Sitting by the poolside, Daniel was thinking how his life took a 360° turn. A few days back he was suffering from the hurt by the news of Amy and Silas marriage and here he was married to her although in the circumstances he never wanted still she was her wife. He gazed at his wedding ring slightly smiling. Was this happening in reality?

"Good morning master!" Martha greeted  while Daniel nodded.

"Breakfast is ready Master, would you like me to call Madam," She asked politely.

"No, I will go bring her myself." He said rising from his position.

"Did you prepare the breakfast, I asked you?" Daniel asked.

"Yes! Master everything was made according to madam's choice."

"Good! We will join soon." He replies before heading inside just as he was about to climb the stairs he saw Amy coming down wearing black dress pants with a black shirt and blazer, hairs neatly in a ponytail, overall giving a professional look.

"Good Morning tesoro! I was coming to get you for breakfast." He says looking at her attire perplexed.

"Morning Daniel, sorry but I can't join you for breakfast. I am leaving for work, maybe eat something on the way." She replied checking something in her purse. Daniel raised his brows.

"You are going to work?" He questioned.

"Yes, I have been away for like three months, it's better if I get back as soon as possible." She replied looking at him.

Daniel smile slightly." Yeah I understand but don't you think it's early for you to return"

Amy squinted her eyes " Early as in?"

"As in we got married yesterday, I thought.."

" Daniel let me explain some things" Amy interrupted rudely.

"I know what you did for me was truly kind of you but please don't rub it in my face that you did a favour. Secondly, we only got married for the world, not for ourselves so don't expect me to act like your wife. I am not obligated to you and you are not to me, so let's be the way we were before having our own paths." It was like someone jolted him awake from his slumber. He just stood there frozen. At the moment she completely looked like a stranger to him. Awkwardly clearing his thought he responded.

"Tesoro, I won't force you for anything because I know this marriage means nothing to you. We will continue to be best friends like before." He says stepping closer but Amy steps away.

"Good ,I will see you later." And with that, she heads out leaving him with his thoughts. Daniel scoffs at himself.

'Seriously what were you thinking that she will openly accept this relationship ' his subconscious said. Daniel didn't know for how long he stood there looking at the door. He wasn't expecting such cold behaviour from Amy. There was a sense of hostility coming from her.

' Why do I see her becoming distant'

' I just hope that this marriage doesn't affect our friendship' Daniel thought hopefully before walking to the dining room where Martha was placing the napkins, she smiles at first but then frowns seeing him alone.

"Isn't madam coming?" She asked. Daniel shakes his head.

"No, she had some work to do, can you please bring my coffee," Daniel asked taking his seat. She thankfully nods and leaves to bring his coffee. He lost his appetite hearing Amy's words although they were true, but more cold than intended. But he didn't want to waste Martha's hard work so he sat there silently eating some of Amy's favourite croissants with whatever appetite he had left.

After breakfast, he decided to work from home. Engrossed in his work, it was soon noon. His mind was tempted to call Amy but he dismissed the idea, wanting to give her some space. With Silas absence, Daniel had to take his position as well adding more burden to his already hectic schedule. He continued to work until it was seven in the evening, signing the last file he made his way to the living room.

'Amy should be home at this time ' he whispered to himself looking at the front door. Martha also came asking for dinner but he asked her to place it in the given and leave. He wanted to at least have dinner with her. It wasn't until nine when he heard a car pulling in the driveway. He replied to the last email before placing his laptop on the coffee table, the same time Amy entered inside looking entirely exhausted.

"Tesoro, how was your day?" He asked gently.

"Work here and there, that's all." She replied taking a seat on the sofa and closing her eyes.

"It must be tiring, go take a shower I will heat dinner for both of us." He said making his way to the kitchen only to stop in his tracks when he heard Amy's voice.

"No need I already ate something." She muttered eyes still closed. Daniel felt dejected at the moment.

"Oh! No problem want something else like coffee or..."

"Daniel! If I want something I will make it myself, I am not a child so stop pampering me." Amy retorted picking up her stuff and stomping upstairs. Leaving a little bit shocked Daniel behind.

"She must be tired badly," he whispered to himself before making his way to the kitchen. He placed the dinner neatly in the fridge and grabbed a carton of milk. Heating it slightly he took some twinkies from the cupboard.

' Maybe this will lighten her mood.' With that thing in mind, he went to Amy's room and knocked gently before opening it with one hand. She wasn't in the room

'Maybe in the bath', Daniel thought placing the warm glass of milk and twinkies on her nightstand. Just like his thought, she came out of the bath dressed in her pyjamas with slightly damp hair. Amy startled for a minute seeing him. Daniel's gaze traveled to her body before he realizes what he is doing. Clearing his throat he gestures towards the nightstand.

"I just came to give you this," he said. Amy glances at it before looking away drying her hair with the towel. Getting no response from her Daniel walks out not before saying.

" Tesoro, I love caring for you just like I did and I will always do the same." He smiles before closing the door.