The wind around the lake was providing a cold yet peaceful ambience. Amy closed her eyes trying to calm her mind ,breathing the cold air in but still her mind was stuck at silas and his behavior.She opened her eyes to look at her surroundings it was almost night . Visiting Daniel made her felt calm and less tense and after her cases she decided to come to this lake behind their old school. Daniel introduced her to this place it was our kind of place for them ,sometimes both of them would come here and talk about what's going on in their life ,it was calm and peaceful. After thinking for hours on how to confront Silas she finally decided to go home . Reaching home she was startled by seeing the bags that were present by the door . 'Whats going on 'she thought as she made her way to living room where Ayla was sitting talking to someone on phone but her tense shoulders and lines appearing on her forehead told her that something was off.

"What's going on Ayla"she asked as soon as ayla placed her phone aside .Ayla looked in her sisters direction eyes showing contemplation.

"Nothing is going on Amy"she replied nonchalantly. This irked Amy .

"Don't bullshit me Ayla , I can see something is bothering you and why are your bags placed by the front door."?

"I am going on a mission "Ayla says shrugging.

"You just came back a week ago and you told me you aren't going on any until after your wedding"

"Stuff happens Amy ,things don't always go planned "Ayla says still not meeting her sisters eyes ,Amy could sense that she was hiding something from her but what?.

"Does mom know that you are going"Amy asks .

"She's staying at aunt selma's place tonight and I won't be leaving before tomorrow so don't worry I will leave after she comes home".

Having enough Amy walks and sits beside ayla crossing her arms.

"Ayla what are you hiding"she questions desperately.

"I am not hiding anything Amy ,I told you that I am just going on a mission and will be back soon it's not that I am going for the first time".she replies frowning

"I don't know Ayla but I can feel something is going on you even had an argument with Emir , which is almost impossible" .Ayla rolls her eyes

"Sometimes it's better to hide some things for the sake of people you love " Ayla says slightly smiling but there was restlessness in her eyes. This was bugging Amy but she knew her sister was as stubborn as her .

"Fine don't tell me about it but you surely know that I have my own ways "Amy says with a smug face .Ayla chuckles

" And by your own ways you mean Daniel right".

"Obviously you know it's not difficult for him to track or hack someone or something"Amy says .Ayla shakes her head

"You will land him in trouble one day Amy "

"Forget about that ,tell me what's for dinner" Amy asks settling comfortably on sofa and smiling at her sister trying to trim the ongoing tension.Ayla squints her eyes already knowing what her sister is up to.

"Don't you dare think that I will make dinner for you alone , you are going to help me otherwise go to sleep" Amy fake pouts at her sister .

"But you are my big sister so that's your responsibility to take care of me" Amy says smiling

"Hello there I am just two years older than you so don't try that tactic on me "Amy's smile suddenly falls knowing she has to help her sister ,Ayla smiles at her sisters childishness and walks to make some dinner not before throwing a cushion on her face and dragging her along.

Next days rolls in with Ayla preparing to leave, Vahide was upset about her mission ,she always was whenever Ayla went on a mission but this time she wasn't alone even Amy had a nagging feeling in her heart but she pushed it aside .

"Mom you don't need to worry I will be back in 4 days and then we will do wedding shopping"Ayla assured her mother as she sits on sofa looking worried.

"I am a mother ayla ,I will always worry about my children"she says hugging her daughter and bidding her farewell.

"Promise me you will return safely"She asks pulling back from the hug. Ayla stares at her mother ,for the first time in her life she couldn't find strength to promise her mother but she knew better that showing her emotions will trouble her mother.

Sighing she places a kiss on her mother's forehead "I promise".she aprises reluctantly before walking out of the house where a car is waiting for her . Amy stands besides the car waiting for her sister.

"Take care of mom and yourself Amy ,don't trouble her" she says hugging her sister.

Amy frowns "I am not a child Ayla besides you focus on your mission and return safely "

Ayla smiles tiredly at her sister, she steps closer and says" I am proud of what you are today ,we have been to hell together and there's nothing I won't do for you or mom and always remember I will be here for you not always physically but mentally my sister"there was such an intensity in her words that made Amy's heartbeat quicken but nevertheless she retorts

"Woah! what's with this emotional speech "

"Just wanted to let you know my feelings "

Amy nudges her shoulder playfully "you have a lifetime for your grandma speeches but for now leave and come back soon". Ayla simpered at her sister lovingly

"Good bye Amy" with that she steps back and moves to her side sliding in the back seat , glancing her sister one last time before closing the door .Amy watches as the car starts and soon disappears from her sight but there was a certain heaviness on her heart, she could swear that she saw a certain gloomy expression on Ayla's face and the uncertainty in her goodbye. Why does it felt like a farewell before going away on a long trip or more like why does this goodbye felt unexplained and uncertain.