Daniel was sitting in his office, listening to Silas ranting and raving about his new 'secretary and her clumsiness ' with a frown,he wasn't a tad bit interested into this topic but nevertheless paid attention because it was still early in the morning and if he ignored him ,he would still find a way to tell him his story.The ringing of Daniels phone caught both of their attention relieving Daniel and making Silas huff .Seeing Amy's name Daniel immediately answered it but before he could say hello ,he heard frantic voice of Amy.

"D-d-daniel" she sobbed.

"Tesoro what happened and why are you crying."Daniel asks worriedly ,Silas also moves to the desk hearing this .

"D-daniel something is wrong ,i-i got a call from Investigation headquarters saying they wanted to meet the family of Ayla Moretti."she stutters while sobbing.Daniel stands from his seat taking in Amy's words and glances at silas who looks utterly confused and somewhat tensed.

" Tesoro ! Listen calm yourself, I am sure everything will be alright you just reach there with Vahide mom and stable yourself for her,me and Silas will be there ."Daniel tries to soothe her and moment later she cuts the call.

"What's going on bro " Silas asks worriedly

" Silas just follow me ,I will explain everything on the way."Daniel states grabbing his blazer and rushing towards the door.

Reaching outside the building, Daniel and Silas quickly made their way to the front desk where a lady guides them to hall where they see a sobbing Vahide mom and Amy trying to soothe her but panic evident on her face. Daniel ran towards them , Silas following.

" What happened" asked Daniel panting. Seeing him Amy hug him tightly while Silas went to hug Vahide mom.

"They told us to wait for the officer in charge"Amy replied hoarsely,daniel in return started to rub her back trying to calm her.

"Where is Emir"Silas questioned still hugging Vahide mom who looked ready to faint.

"I saw him going to that room when we came but he didn't came back" Amy retorted pointing to a certain door .A moment later , the door to that room opens and a fairly large man comes out ,his face emotionless.

"I suppose you are the immediate family of Ayla Moretti"the man asks in a gruff voice.

"Yes! We are ,I am her sister and this is our mother" Amy replies pulling back from Daniel.Before the man could state something further Vahide mom queried

" Is everything alright officer ,where is my daughter "She asked frantically. Upon hearing this the officers mouth sets into a grim line .

"Please follow me" the officer responds stepping aside and placing his hand on the door knob and turning it . Amy looked at her mother and then at Daniel who gave her a supporting nod but his instincts were telling him that whatever is going to happen,will change their lives forever. Taking a deep breath Amy and Daniel went inside with Silas and Vahide mom following but nothing in the work could prepare them for scene that was in front of them. There on a marble table was lying Ayla lifeless with a white sheet tugged around her body, her face covered in bruises and badly swollen from the right side. Beside her on the floor was perched Emir looking shattered,eyes blood shot holding and staring one of Ayla's hand . Daniel blinked twice,his eyes refusing to believe the petrifying sight in front of him. He took a glance at Amy who was frozen on her spot ,a blood curling scream brought them all to reality. Vahide rans towards her daughters body , silas shakes his head in denial while Amy falls to the ground ,Daniel holding her.

" No! This can't be happening , Ayla wake up,wake up my daughter" Vahide screams grabbing Ayla's face softly and slightly shaking her. Tears sting both Silas and Daniels vision as they watch their childhood friend lying lifeless. Amy get's out of Daniels hold and slowly walks to her sisters body looking at her swollen face grabbed by Vahide mom who still tries to wake her daughter.Amy shakily holds her sisters hand and cries .A hand is placed on Daniels shoulder , he turns to see Silas a tear or two drops from his eyes.Daniel embraces him in a hug before making his way to Emir who nearly looks lifeless he places his hand on his shoulder but he still remains in his frozen state. Daniel retreats his hand back knowing what his state at the moment is ,he lost the love of his life and his soon to be wife. To lose someone who you truly love means to alter your life forever. The officer who escorted them there looks at all of them with grim expression, it wasn't the first time he was witnessing such a scene , he clears his throat to gain their attention.

" I am truly sorry for your loss , Ms. Moretti was a very dedicated officer ,I know this a difficult time for you all but I would like to inform you about this incident when you guys come out of this reverie, Mr Sergio is informed already" he informs all of them . Emir suddenly gets up and dashes out if the room. Daniel and Silas both give each other a look before Silas grabs Vahide mom and holds her back as she continues to sob and scream. Worrying that her condition could get worse, Daniel calls his friend who is a doctor to come. His friend soon arrives and sedates Vahide . Silas scoops her up before glancing at Ayla and wents to take Vahide home ,Daniel helps him placing Vahide mom in the backseat of the car and nods, as Silas drives away. Daniel makes his way back , the lady at the front desk informed him that Officer kevin wants to meet them Daniel nods at her and went back to the room. Amy wasn't crying anymore but her eyes were red and puffy . He gently shooks her.

"Amy..." He trails off not knowing what to say exactly at the moment.

"D-daniel she left me ,she left us after p-promising to return " with that she breaks down while daniel hugs her ,his own tears begging release as he saw her friends face realizing that he will never see her smiling or mocking him , that friendly eyes of her that didn't judged them when they were in school. The only person who befriended silas and him without listening to others.

" I know it's hard , damn hard but Amy you have to stay strong for what has to come and if for nothing but for Vahide mom ,she needs you" She continues to sob but Daniel knows that they need to get out of here if they want to know what happened to Ayla.

"Tesoro let's go ,officer Kevin is waiting for us". Daniel informs her ,Amy looks at him with her tear stained face that breaks his heart .

"I can't leave her alone " she whispers

"Tesoro we need to learn about the incident" Daniel states grabbing her shoulder .Amy shakes her head as she glances at her elder sister . She leans forward and places a kiss on her hand and brushes her hair lovingly before reluctantly making her way towards the door . Daniel turns to her lifeless body and takes a deep sigh as a single tear drop from his eyes.

" You deserved so much my friend"he continues wiping his tear "but I hope you are in a better place" he says as he shakily places a kiss on her forehead before covering her face with the white sheet .