"You have to get married"

A humourless laugh escaped past Amy's lips, how ironic she thought.

"Can I ask why?" she responds stretching her sore shoulders

"Well in some way it will make them think you are taking a responsible role in your life and you are no longer a single careless girl," Kevin informs.

'What a timing 'amy scoffed

"It's Absurd!, what does it have to do with fighting this case" Amy replied the dryness in her throat making her voice come out above a whisper.

"I know it seems absurd but most of the officials are older people and have their thinking and." He trails off deliberately.

"And what"

"You need to get married to someone influential and powerful," Kevin stated directly. Her reddened eyes open wide hearing those words

"Kevin are you even listening to yourself, first you give this stupid advice to get married and now to some influential person. What do you consider me as?" She said furiously not even caring about her throat.

"I know but that's the only way I could find." He reasoned being aware of the fact that this thing was not straight and easy.

"Oh wow! If for a moment I consider this proposition of yours, you think that there will be an influential person waiting outside my office ready to marry me" Amy retorted in disbelief. There was silence on the other end for a moment before Kevin uttered

"Actually! You have someone" he said in a cautious tone raising Amy's anxiousness.

"Who?" Amy asked curiously thinking for a moment of anyone that could be related but there was no one.

"The man who came with you to my office, Daniel Saritas," for a moment Amy thought she heard wrong but when there was no response from the other side she practically yelled raising herself from the couch.

"What" her throat ached from the impact of her pitch but she could care less at the moment.

"Calm down and listen to me, Amy, you know that he is a very influential man. At such a young age he is a multi-billionaire, he is known as ruthless and strong in the business world, he even has ties in Government. Not to forget his company alone runs a two fourth of our country's economy. Everyone admires his work and passion, especially youth," Kevin explains

"Don't you think I know all this but he is my best friend and I can't marry him especially not for some influence or something because that will be like using him," she retorted rubbing her forehead.

"I am sorry Amy but the choice is your's in the end. I gave you way now you decide to either walk on it or not. Goodbye." With that, he ended the call leaving her in the biggest turmoil of her life. Amy slumped on the sofa throwing her head in her hands,

'What did I ever do to deserve this life'

'Why just have everything has to happen now.

Tears again started to pool in her eyes. As endless scenarios flooded her mind. But she knew she had to decide because she wasn't the only one who had to suffer the consequences. Halting the marriage will earn her family disgrace when the people will know that the groom dumped her days before the wedding. Vahide was in no state to bear that considering she was still recovering. Amy's heart palpitates thinking about her mother but marrying Daniel, the person who she always considered her best friend and on top of that marrying him for influence.

'It's insane, I don't love him that way and marrying him just for my own sake will break the trust we have ' her heart yelled but on the other hand, her mind was also reasoning with her.

'Do you seriously care about anything now when life has deceived you the person you loved deceived you? The only thing that you should care about is your mother and your stature Amy '

"Just stop it" she cried getting frustrated, too many things were occupying her mind not letting her breathe properly.

"I can't do this" she whispered but then the bruised and dead face of Ayla came before her eyes, her mother's pale body attached machines lying on a hospital bed crossed her mind along with a voice in the back of her mind

'What he doesn't know won't hurt him.'

Shaking her head she stands before placing her hands on her waist. After few minutes a decision finally forms in her mind egging to be rolled out. Harshly wiping her tears away she grabs her phone before heading out of her office ready to roll out this decision of hers.

"I don't give a damn about how much it cost or for the lengths you have to go! just find him dammit!"

With that, he slammed his phone down the receiver with a loud bang that resonated throughout his quiet as death office. He still couldn't believe that despite owning the number one technology company in the country and having the best private investigator under his arms he still couldn't locate Silas. Daniel leaned back in his chair, the muscles of his neck aching being in front of a computer for hours. Rubbing the back of his neck, he looks at the stack of files on his desk. Just as he was about to starting working, his cell phone went off and without glancing at the screen he picked the call.

"Daniel Saritas," he said in his stoic voice.

"Daniel son, " Vahide's freaked voice came.

"Vahide mom what happened? " he asked in an equally worried tone.

"Silas left Daniel." She sobbed. Daniel's heart palpitates, he knew that this situation will arrive soon.

"What do you mean Vahide mom," he asked pretending.

"There was a letter from him today stating he didn't love Amy and was leaving for good. Oh God! What's gonna happen now?"

"Vahide mom please don't cry and where is Amy?" He asked worriedly as he stood from his chair

"She left after reading that letter saying she wanted to be alone".

"I will go check on her." He responded shrugging his blazer.

"Don't go now Daniel, Talia informed me that she is in her office, leave her alone for now," Vahide muttered.

"There must be a reason for Silas to behave like this, don't worry I will figure it out soon vahide mom." Daniel tried to reassure her.

"Please do something about it, Daniel, I can't see my child in such a devastating situation," vahide responded.

"Calm yourself Vahide mom, I will do whatever I can, just please think about your health please!" Daniel worriedly says. Vahide disconnected the call after a while hearing some soothing and assuring words from Daniel. Just as he placed his phone on the desk, his office door burst open revealing a dishevelled Amy and Ashton behind her.