It would be an understatement of the decade if it was to say that Daniel was shocked when Amy asked him to marry her. It was such a bittersweet thing for him. Had it been a situation where she truly loved him and then he would have instantly agreed. He didn't want to do this to Silas without having any closure, he didn't want to take advantage of such a situation but then he made it clear in that letter that he didn't love her and if he loved her then he would be here right now. But most importantly, Amy didn't love him that way. The moment she asked to marry him, Daniel could saw several emotions in her eyes but he couldn't figure it why there was guilt when she glanced at him while leaving the office. He felt that she was being strong from the outside but broken inside. But he promised to give her the world, so he had to agree on it for her sake and not to forget Vahide mom. Daniel's love for Amy was so strong that he was even willing to become her substitute groom but he didn't care as long as Amy was happy. He could agree that his love for her made him helpless. The days soon followed closely after that with Amy telling this whole thing to Vahide, she didn't agree at first but when Daniel talked to her and realising how sensitive the situation was she somehow agreed.

It came as a shock to the world that Daniel Saritas the most sought after billionaire bachelor was getting married out of a sudden. It was to such a point that media and reporters hounded him every time he entered or left his office. A group of reporters were always outside his office during the day, rumours started spreading that Amy was pregnant and that's why they were getting married suddenly and some of his employees even start gossiping that they already had doubts about them. But one look from Daniel and they were off to work without even glancing at him a second time. To get rid of the situation Daniel had to call his security team and a bunch of bodyguards surrounded him when going somewhere till the media tension died down. Amy had to stay at her house to avoid paparazzi but Daniel made sure she got everything needed at home. As for Silas, Daniel still didn't give up on him trying to find him but all in vain. He must have heard about their wedding but still, there was no sign of him proving he had no interest in this marriage. Nadia was avoiding Daniel like a plague, not that he talked to her either. He was still his usual cold self with her.

The wedding arrangements were already done by Vahide and Daniel himself hired the best wedding planner to arrange their reception, it was hectic but Daniel kept a strong follow-up to ensure everything was perfect. He bought wedding bands for them since Amy took the least interest in wedding which was expected from her. The bands were simple yet elegantly designed,Daniels band was slightly bigger than Amy's. The one for Amy was with diamonds beaded, having their initials D&Aengraved on the inner side. The same was with Daniel but silver colour, simply having Amy's name.' Maybe destiny wanted to give us a chance' he thought while ordering those rings. It was on short notice but who would want to refuse Daniel Saritas.

Right now Daniel was standing in front of the mirror gazing up at his attire wearing a black designer tuxedo with a cream colour brooch, he sprays his cologne Chanel Extrait on his collar and wrists.He couldn't help but frown looking in the mirror.

'Is this the right thing' he asked himself.

He was solely doing this for Amy but then there was this other feeling which alarmed him that his life was going to take a 360° turn after this marriage.

"Master! You look so handsome!" Martha snapped him out of his never-ending questioning state.

" Do I? Daniel asks fixing his buttons.

"Yes, Master! I am sure every woman at the wedding will be jealous of Mrs Saritas" Daniel chuckles lightly before smiling her way and glancing at the silver rolex on his wrist. It was almost time.

"Let's go, Martha, we will be late otherwise." Martha nods at him before stepping out of the room. Since he had no one as the immediate family he invited Martha and Ashton as his family. He missed Silas at the moment but then again he wouldn't be here if Silas was present today. Stealing one last glance at himself he made his way out.

Daniel waited nervously in the hall, everything was pastel themed the way Amy liked it. Aunt Kyla and Nadia were also sitting among the guests, Nadia avoided him when he shot her a cold glare while Aunt Kyla beamed at him oblivious to everything. Sergios were also in attendance, he didn't expect Emir to come considering it would make him remember his wedding ,bringing heartache to him but he congratulated him. But Daniel didn't miss the pain that flashed in his eyes making him remember Ayla. He smiled sadly remembering his sister like friend. He realized that Emir only came , out of respect he had for Vahide. Many people congratulated him, many of Amy's relatives were confused because they always thought Silas to be in his place. How he wished that Silas was here at the moment.

'Thousand years by Christina Perri ' starts playing as his head snapped towards the entrance where Amy was walking down the path holding Vahide's hand tightly as if she would vanish. Vahide smiled at every single guest and slightly nodded at Emir who in return simpered. Amy's eyes glanced down at the floor she was walking , wanting to be anywhere but this place. For a moment she wanted to run, run from every single thing  ruling her life. But she couldn't not when she had a chance to make her mother happy and provide justice to her dead sister.