Getting up, as usual, Daniel did his workout and then got ready for the office, what was the point in staying at home. By the time he went to the kitchen for breakfast, Amy was already done.

"Good morning tesoro," Daniel says in a soft tone, to which she nods and starts to gather her things. Daniel looks at her.

"Let me drop you at the office today," he offers

" No, your driver brought my car yesterday, so I can go myself." She replied

"Bye" and just like a flash she dashed outside not even caring for his reply. Something was wrong with her Daniel could feel. This wasn't how Amy behaved with him no matter what. Maybe he should give her some time. Drinking a cup of coffee, Daniel left for his work.

When he reached his office, everyone looked at him like he was from another world. Who would expect a person to return to work two days after his marriage? Ignoring their stares, Daniel reaches his floor even Ashton was surprised to see him but still greeted him.

"Ashton bring my schedule" Daniel demands shrugging his coat on the hanger and taking his seat.

'Let's get this day started' he says to himself.

By the time he reached home, it was seven in the evening. He wouldn't bother to come back but now he had a reason and it was Amy. He decided to head straight to her room to greet her but there was no one inside. He then tried to call her but she never answered. Worry started to settle in his heart but he decided to wait for a little. ' Maybe she went to visit Vahide mom'

It was around 11 in the night when she showed up. Daniel who was pacing around the living room halted and stared at her.

"Tesoro, where we're you? I was worried sick about you!"He exclaimed rushing to her side. But Amy rolled her eyes before settling on the sofa and taking off her sandals.

"You know where I would be and as for your phone calls I was really busy,"

"It's eleven tesoro, you never worked this late before," Daniel couldn't help but ask seeing her exhausted self.

"I have started to work on Ayla's case," she replies in a hushed voice. Daniel's eyes widened

"What! Tesoro, you know how dangerous it could be," all the irrational things flooding in his mind. He takes a seat beside her but in return, Amy glared at him.

"So just like others, you want me to sit around while that bastard roams freely anywhere without getting any charge." She huffed. Daniel takes her hands in his ,warming them.

"You should have talked to me about it, I would hire someone for your security, he is a dangerous man tesoro, What he did to Ayla, I don't want that to happen to you," He mumbled the last part softly rubbing his thumbs over her knuckles but Amy's expressions remain irritated. She yanks her hands away making him look at her baffled for such an expression.

"There is nothing to worry about, the investigation team is taking care of that matter besides I have Kevin with me" She retorts standing up.

"It's already late, I am going to sleep," She stomps off without another word. Rubbing his face and sighing, Daniel calls his security team. Although the investigation was behind her still he couldn't let anything happen to her. After discussing everything in detail, he appointed two bodyguards for Amy that will be everywhere with her but in disguise. Because he knows that she will get mad and refuse immediately. After settling down everything he decided to check on Amy, going to her room he finds the door slightly open. Slowly peeking in he saw her figure sprawled on the bed. At the moment she looked so fragile and adorable without any care of the world, her lips slightly parted, just how much he wanted to kiss them. Shaking his thoughts away he gently places the duvet on her body tugging her in before whispering, gazing at her with longing.

"I love you tesoro,"

The next day Daniel woke up sweating early in the morning, the nightmares still hunting him. He was thankful that Amy didn't hear him screaming because he would have no answer to that. Panting, he went to take a shower. After dressing up he made his way downstairs, Martha greets him and places his coffee on the table. He glances around the room in search of Amy,

"She left some minutes ago master," Martha replies to his unspoken question.

"Left already" Daniel knits his brows.

"Yes, she was looking in a hurry!" She said before returning to her work.

'Why did she leave so early, but when did she inform me before,' he thought sadly.

Working in his office, his mind was still focused on Amy although he talked to Neol one of her bodyguards and according to them she was fine and had a meeting at Headquarters. He snapped out of her thoughts, by his cell but he was more surprised to see that it was Amy who called him. He eagerly picked the call.


"Tesoro," he says with happiness in his tone.

"Can you pick me up at 5 from my office?" She uttered.

"Sure, I will be there!" He responded a little surprised.

"That will be good, Mom invited us to dinner but I forget to tell you anyways be on time," she said before dismissing the call. Daniel wiped the screen of his phone as his smile halted a bit, 'she is always in a rush nowadays' Daniel didn't know what to comprehend from this, it was confusing and a little hurtful seeing her dismissive tone and attitude with him. It felt cold being near her contrary to the warmth that radiated from her being and that was what bugged him the most, that she was closing herself from him and the reason was unknown to him.