Daniel's POV:

I jolt up from my dream screaming ,my breaths coming in short pants, forehead covered in sweat.Martha came barging in my room with my medicine and a glass of water.I quickly chucked it down .Soon my heartbeat started getting stable , I looked at clock to see it was 3 in the morning, I turned to Martha who was standing there with a concerned look on her face . This was a normal routine for me when I slept at home.

"Are you okay master"she asked politely .

"Thanks! I am feeling better Martha , you go back and sleep " I offer her a kind smile.

"Please call me if you need anything master "she says

"I will Martha " I say getting up from my bed.

She nods and leaves . I sigh and went to bathroom for my morning duties after doing my stuff I head to the gym in basement for some workout , I am not a fitness freak but doing workout keeps many things off my mind , I plug headphones in my ear and began running on treadmill. After two hours I am drenched in sweat ,taking a swig from my water bottle I make my way to my room to get ready . I wear a black V neck with dark blue jeans, it feels good to wear casual clothes. Reaching kitchen I see Martha making my coffee and breakfast, I take a place on stool as she dishes out scrambled eggs and toast . I thank her and begin to eat my breakfast, checking emails on my phone simultaneously. After that I settle myself in my home office to sort some paper work , soon its 4 in the evening. I better be leaving other i will get late ,closing the files I grab my car keys,wallet and phone . I slide in my car deciding on what to buy for Amy , then it clicks twinkies ,yeah our love for twinkies is still strong.I buy twinkies and her favorite lillies. Half an hour later a familiar house comes in view ,nostalgia hits me as I remember the time we all spend here. Parking my car I make my way to the front door,just as I am about to ring the bell the door opens and I am tackled into a bear hug . The familiar scent of lillies surround me ,I hug Amy back as best I can with my hands full . She suddenly pulls back and smacks my head.

"Woah , I wasn't expecting this after you nearly crushed me.",I say amused

"The hug was for "I missed you" and I smacked you because you me miss you this much " she replies with a frown and crossed arms

"You know I was very busy Amy" I reply in a guilty tone.

"Even I am busy Daniel but I don't prioritize my work over my family".

"So ,you won't forgive me that easily " I ask with a smirk.

She raises a brow "No"

"Too bad I brought you twinkies for an apology but looks like I have to keep them to myself." I reply faking emotions.

Her eyes move from me to twinkies and I already know I won the war.

She gives me a defeated look and says "This is cheating you knew I will forgive you for twinkies"

I laugh lightly and hand her twinkies and flowers, she inhales their fragrance.

"Now don't stand here and come inside "she says making her way inside and with me following her.

"So where's everyone"I ask as she places the lillies in a vase nearby and asks me to follow her.

"Well mom is the kitchen making dinner ,Emir and Ayla are in living room doing lovey dovey stuff and silas as usual is late" she replies scowling at the last part . I don't know what to do with this man .As we reach living room I see Emir and Ayla snuggled on sofa laughing.Amy rolls her eyes while I clear my throat to get their attention.Ayla quickly jumps away and comes to greet me .

" Hey Daniel! It's been long"Ayla says hugging me.

"Yeah it's been long but I can see you guys are busy"I reply quirking my eyebrow at her.

"Yeah they can't keep their hands to themselves, I am surprised they are still virgin "Amy says making Emir chuckle and Ayla blush.

"Amy"she gasps.

Emir comes and bro hug me while they both start bickering.

"Hey man !it's been really long" Emir says in his gruff voice.

"Life keeps you busy "I reply nonchalantly.

"Well it must be busy for you being the Billionaire bachelor "he says emphasizing the last two words.

"Emir is right , I wonder why are you still single"Ayla butts in.

"Well..." I trail off not knowing what to say.

"Don't tell me you are secretly dating someone because I swear I will kill you with my own hands"Amy says standing by my side I roll my eyes at her statement.

"Spare me Amy I promise if I date someone you will be the first person to know "I reply not wanting to talk about this.

"Stop blackmailing her Amy" Vahide mom says coming in the room she greets Emir and then comes to me .

"Daniel son how have you been" she asks lovingly.

"I am good and happy to see after many days"I reply and give a peck on her cheeks .

"How are you doing"I ask her

"Well you can see I am happy that my daughter is getting married and I am going to be Grand mother"she replies teasingly.I chuckle while Ayla blushes again.

"Mom what is with you and Amy these days"

"I can't help it"Vahide mom replies waving her off

"You all settle down in dinning room while I dish out your food"she turns to me

"Daniel will you like to help me"

"Why not"

As we enter kitchen Vahide mom asks me to cut some veggies while she takes out the food from oven.

"How's life going son "she asks in a motherly tone.

"Nothing much Vahide mom just work here and there"

"You know when I see Ayla and Emir together I feel very happy ,I always wanted both of my daughters happy "she says with a fond look on her face.

"I am happy for them too ,they both deserve happiness"I utter .

"What about your happiness"she asks directly looking at me.

I place veggies on the plate and reply

"I am happy"

"Quit the acting daniel ,you think I am oblivious to your feelings for Amy,I don't see the way you look at her with longing in your eyes or the way you always have been with her" her words render me speechless as I am the one to mask my emotions very well.

"Vahide mom....."

"Don't you dare deny it daniel ,I have known you since your childhood I know how you feel towards her." I start to panic ,I don't want Amy to hear this.I hold her hands and reply.

"Vahide mom I know you love me as a son but swing both of them together happy with each other makes me happy too .You know people say if you truly love someone you should let them go where there happiness lies and her happiness is Silas"

Vahide mom looks at me with tear filled eyes, the thing I hate the most 'pity'.

"I really wish you could be my son in law"she retorts.

"Vahide mom please she is happy and Silas is a good guy" she nods and hugs me .

"What's going in here"Amy comes into the view throwing us a curious glance .

I immediately reply" Nothing mom is getting emotional for Ayla"

She shakes her head"Mom the way you are acting I am sure Ayla will cancel the wedding"

"God forbid Amy,stop speaking rubbish"she scolds her making me laugh and Amy to glare at me.She picks the dishes and we follow her to the dinning,settling ourselves.Just as we are about to start dinner the door bell rings and Emir goes to open it,he returns a moment later with silas following him.He greets Ayla ,Vahide mom ,me and lastly hugs and pecks Amy who in return glares at him .

"Couldn't you be punctual for once in your life"Amy asks him

Silas being silas waves it off before replying

"Sorry for that I got stuck in something"

"Why I am not surprised" Amy scoffs and take her chair beside me.

Dinner went smoothly with occasional laughs and talk and soon we were sitting again in living room drinking hot chocolate that Amy made,Vahide mom excused herself saying she had some work.I was sitting on the love seat while Emir and silas were discussing something while Ayla was watching them and Amy was drinking her hot chocolate.

"So , how's the wedding plans going" I asked.

"Well the venue and catering is sorted"Emir retorts happily

"Mom is designing my dress so that's not an issue"Ayla says grinning

"What about the Honey moon "silas asks wiggling his eyebrows making me chuckle.

"Well we haven't think about it yet" Emir straighten his back.

"It's on me ,you guys don't need to worry" I inform them making all of them look at me.

"What do you mean"Amy questions

"I wanted to give you guys something for your wedding and I found it best that I could arrange an honeymoon for you both"

"It's way kind of you Daniel but we don want to bother you"Emir retorts.

"Believe me it isn't a bother for me it's a wedding gift for my brother and siste"

"Oh my my look Daniel Saritas planning a honeymoon"Amy says amused I chuckle at her words.

"So are you sending them on a cruise trip or you bought a private island for them"Silas butts in making Ayla frown

"A private island" she questions

"look bro we know you are a billionaire bit don't go out of the way" Emir says suddenly becoming serious.

"Guys leave that to me it's a surprise and Silas keep your mouth shut" I say playfully making all of them laugh .Soon Silas leaves saying aunt wasn't so well although Amy was reluctant she didn't said anything ,Emir also follows him ,ayla retires to her room saying goodbye to me .I also take my leave and Amy walks me out .I still feel she is upset.

"Amy you don't need to worry about silas you know his attitude was always careless"I say leaning on the side of my car.She places her head on my shoulder sighing loudly .

"I know but he always it hard for me"

"Be patient with him and everything will be fine ,I know you are my strong girl" I smile at her.She shakes her head and stands in front hugging me.

"Good night Daniel drive safely"She says looking me in eyes and at the moment I wanted time to stop , reluctantly letting go of her I say

"Good night tesoro" she smiles and walks back in ,I slide into my car and watch her waving at me before closing her door.