Finding Out A Dark Secret

I was in complete disbelief when I found out I have been out for one week. The nurse told me I was saying weird things in my sleep so I asked her what they were. Depending on what she tells me decides if I take her memory away. She proceeds to say,

"You were saying things like let me out and the gate is mine."

"To be honest with you I think you need to stop forcing too much energy out all at once and take it slow from now on."

I replied "Yeah, sure thing."

She notifies the officials and from what I heard we have a new headmaster. So she lets me go and I go back to my room. All but one roommate is in there I thought the class was going on. My roommate who goes by K asks me where have I been. I tell him I was out for a week because I expelled too much energy. He scolded me for the foolishness and I walk over to my bed and on it sat a small letter. The letter was from Forsaken

I open it and the letter reads.

To Noah from your father,

I have some important information regarding your power, whatever you don't overdo it will let whatever is trying to hurt you take control of you and possibly kill a lot of people you only have one chance to not do this if you fail you will be taken over within one week. I will explain more when I arrive one week from now.

The letter ended there this gave me fear for the near future because I have already overdone it by now. I asked K when this letter arrived and he told me when I went missing which was a week ago. A knock on my door sounded and I said.

"Come in."

And a teacher walked in and told me I have a visitor and go to the headmasters' office. I make my way there and as I pass through the corridor I started hearing a faint voice and it said to me in a soft whispering manner,

"It is too late." Followed by "You're mine now."

Then a ringing noise ran through my head and I drop to my knees with my hands on my head. This felt like a pounding headache as if my head were going to explode. Then I see my father rushing over to me and then all the noise stopped and all I saw were lips moving. To top it all my eyes activated and from my left eye, I can see that I am surrounded by black figures of all shapes and sizes. The headache continues and the next thing I see comes from my right eye and I see smokey figures reaching out to me.

This went on for some time and the headache had gotten so strong I felt like I was going to die. Then my dad waved his hand around and magic surrounded me and I felt a burning sensation on my chest and I think my father took the seal off me. The pain stops and I start to feel dizzy and I regain my hearing once again.

Next, my father asks me if I could hear him and I responded all shaken up "Y-yes."

And he the headmaster, some teachers, and students were all looking at me like someone died just now. My father asked for permission to take me to a quiet room. The request was granted and we were in a reserved room and my father says.

"Noah, what was that about?"

"I pretty sure I have overdone it," I reply

"Noah that's dangerous didn't you get my letter." He said

"Yes, but I got that after I blacked out for a week," I added

"Blacked out!?" He expelled

I told him what happened to cause it and what else happened as well. Then I asked him what else did he have to say according to the letter he sent me.

"I have news." He states

"What is it?"

He makes his self more comfortable and says "I talked to Dixon and he informed me a particular item has gone missing and this item held what is now inside you.

He paused and sighed then proceeded to say,

"This item held two of the most powerful beings it to ever exist inside and it has gone missing and we think that the school has been infiltrated by his pawns as well as him posing as kids."

I look down and think to my self "Who could they be?"

He then says "The important thing I needed to share with you is that since you went past your limit on multiple occasions the school will have chasers following you around the school making sure you will not lash out."

"But I feel fine now," I say sitting up straight

"I thought the same thing when I was younger but the simplest thing triggered me, anger."

I tried and tried to convince him I was fine but there were no acceptions. He went back to the headmasters' office and I was sent back to my room. On the way back to my room I felt something hard on my chest and it was on the burning spot. SO before I went to my room I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and lifted my shirt. What I saw was the most disturbing view I have ever seen.

The thing on my chest was a claw mark.

*End Of Chapter 13*