and turn around facing her .

"Oh really , can you please eloborate"i say through gritted teeth.

"Amy calm down ,its just while solving cases you make every one related to the case a criminal too and you also like to push other people's button. Look there are some things that are forbidden but you like to defy everyone even the officials sometimes ".

"So I should work on my cases considering everyone's influence and power" I ask questionably.

Talia sighs and replies"look Amy I think we should drop this subject here ,you won a case today you should celebrate it your mother must be waiting at home."

I rub my face with my hands " Yeah you are right mom must be waiting it's going to be dinner time soon and ayla is also coming home today so I should be heading home".

"Well greet ayla for me it's been long since I met her"she says as we make our way towards parking area .

" Will do bye!" I say as I reach my car waving at talia and sliding in.

Today was really a tiring day but when it's not.

I forget to introduce myself ,you should have already guessed that I am a laywer . My name is moretti ,25 years old and working as a criminal laywer for NIO .My mother is a fashion designer, we shifted to Istanbul from Ankara when our father died i was 2 at that time and ayla my sister was 4 ,it was a very difficult time for us but thankfully we made it . I don't have very clear memories of my father but I still miss him.Mom is very protective of us that's why when ayla joined NIO she became very worried and even more when I started working as a criminal lawyer . I understand her concerns as we both are the only family she have.I am very stubborn, my mom says I am difficult to deal with but I guess it who I am. When I first shifted here I became very lonely as mom got busy in her work and ayla in school ,it was the time when I met Daniel my best friend forever,he is the only one who's how to handle me . No matter how much sad or tired I am he always make me smile.Although he is not very talkative or goofy person , he is very deep and thoughtful but caring towards his loved ones. I know he hides about his life before orphanage and I didn't forced him ever to tell me because once I did he had such a cold look in his eyes that it made me shiver for some reason ,he is not a very easy to read person he knows well how to hide his emotions, his blue grey eyes are as deep as ocean but they have a storm in them . We always did things together , its because I feel comfortable and myself with him , some people even took us as couple but I couldn't blame them we have been very close and due to his popularity and personality our personal space is mostly invaded by media.As for my love his name is Silas, he is my prince charming , despite pretending I hate his flirty behaviour and goofy self I had always been attracted to him .His compliments made me blush and he had a certain effect on me .I remember on the day of his graduation my nerves were nagging ne to accept my feeling and tell him before he goes away ,keeping these thoughts in my mind I proposed him in front of everyone. Although he was reluctant but still he accepted it but I still find him uncertain some times even after 8 years . Whenever I talked to him he always says that he loves me and is still getting used to all such things . Maybe I am overthinking, I know for sure my love will make him certain.

I look around to see my house coming in view , we live in a moderate but cozy house not too big and not to small.I park my car in front and begin to walk towards the door . On entering my house my nostrils are instantly greeted with the aroma of food making my stomach grumble . Mom is an amazing chef and likes to cook herself. I speak inside the kitchen to find my mom setting the table.

"Hey mom! " I greet making her turn around and hug me.

"Hey Amy! How was your day" she says smiling.

I make a very happy face and say "Well your daughter won another case".

Her face immediately turns into a grin "That's my girl ,looks like I made chocolate mousse at the right time"

"Really ! Mom you are the best " I say back hugging her.

"I know my child ,now go take a shower while I prepare salad and bring ayla with you while coming she is in her room"

"Sure Mom"i say making way to my room. I place my things and files on my desk and went in the bathroom to take a warm shower . After a while I change into my pjs and left my room to my sister's. My sister and I share a very close bond but sometimes she can be very bossy.

Without knocking I went inside only to see her grinning like a Cheshire cat looking at her phone . I jump to her side and hug her.

"Gosh Amy I was going to fall" she replies still holding her phone.

"Well it's not my fault that you were busy texting your boyfriend and didn't even pay notice to me" I reply sarcastically.

She rolls her eyes "Well he is not my boyfriend but fiance and secondly I was coming to get you for dinner."

"For gods sake you were on a mission for two days with him and you guys are still texting "I say

"That's the point we went on a mission not on a picnic were we have to focus on work."she replies in a duh tone.

Sometimes I am envious of her relationship with my soon to be bro in law Emir. They met during their initial years of training in Ankara ,well you can say Emir is the one who fell for her first and it took him 2 years to woo my sister. They dated for 4 years before Emir proposed her last year , they are set to get married in 3 months . Emir is a nice guy with a small family ,hardworking and caring and most of all they both love each other to bits , the love I want Silas to show me. But I know Silas is not the type to get lovey lovey.

"Whatever now come downstairs mom is waiting for dinner" I say standing

"Yeah just give me two minutes" she says non chalantly .

I shake my head and a make my downstairs, true to her word she came in two minutes.

"I heard you won the case , Congo Amy you did well" she says side hugging me .

"Thanks sissy btw how was your mission ". I asked.

" Well lets talk about it later " she says in a dismissing tone . I hope everything is ok.

We reach kitchen and help mom bring the dishes . As they are placed I start digging in .

" Ayla I was thinking to go for wedding shopping next week " mom said

"Mom we have enough time for that" she replies casually.

" You call 3 months enough time" I reply making face.

Mom shakes her face and say "I can't believe my daughter is getting married. "

"Mom I will always be here for you and Amy" ayla assures her.

"I know it's just your jobs are risky and you guys are everything I have " mom says emotionally.

I held her hand and said " Mom you don't need to worry we will always be your daughters and will be with you always".

"Aww my daughter , I think you should also start having thoughts about marriage" she says simlingly.

I groan "Mom a minute ago you were being emotional about ayla getting married and now you are talking about my wedding , let me live my life before getting tied ".

Ayla chuckles while mom looks at me with a look in her eyes

" If you truly love someone you won't call it's not getting tied"

I shrug before saying "Whatever mom let me enjoy my sissy's wedding and also if I got married early who will look after ayla's 6 children".

Ayla glares at me while mom chuckles

"I am looking forward to it" mom says while laughing.

Ayla blushes and says "Mom not you too"

We all continue eating and discussing wedding plans ocassionally making ayla blush. After dinner ,I clean dishes while ayla clears the table .Calling it a night we all went to our rooms. As I lay on my bed I pick my phone from my nightstand hoping to get a message from silas ,but there was none why I am not surprised he wouldn't bother for atleast a day or two saying he was busy .just as i was going to put it back the screen went off with a notification. It was a text from Daniel, even though we don't see each other much because he is always busy and stuff like that but he never fails to prove that he is always there for me. I look at the message

Daniel:Congratulations you are brilliant amy😊

Me:Thanks you are coming tommorow right, otherwise I will kick your ass.

Daniel:Wouldn't miss it for the world tesoro

I smile at her calling me tesoro, he is the only one who calls me by nickname.

Me: Goodnight

Daniel : have a good night 💕

Only this idiot knows how to make me smile ,with that I fell into a deep slumber