My Demon Is The Devil

[Agruing Sound]

I walk slowly towards the voices and I don't see anyone and the arguing stopped all of a sudden. But from behind me my mother walks and says.

"Get dressed for bed Noah dinners almost ready."

I look at her confused and she asks. "What's wrong Noah?"

I tell her nothing and proceed to get dressed for bed and while doing so I was thinking about what just happened. The voices sounded so real and a bit after that my father walks in and says

"anything eventful happens today?."

*Zero's POV*

I asked him if anything was going on and he immediately started tearing up and cried and following that he said.

"I don't know what's wrong with me."

*Noah's POV*

He then asks me " What's going on Noah." With an overall worried expression

He sits next to me and I had told him the entirety of what has happened over the summer and past few weeks. He wasn't nagging me about not telling him like he usually would be. He actually showed some insight into the whole situation at hand.

Later that evening at the dinner table I felt like I was drained of all my energy like someone made me run those many miles.

I poked at my food and my mother notices me and asks me once again what was the matter but was shortly interrupted by my father who said to her I trained all day and is probably tired. So I was sent to bed early this was the most empty I've felt ever. Sometime after dinner, I was laying on my bed still confused as to what I heard earlier blamed it on myself not getting rest during the training session. I then thought to myself.

"I sure hope Karr is OK."

I turn on my side and close my eyes and a brush of cold air shifts past my upper thigh I open my eyes and wonder why did it get cold all of a sudden and I get out of bed and walked over to my bin and put on pants and walk out of my room.

I make my way to the living space and look out the window and notice the bright moon shining over the night. But my stomach drops at the sight of something this something was looking at me and immediately I notice that fear activated my left eye and the figure was there again but this time it wasn't just any figure this figure looked muscular and had horns a tail and fiery eyes.

The figure or better yet monster walked through my walls and as I began to yell the monster threw me into something and I sort of was stuck in mid-air. Something was restricting me from talking and I couldn't move. The monster proceeds to walk to my parent's room but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't make a sound.

The monster's grip let go and I fell to the ground making a loud banging noise on the wooden floor. Someone was yelling and it sounded to be my mother and I ran to her room and my father was holding her and she was screaming holding her stomach. My dad said quickly,

"The baby's coming Noah get a bag and put your mother's clothes in it. I did so and handed them to him and he told me to back up and stay in the house. He activates his magical armor and rings of energy surrounded them and they seem to have teleported out. I've never seen my father use this power before.

Now I was at home alone after the occurrence of my eye being active. That gave me fear and when it activated it drained me again of my energy. But I can't sleep because something can happen if I fall asleep so I stay up in my room sitting on my bed reading a book about chasers. This one covered the ancient spell chasers they use to be the strongest but now they aren't a thing anymore but there are alternatives to them, the magic chasers aren't as strong but they are similar to them.

I can't believe I am going to have a sister this was so sudden and why did they wait to tell me a month before it was being born. Really I should have known my mother's stomach is kind of big like a baby is in her stomach. However, I can't do anything about it though.

About 30 minutes later I began to doze off and it happened consecutively so I eventually gave in and fell asleep.

*The Following Day*



[KIDS] "What's wrong with him.", "What is he"

I stand there in class with one red eye and the other white my back had one wing black one white, and my teeth felt a little sharp as if I was something I shouldn't be.

Then I appear to be in one of the schools training arena's in front of my entire class and a sort of pitchfork in my right hand and at my feet was Ace I don't think I meant to kill him, or did I, I don't remember quite well.

[Screaming Kids]

They yell out of fear and start running around scared of the sight of me and among the crowd was my parents and a baby my mother was holding the baby I look over to the baby and it smiles at me not in a good way in a menacing way like it wants to attack me. Then the baby's eyes turn red and the pitchfork left me and was in the baby's hand. Then horns began to sprout from its head. Then I wake up from the sound of a voice.


"Noah no sleeping during a lesson do it again and there will be a consequence."

I reply with "Sorry I didn't get much rest last night."

"Then you should manage time wiser then." My teacher bickered

[Kids Laughed]

I thought "If that baby would shut up then I could have."

Aubrey tapped on my shoulder and said " News got around your mom had a baby."

"Yeah so." I snag

"So why didn't you tell me, Noah, I love children I could probably come around more," she says

I then immediately start fantasizing about us spending time together staring off into space. She waves her hand in my face and I say.

"Hey, you want to come over and see her Aubrey?"

"Of course I do its a baby."

I get too excited again so I am forced to sit down. After the lessons, I went outside to the physical lesson and I ran into Karr and I asked him what happened to him.

"No Noah what happened to you," he said

"I was followed by something I saw."

We fill each other in on what went down on his and my end.

*End Of Chapter 6*