Final Exam, Surprise Competitor

The day of the final exam is here and after testing a few of my new abilities skills I know how I can win, now I and all the other students are waiting on the training grounds. The headmaster stood tall in front of us and announced the final exams will now begin.

"Students of Forsaken the final exams this year will be much more eventful than the last, this year they will be spectated by the people of this city and upper-classmen schools depending on how well you do will determine if you pass and which school you get accepted into."

"Now without further ado this year your opponents will be a real-life sword chaser no students are allowed to fight in this program unless you are an upper-classmen, the finals will take place here students find your teachers and they will redirect you to your numbered location."

Hearing those words of the headmaster saying we will be facing real-world chasers was unsettling because we could lose. But that wasn't the idea the idea is how we perform. I go to my teacher and he assigned me to section number 4 so I went to said section and waited patiently for my turn.

The first match was away and it was a student named Saroo and a chaser named Tsama the match wasn't all that exciting the kid managed to get 4 hits on the chaser however the chaser inevitably won.

Matches went by and they made me evermore jumpy but now it's time for section 4 to go and I go second I wonder which chaser I get.

The first match was done and now it's my turn. I walk to the arena and people are talking, cheering, and shouting and the headmaster announced my opponent.

"The chaser that will be fighting this student is...sword chaser Zero the dark magic knight."

My body froze as my father entered the arena I figured he would be home helping my mother with the baby but regardless I have to win or less put on a show. I won't use my new power until I need to for now I'll use my awakened ability.


My dad leaps at me and without hesitation, I then throw ice in his direction causing him to stop then he proceeds to scorch my ice into water. This is exactly what I wanted so I throw Ice balls which are as big as a small hand boulder he melts them again and now the entire floor is wet. He pulls out his sun blade and swings it in my direction. I sharply evade it and my dad vanishes and ends up behind me, hits me in the face, and knocking me down ending the first round.

The second round began and I attacked first with my sword equipped and in this round, I used my eye's ability I close my eyes and then opened them activating them my dad stopped and backed off and looked at me in the eyes and mouthed.


I ignored it and charged at him. Through my right eye, I could see him if he vanished and with my left, I could see where his attacks might end up going. He activates his armor and It's fiery red and I have no choice now but to expend equal force even if it drains me.

My dad taunts me into attacking him but there is no problem there if I use my cloak of armor. I then put my hands together and looked him in the eyes and the power started flowing around my body rather than my feet and the arena started shaking and the crowd went silent as well as the rest of the students.

My protective cloak of armor was on me I held my hand out and my sword summoned in my hand. My father looked impressed but also curious at the same time. I closed my left eye and only used my right to save energy. He vanishes and I can still see him I focused my eye on him and he made a face of confusion as to how I can see him I then hold my hand out and.

Thought about lightning and black lightning shot from my palm and hit my father and he pulled out his shield and reappeared in front of me I try my other skill a combination of my ice skill and new power it's called.

"Black Ice." When I said that my father zoomed and knocked me out of the arena I couldn't even see him the round was over.

The next round we both leaped at each other and he got a few hits on me in the start and I had to evade and run away. I wanted to use black ice but it seems that the move takes a long time to start up. But fortunate for me, the ground is still wet so I touched the ground while on the move and I turned the water black and my father got stuck in it.

This is my chance I launch myself at him with my blade ahead of me I am almost there and as soon as I had the chance to hit him his magical energy teleported him out.

The next thing I saw was his foot and me flying through the air hitting the outer arena floor and the match was over I had lost my power faded and I really did drain myself because I felt horrible after that match I think the only thing keeping me going was adrenaline.

*Later In The Finals*

I wake up with my father at the foot of the bed of the school infirmary he sits up and says.

"What did you do how did you- wait first."

"How did you see me when I vanished-no actually how did you get that power under control."

I proceed to tell him that. "I used a seal of control." And I lifted my shirt to show him the seal mark. he looked surprised but at the same time proud of me not resulting to use anger to control that power.

"Noah be careful with that power I fought it once and it almost killed me when I was younger."

And then he walks out and Karr walks in along with Aubrey they congratulated me on my match and informed me that I passed after speaking to the teacher.

*End of chapter 7*