After school, I went home immediately so I could wait for Aubrey to come over. But as soon as I walked in my mother said.
"Noah I need you to go to the store to get some baby clothes"
"But mom." I cry
"No buts unless you want to watch the baby." She ordered
I sit my bag down and proceed to walk out the door and Aubrey walks to the door and I say.
"Oh hey Aubrey, sorry but I got to go to the store to get something for the baby."
"Oh, I can join along." She says
I let her tag along in reality I had no problem letting her because I wanted alone time with her to get closer. She goes on about what Karr told her that happened to us the other day. I just listen and say something now and then, but then she says.
"Hey, Noah I know this is a weird question but do you know how u-uh babies are made?"
I quickly say "No not really why?"
"Oh good because at school they are making us take a lesson on childbirth for future times and I didn't want to be the only one who doesn't know."
"Oh that's OK I don't know much about it either I just know it can happen."
She giggles and proceeds to bump me with her shoulder and I laugh at it. She was so questioning like I knew everything, does she think highly of me I had to ask myself that one for the rest of the way.
"Aubrey uh my turn for a question, this is kind of embarrassing."
She says "More embarrassing than having no pants on?" She bantered
I got nervous and just blurted it out "WHO DO YOU LIKE?"
"Uh, right now no one really I mean some boys at school including you is kind of OK but no one in specific."
I itch my head and say "Oh OK."
"Why." She asked
"No reason just curious that's all," I exclaimed
We finally make it there and I ask Aubre if she knew where baby clothes are and she didn't have a clue so we asked around and someone knew.
"I asked "Excuse me do you know where baby clothes are?"
The woman replied, "Aren't you two too young for kids?"
"It's not like that I'm buying them for my little sister. I cried out
"Oh, it's a shame you guys would look good together."
I blushed and she pointed us in the right direction."
I bought them and we were on our way. On the way back Aubrey and I were talking about the chasers Final Exam. This was going to be our final test to see if we are ready to go to the upper-class school with older kids.
"Are you ready for the exams though? Aubrey asked.
"I am but the exams are based on how well you do in our final combat training," I say
She smiled and said, "No worries I think you'll pass especially if you can control your new power."
I then realized I could get a seal of control from the magic chaser shop. I fill her in and we decided to drop the stuff off and go to the magic chaser shop.
*Magic chaser shop*
We both walk into the shop and walk over to the cashier who looks like an old woman/man. I asked her
"Do you have any seals of control mam?"
She looks down at me with a suspicious grunty facial expression and then says.
"That's quite expensive kid do you have enough gold to buy it?
I then grab a bag of my waist and empty it on the table and her eyes widen and she stands up straight and proceeds to turn around and grab something off the wall and puts it on the table and says very well. The item we sought was this rectangular paper and it had a symbol on it.
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The lady told me to place it on my chest and the seal will be fused to me forever the only way to remove it was to find a spell. I understood the terms and we were on our way and left. Outside the shop, Aubrey told me.
"OK well put it on and test it."
I said, "Turn away."
"Stop being a baby it is just your chest," She said then proceeded to lift my shirt and place the seal.
My body felt lighter than usual, then I said.
"Why did you do that."
"You were being a baby about me seeing your chest, now come on and test it."
I agreed and we went to my house's farm and tested it on the field. Karr showed up just in time, we filled him in on what we did today. He was kind of on edge about how this is dangerous we don't know what could happen but it's already done so no turning back now.
I close my eyes and then pull them open and both my eyes were active. Aubrey told me to try to use that magical mist I told them about. So I attempted it and the last time I did this my hand touches so I put them together.
The magic surrounded my feet and it covered me with what looked like armor. The chest plate had skulls on it and bones rose from the shoulder up, the armor plates were like metallic bones, and the leg piece was dark bone plating like the arm piece.
Aubrey and Karr were amazed and I wanted to test something I held my hand out and imagined a sword in my hand and to my surprise, a pitch-black blade with a bone handle and misty blade summoned on my hand.
And I said to them "I'm ready for the exam."