The car halted in front of a firm, he stepped out of it carrying a bag of Amy's favourite lasagna, he bought it on the way hoping that she will be happy by this little surprise because no matter what he was determined to make everything normal between them. He made his way inside, everyone stopped their work and eyed his personality. A powerful aura surrounded him but what caught their attention was the looks that made everyone swoon over his Adonis-like figure. Talia also seemed surprised to see him.

"Good Afternoon Mr Saritas!" Talia greeted him

"Good afternoon to you too Talia, Is Amy free at the moment?" He asked giving a tight-lipped smile. Talia stood from her chair.

"Well I figured that out when you came in with those bags ,if you could come this way," she said gesturing for him to follow her. They walked towards her office but reaching outside, Daniel's phone slipped out of his hand and fell on the floor.

"Damn it!" He cursed under his breath gathering the bags in one hand.

"You go and inform her Talia, I am just coming behind." He said bending down to pick his phone. Talia nodded and went ahead. Amy was sitting on her chair with her nose buried in a file, Talia walked towards her.

"Amy" she started

"What it is Talia?" Amy asked still immersed in her file.

"Mr Saritas is here to see you," she informed. Amy looked at her raising her eyebrows.

After checking his phone for any damage, Daniel placed it inside his pocket and went to walk into her office when he heard

"Where is he," Amy questioned. Talia gestured to the door

"He is waiting out....."

"Tell him that I am in a meeting," she said dismissively. Daniel's grip loosened on the knob as heard those words, her words pinched him.

"But.." He could hear Talia protesting.

"Just do as I say! " came her reply in a clipped tone leaving no room for argument. He heard footsteps approaching, quickly composing himself and stepping back pretending to dust his pant. Talia stood in front of him looking nervous.

'Uh Mr Saritas, Amy is currently on an important conference call." She said fidgeting and awkwardly smiling.

"Oh... I see" He managed those words out of his mouth keeping a poker face. He looked at the bag in his hand and forward them to Talia.

"Well give this to Amy when she gets free, it's her favourite," Daniel mumble straightly. Talia took it from his hands.

"Sure Mr Saritas," Daniel nods looking at the closed door behind her before turning around and walking out. Talia looked at his retiring figure with a sympathetic look. Daniel slowly walked towards his car and before Lance could open the door he did it himself before sliding in.

"To the office Lance," he ordered looking at the sky trying to remain calm but a defeated sigh escaped past his lips. He expected her to be a little surprised but never did it occur to him that she would reject his presence.

'Why are you acting like this, tesoro.'


Daniel sat cross-legged on the couch waiting like every other night for Amy to return home. It's been three months since they get married, but he still did the same thing every day just to see her and make little to no acknowledgement of his existence. Never in his life, he thought that he would be waiting for Amy to acknowledge his presence. He was tired of trying to find the reason that disturbed her. He understood that she had a lot of work and on top of that Ayla's case but that doesn't explain her hostility towards him. The sound of the door opening made him look towards it, waiting for her to pass by. Her heels clicking on the tiled floors as she entered the living room and her eyes fell on Daniel, she looked rough and her skin was pale as usual but still, she was the only person in the world who looked alluring to him in any appearance. Daniel begins to walk towards her and stands two steps away.

"You look tired," He says gazing at her face.

"Yeah! today was quite hectic anyways I am going to sleep," she replies.

"Tesoro..." Daniel starts

"Daniel, I am really tired, we will talk later okay," Amy cuts him off walking towards her room. Leaving him behind as usual.

"Your later never comes," he mumbles feeling disappointment course through him. He sits back letting the silence soothe him like every other time. He doesn't understand why he comes home before Amy when he knows that she will act the same with him. But he can't deny that a part of him hopes that she will come out of her shell one day. He once thought about talking to Vahide about it but immediately discarded the thought considering that she just started to get healthy and no matter how hard she tries Ayla's death still has a traumatising effect on her. He missed Silas in these moments. It's been quite a time now and there was still no clue about him, Nadia always says that he will come back eventually. But now when he thought about it he felt nervous about it. What would Amy do when Silas comes back, will she leave him and run back to Silas because even if this marriage meant life to him, for Amy it was just a compromise nothing else. His pulse heightened thinking about the consequences. Whatever he did was to save their friendship because the day this friendship ended, Amy will be far too gone from him and losing Amy was like losing himself. He took a deep breath getting rid of such thoughts before heading to his office, letting the time decide his fate. He was afraid of his destiny, he had made himself tough to the point where he wasn't afraid of anything except losing his tesoro.