It doesn't take them long before they reach Moretti residence. As they get out Amy already rushes inside. The house was quiet as Daniel went in , everyone there was deeply engrossed in their own world. After a while Amy stands up from her seat

" This is all your fault, you knew the dangers lurking around in this mission but still you let her go there ." Amy all but yells at Emir who looked dumbfounded for a moment before an angry expression makes his way on his face . He abruptly stoods

"How dare you blame me like this when this all happened because of you." Emir also yells with tears welling his eyes. " It was your war , because you never listen to anyone. Look because of your loud mouth Ayla is not with us anymore." Amy scoffs and strides forward towards him

" If you knew all of this , then you could have told me about this earlier , so that I could think of a plan or something but no you choosed to sit here like a dimwit and let my sister get murdered by that monster" Amy shouted pointing her finger towards his chest .Vahide also stood

" Amy stop it right know , this is not the time and place to play blame game." Vahide mom says in her hoarse voice .

" Why are you saying anything to her ,did she listened to you and Ayla before . No,because she likes to do everything on her own ."Emir mocked

" Emir , I know you are hurt but this not the way to react " Daniel urges as Vahide clutched her chest , silas grabs her before she can fall .

" Whatever happened is not to be blamed on anyone, so please settle yourself down Emir" Daniel urges again and moves forward to hold Amy's hand but she yanks it away ready to fight again but Mr Sergio beats her to that.

" Enough, no need to create a scene here " He says grabbing his son's arm .

" Emir son , please let's go " his mother says concerned. He glances one more time at Amy hatefully and rushes out , his parents nod and smile sadly before following him . Daniel holds and turns Amy around .

"Tesoro calm your senses down , blaming it on Emir won't bring Ayla back" he tries to get some sense into her mind but before she could retort back Vahide starts panting clutching her chest tightly .

"Vahide mom " silas whisper yells holding her closely. Daniel and Amy dashes towards her

" Daniel I think she is having a stroke or something" silas panically informs. Amy gasp before holding her mother's hand

" No ,this can't be happening now" she sobs . Daniel scoops her up and ran towards his car . Lance analysing the situation rushes to open the door and then gets into the driver seat , driving to hospital with Silas following behind in his car.

As they reach hospital , daniel immediately opens his door and rans out to call the staff. Seconds later a doctor and nurse came out pushing one of those beds that move . Silas places her on the bed as they wheeled her into ER. They all waited outside as Silas sat holding Amy who was going to faint any moment . After what seemed like forever the doctor came out with a nurse behind holding a clipboard .Amy rushed to him

"Doctor , is my mom okay , please tell me " She begs practically. The doctor sighs and with a sad expression replies

" Mrs Moretti had a heart attack,for a moment she nearly flatlined but we were able to revive her " he then glances at the trio who have a panicked expression on their face before continuing " Due to the stress and trauma we had to put her in a medically induced coma ." The doctor informs

" Coma .." Amy gasps covering her mouth with her hand .

" For how long doctor." Silas asked patting Amy on her back .

" It can take two weeks to a month depending upon how soon her brain recovers from trauma but you guys should hope for the best." The doctor states and leaves giving them all a sympathetic look . Daniel let's out a frustrated sigh ,first ayla and then Vahide mom . Can this get any worse ? He questions himself as he runs his fingers in his hair . He looks to the side where silas is seated with Amy trying to soothe her as she cries . He also took a seat beside them not knowing what to do or even expect . A moment later silas phone rangs, he slowly stands and walks away to answer. Daniel gently brings Amy close to him

" Tesoro stop crying, you will soon become ill like this " Daniel says looking into her hazel pools which looked dull and tired at the moment.

"What did I ever do to deserve this Daniel, first my sister got killed because of me and now mom is in coma. I c-cant lose her too ." She cries out. Daniel gently rubs her back

" Tesoro, you didn't killed Ayla , she loved you and that's why she preferred you over her. You need to be strong , Vahide mom will be alright and healthy once again ." Daniel says drawing small circles on her back . " Tesoro if I could ,I would take any pain you have . I would take all of it , so that you can be at peace for rest of your life " Amy stared at him with heavy eyelids as exhaustion takes over her body . She sighs before hugging him and placing her head on his shoulder . Daniel wraps his arms around her snuggly as she buries her face in his shoulder . She smelt like vanilla and Daniel loved the way she smelled, it was his favourite scent , he gently placed a kiss on head taking in the scent of her hair which immediately made him relax . Silas returns after a few minutes looking drained so Daniel send him home to take some rest and come back in the morning. He knew sleep is not really much part of his life so he decided to stay at hospital. He looked at Amy who was still leaning on his shoulder asleep. He gently wiped the tears of her face and slightly smiled.

" I love you tesoro , more than you will ever know."