Noah's Future

A few days after my exam I was sent letters from many known swords chasing schools. One that had my attention was a school named Grand Chaser Academy this school was know all over the land. The thing about it was it was extremely hard to get in and I kind of lost my match why do they want me.

My father and mother were so proud that I had so many invitations and they both recommended I went to the best one. I had only one week to respond so I thought about it. This is why I love becoming a chaser because it has expanded so much from what I heard.

My friends Karr and Aubrey got invitations as well but neither of them got one from Grand Chaser Academy. I wanted to be around them my entire school life but I have to make a choice that will guarantee me a good future.

Speaking of that I wondered what happened to those monsters I have been seeing for the past year. But that kind of left my mind because I had to plan for my upper-classmen choice.

While I was at home I was writing letters to all the schools ahead of time so I will not have to later. Then knocking from the door began and my mother's voice yelled.

"Noah your friends are here."

I leaped out of bed and scooted to the door and brought them back to my room to discuss my future. I began with,

"OK, guys I need your help deciding which school is the best choice."

Aubrey said, "Well this is an easy one the Grand Chaser Academy."

"Exactly what I thought." Said Karr

"But we might separate from each other," I exclaimed

They both scolded me for being stupid and not choosing the right direction to follow. And after that, they told me we can always see each other during breaks and after the school year ends. They left after that because they were traveling for the summer break and I had some serious training to do.

During this time I sent my letter to the Grand Chaser School.

I couldn't just show up to an advanced school with weaknesses, what needed to be done was some expansion of my element and learn to use my new power longer and use less energy. The official start of this break is next week and I needed some time to rest before then.

*The First Day Of Break*

This was the first day of training for me I feel fueled and to top it all my father is helping me train while my mom is dealing with the baby. She still hasn't decided her name. What I did to train better is get advice from my dad he told me what he went through to become a sword chaser and the task didn't sound as easy.

However, I scheduled certain tasks every week until school started again. For my first week, I practiced expanding my energy flow. My father told me he had to run 100 miles straight and back when he was around 15 years old. I did not like the sound of that but it was for growth so I went with it. First, he told me to stretch before running, and then I was off at first it was a piece of cake but slowly over time I was exhausted.

I only lasted 30 miles and my father had to carry me back to start. I refueled my energy with water and rested for a while.

"Why is this so hard," I asked my father

"It's not supposed to be easy to get by Noah." He let out

I stand to my feet and say "Well I can't stop now."

I then stretch again and get rid of some cramps and proceeded to run again.

For the rest of the week, I ran constantly until I had nothing left in me and I managed to make it to mile 92 but now I need to work on other parts of my training. The next section I wanted to cover was my new power.

My father filled me in as to what my power really is and it kind of spooked me a little since I am not used to hearing. But he says he can help me not use so much magical energy emitting from me. The only way was to use that power consecutively during the entire week just like running. This one was not going to be easy because the way my father explained it is as if I was exploding with unlimited possibilities.

This training might need an extra week so I put this training under a two-week training course. And for the next two weeks, I basically was walking sleepily but on the bright side I quickly recovered and my length of usage has been expanded.

For the next session, I needed to unlock my full potential skills of the element ice. This training session was relatively easy since you use less energy to conjure your ability so growing here was not worse than the last two sessions.

*Fourth Week*

It has been four weeks since the break has started and I'm feeling amazing. The training was paying off and I seem to have been growing muscle and gaining muscle weight. My body has even developed abs. The break was 11 weeks long and I have completed 4 so this means that I have some more to cover.