Later at night, they went to vahide's house. Just as Daniel was about to enter the house Amy intertwined their fingers shocking him but he smiled. Vahide was delightful to see them, it could be seen from her eyes.

"Amy, my child," she hugged her daughter tightly.

"I missed you Mom and I am sorry I couldn't come to see you earlier just got busy at home." Daniel raised a brow at her lie.

"I am feeling over loved here," Daniel said as both of them were still hugging each other. Vahide chuckled before hugging him.

"How is my son! " she asked gently.

"Absolutely, fine and happy!" He somewhat lied seeing the love she held for her daughter.

"Mom, how is your health? You aren't ignoring your diet and medicines right" Amy said sternly, worry lacing her voice.

" Amy stop worrying about me, I went to the doctor yesterday with Selma, he said I am getting healthy!" Relief washed over Amy.

"It's a relief Vahide mom! " Daniel grinned.

"Enough of me, now let's go and have dinner," she said ushering them inside the house. They settle at the table as Naomi served them.

"How's married life?" Vahide asked breaking the comfortable silence. Daniel felt her body stiffen beside him.

"Mom you are asking as we have been married for four years not four days," Amy nervously chuckles before grabbing Daniel's hand and smiled looking directly into his eyes but he could tell that it was fake, confusing him even more.

"Daniel looks after me a lot and I truly think we can give each other a shot." Her eyes begging him to play along.

"Yes, vahide mom we are truly willing to give each other a chance," Daniel said reluctantly,staring at Amy for a moment before turning to Vahide who smiled widely.

" May God bless you both," she said but her eyes settled on Amy's hand.

"Where is your wedding band, Amy," she asked eyeing her bare ring finger.

"Uh, I forget to wear it in rush mom," Amy replied nervously sipping her glass of juice. Daniel wanted to scoff at this statement of her, he never once saw it on her hand since the wedding day.

"You should wear it, it's a sign of your marriage," she reprimanded eating her food.

"Anyway, I am going to start working next month and Selma is also moving in with me for some time since your uncle left for few months."

"That's good Vahide Mom, you will have company here," Daniel muttered joining the conversation.

"Mom, don't stress about work, you need to get healthy first," Amy retorted.

"I talked with my doctor Amy, he permitted me to work but only for few hours at the start so don't worry." Amy turned to Daniel smiling

"What do you say, Daniel," She asked sweetly. Now, this was seriously getting out of hand for him.

"If Vahide mom finds it okay, then she should do it I guess! " he replied quizzically looking at her.

"See even Daniel agrees," Vahide said triumphantly while Amy scowled.

Daniel couldn't help but glance at Amy, the way she acted and lied today. What was that? But shaking his negative thoughts away he continued to eat his dinner while listening to Vahide and Amy. Why get negative about it, isn't one of the reasons for them to get married was for Vahide's sake.


Life had fallen back into the routine for everyone. Daniel did his work like before the only thing different was Amy's behaviour occupied his mind, he was still unable to wrap his mind around her cold behaviour which seemed to get intense with each passing day. Never in his life, he faced such hostility from her. If anything disturbed her, she would most likely come to him, even for the slightest matter. But now she ignored him like a plague, she would leave early and return late at night. On weekends, she would spend most of her time on phone calls or either working on her laptop. Sometimes, she would visit Vahide. The only conversation between them was the formal greetings, at times she would come so late that Daniel had to wait to for her. If it wasn't for Neal and Saim who reported him every single hour he would have gone crazy worrying about her. He tried talking to her but it always resulted in an argument like she was ready to fight with him anytime for no reason. So, he decided to keep his mouth shut but that didn't mean he wasn't worried for her. She was building a shell around her, distancing herself from him. The only times she accompanied him was during social events and behaved like they were happily married but behind closed doors, they were two strangers. This disturbed him the most, what was the need to act in front of everyone. As much as he knows her, she wasn't the one to act. She always remained herself and never tried to act fake.

"That's concluded, I expect everyone to put their best in this project. The meeting is dismissed." Daniel said in his usual manner and nodded at everyone as they left the boardroom. Ashton placed the notes of the meeting on the table before he left. Daniel skimmed through them, once he had the general idea of everything he attached the notes to the file. Sighing he took a sip of what would be his fourth cup of coffee for the day and it wasn't even evening yet.

"Sir, would you like me to get you anything for lunch and please not another cup of coffee," Daniel looked at the sound of Ashton who stood in the doorway, probably ready to leave for a lunch break but Daniel thanked him to which he nodded and left. Daniel stood and stared through the glass window, he observed as most of his employees were laughing with one another while leaving for a lunch break. He wondered for a brief moment,' when he had his last lunch break'

He never went on lunch break, the only times he had was during lunch meetings or when Silas dragged him forcefully. Suddenly his stomach grumbled reminding him that he didn't eat anything since morning. An idea popped into his mind instantly as he looked at his watch and smiled. Grabbing his coat, he walked out of his office to his car where Lance stood before sliding in the car and speeding away to his destination.