Vahide was sitting on the couch,face-timing some of her relatives while Amy was talking to the wedding organiser checking the last minute details about the menu and cake. As soon as she was done discussing, Noami came to her.

"Amy I found it at door, it has your name on it," Naomi said handing her a manilla envelope. Amy eyed it with a frown,

'Who will send me something like that ' she thought before taking it from her hands.

"I will look at it, thanks Naomi," she said dismissing her and sitting on the nearby couch. She tore the envelope which contained a paper neatly folded addressed to her.

Dear Amy,

I didn't mean to do it this way but you left me with no option, I know what I am going to say will hurt you but I can't pretend anymore. I don't love you, Amy, I never did the way a lover should and I can't marry you. You may not see it now but our relationship was hollow and hard around the edges, I could not make up my mind to get tied in such a relationship no matter how much I try and I hope you realize it soon. There's nothing wrong with you Amy but you need to open your eyes and see what true love is and maybe you find it near you soon before it's too late. I am going away Amy for some while to give both of us time, please don't wait for me and know that this is the best for us. I hope you will forgive me, I am sorry.

Silas A.

Just like that, her heart crumbled away, the paper falling from her hands as tears blinded her vision. She could hear her mom calling her as Naomi held her body from falling. She could see through her peripheral vision Vahide reading the letter and gasping, but her body was numb at the moment not even being able to react. Tears after tears fell from her eyes as vahide held her close sobbing. She couldn't believe that after all these ears he left her just with a note.

"Amy my child breathe, there must be a misunderstanding" Vahide cooed while her own heart started to beat rapidly. Deep down Amy wanted it to be a misunderstanding but she knew it wasn't, he left him just three days before their wedding. No matter how cheerful Silas was he would never say something like this as a joke. She wanted to scream and cry, her heart was burning. Abruptly standing from the couch she dashed to her car, vahide following her.

"Amy where are you going, please wait my child," Vahide said tearfully trying to stop her daughter. Amy harshly wiped her tears away.

"Mom, please I want to be alone for some time." She pleaded while opening the door of her car but vahide put her hands on it.

"Amy you are not okay, I won't let you leave like this" Amy removed her hands gently from the door, her senses going numb, an unidentified storm building in her waiting to be unrolled.

"Mom just please," she begged shortly before sliding in her car and speeding away.

Entering her workplace, Amy saw Talia reading some files but as soon as her gaze settled on Amy, her face morphed into confusion and worry.


"Talia I want to be alone in my office so please don't disturb me with anything," Amy retorted not giving her a second glance and entered her office locking it. She slammed the letter on her desk, the vibration shook the whole wooden desk causing the pictures beside her computer to move from their place. Reaching out she gently took a hold of the first picture frame that was taken on one of their many dates. She gripped it tightly before smashing it on the floor.

"LIARRR" she yelled furiously. Rage was mixed with hurt as she grabbed the table lamp and threw it across the room. It clashed with the wall before breaking into pieces just like her life at the moment.

'Why all these things happen to me'

'Wasn't I enough for him '

"God please don't let this happen to me, first Ayla and then Silas' she cried silently before slumping on the couch holding her head and almost yanking her hair with the tight grip. He vanished like thin air leaving her hurt and curious not giving her enough reason to believe why he did such a thing. Sure there were ups and downs in their relationship and mostly there were downs but despite everything, she was willing to try and make it work. Was it too much to ask?. Her mind was in haywire as she thought about what was to come after this. While driving to her office, she tried to ring Silas that maybe he will answer her properly or at least this all could be avoided but his phone was switched off confirming everything he said in that letter. She tried to wipe her tears but it was of no use as her eyes became a stream of water. She cried and cried until her throat gave up. She didn't even have the account of the time that she had been sitting on the couch. Her phone started to ring and Kevin's name flashed on the screen, she tried to ignore it for the first few minutes but then it started to get on her nerves, eventually, she gave up and picked the call.

" Amy," he greets in his gruff voice.

"K-Kevin " she tries to speak but her voice comes as a whimper because of how dry her throat was.

"Amy are you okay ?" Kevin asked noticing the change in her voice.

"Y-yes just feeling under the weather, can I call you later" Amy whispers despite clearing her throat.

"Amy I won't be disturbing you but it's in your favour" Kevin states perking her ears although she didn't want to listen to him.

"Continue" she mumbles half-heartedly.

"I worked on this matter of yours and found a loophole that would make you the one to fight this case" Kevin informed. Amy slightly raised herself from the backrest

"What is it," she asked eagerly.

"You have to get married!