
When I found the scratch marks I didn't know what to do when someone walks into the bathroom and it is Kato. I lock eyes with him and say.

"It looks worse than it feels."

He walks to the mirror and says "Why did you hold back on your last attack?"

I didn't expect that he'd noticed I then reply.

"Because if I didn't hold back I would have killed us both."

He laughs and says "So you don't risk it all for the smallest situation?"

I giggle and say "So you're not just grumpy

He pulls his mask down revealing the bottom of his face. I then say.

"So that's what you look like," I say with my hand on my chin.

He replies "What did you expect."

I shrugged my shoulders and say "I don't have a clue, but who trained you?"

He looks at the mirror and says "My father trained me why you ask?"

I didn't reveal much but I said "Because my father is a chaser named Zero and my power is similar to his."

"Oh, you wanted to know because your father is known to be the strongest?"

I nod and proceed to say "correct, there would be a major difference in the earth and spiritual powers."

We carried this conversation on for some time and then parted ways. Something I have been meaning to do was to work on my new skill (Whispering Strikes) This attack allows me to attack my opponent undetected using (Eyes) which is going to be used in combat class today. They are in for a big surprise

*Combat Class*

I enter the room and immediately all of the students started eyeing me I noticed they did the same for Kato. The teacher loudly caught our attention and said,

"Today class we will be working on our actual sword fighting, now some of you may know this area well I understand but others need help training."

Followed by "You can use any sword you feel like just don't overdo it." He says starting a hole in Kato and me. He proceeded to ask us to pick a number from the box again. I pull and get the number 2 so I walk over to ring 2. My opponent ended up being some kid in the same age area as I named Serge. I haven't seen his abilities since last year so I don't know what to expect from him.

"All training sessions may now proceed."

*Match Narration*

*Noah's Narration*

After that attack, I heard a voice in my head and it said.

"You don't want to lose right? use my power to its maximum."

I did not want to lose but I did not want to overdo it either instead I used one of my left eye's abilities (Gate).

*Match Narration*

*Noah Narration*

I had won the match against Serge and personally for me that was my quickest match ever. Serge stands and mutters "Not fair."

I didn't know how to respond to that gesture of words since it really isn't all that fair. Kato's match was still going on and he was fighting an older student. Kato was using the defense mechanism he used against me. I walked to the teacher to ask him if I could fight again.

The teacher told me I could fight my last opponent again but that wasn't an option since he did not find the last match fair. So I just waited for the next round to start so I could fight again.

Then out of nowhere a feeling to kill something hit me I didn't want to kill but at the same time, I did. I tried to hold myself back and the scratch started to burn and I couldn't hold it in anymore. My eyes activated and I started smiling and a wing-shaped bone came from my back and I held my hand out and everything went a blank.

*Other Side*

Devil: "My turn to play again, Satan take this kid's little brat sister already we have many things to do."

Satan "OK time is only the matter we just need our power back and we'll be restored.

Demon servant: "Lord's the kid is losing it it's time for the plan to get into motion.

*Noah's Pov*

I can't move my body and I feel so cold and empty, I began moving and doing things I wouldn't.

Why am I killing people why I had to ask myself as I fell farther into this ocean of despair.