Amy was holding Daniel's hand as they were sitting in front of officer Kevin's desk, Amy was looking straight with pain etched on her face while daniel had his usual stoic face on.Kevin was looking at them with his usual grim expression but after a while he starts to speak

" Two years ago when you passed your bar exam and joined this organization , you were given a case of Neil Gonsalez , do you remember" Amy's expression suddenly hardened remembering the hateful memories that came along with her success ,Daniel looked at Amy and reading her expressions he could certainly tell that whatever that case was ,it surely had a negative effect on her mind and life . Amy nonetheless nodded and Kevin continued

" It was a very difficult and dangerous case but you still fought it and Ayla helped you alot in this and finally Neil was sentenced for 40 years in prison."He looked at Amy and then continued " Neil belonged to a powerful russian family who have their hands in mafia and if you remember he had a older brother Vladimir Gonsalez who tried to get a hold on you but you turned him down several times and also put some of his enforcers in prison." Amy narrowed her eyes , the memories slowly taking their place in her mind .How that bastard tried to get close to her and how she slapped him and fought all the way to bring his mafia down but she only succeeded to a certain limit as he cunningly vanished somewhere wiping away all the evidences about him.

" What does it have to do with this incident" Amy asked being confused. Kevin took a long glance at both of them and with all seriousness stated

" He didn't forget his insult and wanted to take revenge . He was keeping tabs on you but we got a track of his location and when Ayla got to know this and remembering his history with you ,she decided to go on this mission to end this matter for once and for all but one of his men got a hold on her and the next thing we know is that some of the other officers found her dead body near his location with a note saying that 'this happens when you mess with a Gonsalez' placed in her hand." Daniel eyes widen hearing this piece of information while Amy gasps and closes her eyes for a minute grabbing Daniels hand tightly .

" So , he wanted to kill me but Ayla got stuck in his clutches" although Amy tried to sound stable but her trembling lips clearly indicated that how much hurt and terrified she was .

"Apparently, yes " kevin replied eyeing her state cautiously.

" Do you have any proof ,about him" she queried.At this the officer sighed

"No, we don't have any proof yet but we will surely find it out soon , very soon." Daniel side hugged Amy as her face paled .

"Is there any apparent danger " Daniel voiced his thoughts, he was horrified listening to this and he couldn't let anything happen to Amy.

" Not right now Mr.Saritas ,we are keeping close eyes on him and his moves and we will inform you guys if there is any trouble but right now I will suggest you guys to go home, we can discuss this later " he retorts looking at Amy who was sickly pale with tears on the brim of her eyes. Daniel nods at him replying

" Thanks ,we will be leaving now." As he stood holding Amy closer as she was in no state to be left alone . Kevin also stood from his seat

"I understand your state Ms.Moretti ,my condolences for you and your family " Amy simply nods and begins to leave with Daniel who leads her to his car,her mind blank ,not even able to think about a certain thing as she further pressed herself into Daniel's chest snuggling in the warmth that it provided as everything around her suddenly turned cold.

The black escalades slowly ride on the road navigating them to cemetery . It's been two days since Ayla died and today was her funeral. The car slows down and everyone gets out of their cars and trucks . Daniel took a deep breath before sliding out of his car , his driver and bodyguard Lance opens an umbrella for him as slow rain droplets hit his skin . He takes the umbrella from his hand and follows Silas and other family members,his grip tightening on umbrella as he walks through the grass .Silas and Daniel stand next to Amy and Vahide mom facing the jet black casket . Tears running from both Amy's and Vahide's face .Daniel stands there drowning out everything as he refuses to believe that this was real . Emir stands on the opposite side looking down at the casket where her fiance laid , no one there could understand his misery as he looked at the face of his once soon to be wife . Daniel remembered the time when silas used to get into fights she would break it up and when people bullied and abused him Ayla would bring ice pack for whatever was hurting and tell him " We are fighters daniel" and here she laid peacefully without her friendly smile in her coffin . He took another minute to look at her reminiscing the days when she used to be their childhood friend. There was a moment of silence as everyone watches one another share their last goodbye with Ayla , she was also given a honorary funeral by National investigation bureau. The casket closes shut and men takes it away . A scream pierces through the cemetery as everyone watches the casket lower into the ground . Daniel's head find the culprit of the scream . VAHIDE MORETTI , Amy and silas holds her close to them as she tries to fight and break away .

" My baby! Oh God please!" She shouts and pleads through her tears , silas finally scoops her up and takes her to one of many cars. Daniel heavily sighs and looks at Mrs.Sergio who was holding on to Emir as if he would break into a million pieces , he tears his eyes away from everyone to Amy , her tear stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes gave her a stormy look . Out of everyone even Vahide she took it hardest blaming herself for Ayla's death continuously . No matter what everyone said she hasn't changed her mind on it.

" Let's go" Daniel says holding her hand gently leading her to his car where Lance stood. Daniel gave the service one last look , glancing at all the people slowly leaving before he slides in the car .