Daniel couldn't help but rake his eyes upon the beauty that walked towards him. Her enchanting face, her curves, down glanced eyes and not to forget how tightly she holded her mother's hand. Vahide gently let go of her hand and placed it in Daniel's large ones before placing a soft kiss on her forehead and sitting in the front row. Daniel helped her to walk up the stage and sit beside her on the chair facing the officiant. The officiant started the ceremony with the prayers and then addressed them. All the while Amy kept her gaze lower at the floor like it was the most interesting thing at the moment.

"Do you Daniel Saritas accept Amy Moretti as your lawful wife?" the officiant asked.

"I do " Daniel rushed with a hurricane of emotions in his mind. The officiant asks further two times and he replies in agreement. He then turns to Amy,

"Do you Amy Moretti accept Daniel Saritas to be your lawful husband?" He asks but there was silence as Amy continue to sit still and gaze at the floor. Whispers started to fill in the hall.

"Do you?" The officiant asked again, this time vahide worriedly looked at her daughter. Daniel cleared his throat and lightly shook her arm, pulling her out of the reverie. She closed her glossy eyes before saying in a surrendered manner.

"I do " her voice was barely above a whisper. Daniel took a sigh of relief but felt sad at the same time looking at her glossy eyes. The officiant asked to exchange the rings and they obliged , Ashton handed him the ring while Vahide did the same to Amy who half-heartedly took it from her hands.

"Ladies and Gentlemen may I present to you Mr and Mrs Saritas!" The officiant announced and with that, the crowd cheered for them and waited for the traditional kiss. Daniel gulped glancing at Amy who looked frozen remembering the kiss. He slowly lifted his veil as she looked at him with an emotionless face. Taking a deep breath, Daniel lightly kissed her forehead. Everyone awed and clapped for the newly wedded couple. Resting his hand on her waist, he walked down the stage with Amy as people congratulated them and media reporters took their pictures. He took a glance at Amy who was forcing a fake smile for the world. After all the pictures they walked to his black range rover velar for the reception venue, with an SUV of his bodyguards behind. All the while during drive Daniel couldn't help but glance at Amy whose eyes were shut.

'She must be tired ' he thought. Amy hadn't spoken to him in these three days even though he texted and called her many times but she never replied. But he couldn't complain with all the drama going on in their lives, she must need some time to herself, especially after this whole wedding fiasco which she didn't wanted, not with him at least. Daniel gazed at her face observing every detail. The strands falling from her updo on her face adding an alluring touch, her face still looking hard yet in comfort. The car came to  halt soon as Lance announced that they reached the venue,Amy opened her eyes immediately. Daniel came out of the car first, opening the door for her and offering a hand which she took reluctantly as they both walked in.

The reception went well, congratulations from the guests, some teasing, advice followed by laughter. Although Daniel did smile genuinely for a bit Amy showed everyone her fake smile. Vahide was also happy seeing her daughter getting married to someone who she knew would fight the world for her but still, her eyes tried to find Ayla among everyone. Though she kept herself strong for the event.

"Can I talk with you, Daniel?" Vahide asked gently and Daniel obliged.

"Look, Daniel, I know you both didn't get married in the best of circumstances but I just want you to be patient with her and time. She has gone through enough as you can see but I know how much you love her son." Vahide advised gently patting his shoulder.

"You don't need to worry about her vahide mom I will take care of her with my life," he said with utmost sincerity kissing her cheek.

"And about her stubbornness, she has got a man that can handle her now!" Daniel added as Vahide chuckled.

"Thanks, Daniel, if you wouldn't have agreed..."

"It's in the past now Vahide mom we should look forward to the future," Daniel said slightly smiling.

Soon, it was time for them to leave as everyone bid their goodbyes.

"Mom, will you be okay?" Amy asked with concern.

"I will not be alone Amy, Naomi is with me and Selma will also come to accompany me for some days. You just focus on your new life and be happy." She apprised hugging her daughter tightly as a single tear escaped her eye. Amy reluctantly lets go of her and gets seated in the car with Daniel. As soon as the car started she turned her face towards the window not even sparing Daniel a glance. Sighing Daniel decided to read some emails.

The black gates of his house opened as the car drove through the driveway and stopped in front of the white main doors. Daniel helped Amy out of the car with her dress. The house was quiet as usual as they entered. Daniel made Martha and other staff retire for the day. Amy silently observed the mansion, it was bigger than her own house. Everything in the house was modern and sophisticated. Looking around she found that the house mainly consisted of black, beige and white colours the glass windows and doors didn't go unnoticed by her. She had been to this house only twice that was before she got busy in some high-end cases during the start of her career. Daniel touches her arm but she flinches away making him look at her.

"Tesoro, do you want something?" He asked cautiously.

"No, I am fine." She replied in a clipped tone looking around.

"You want to see the house?" He asked hopefully glancing her way, but she shakes her head hugging her body.

"I am tired, can you show me my room?" She asked. Daniel nodded and went ahead.

"Sure, follow me". After taking the flight of stairs he reached outside a door, opening the door Daniel swerves to the side to let her in.

"This is your room, your things have been placed in the closet and if you need anything please tell me or Martha," Daniel said with a smile.

"No, it's fine!" She replied curtly before making her way to the dresser. Daniel stands there awkwardly before saying.

"Okay then get comfortable and sleep. Good night tesoro!" He says softly before making his way out and closing the door.