Becoming A Sword Chaser

Today is the day I become an official sword chaser. My dad once told me that becoming a chaser is a hard task but I believe I could do it. My mother bursts into my room and forces me out of bed. I got up and got dressed and ate breakfast, then I hear a knock on my door. I walk over and it's Karr and Aubrey so I open it and let them in.

"Today's the day Noah," Karr said

"I know I can't wait to start the training," I added

"It's said to be hard." Aubrey followed

My mother walks out of her room and said "OK hurry or you guys might join late."

Following her was Flora she was able to walk now so no more holding her for me. Flora apparently inherited some of my father's power as well as I, she got his strength and I got his power. After bickering, we left to the sword chasing camp, and my mother and sister waved us goodbye.

We were on our way to the training camp and I recalled my father saying it was quite the task. But we are up for the task, and we will pass. Weeks ago I was told by the headmaster of Grand Chaser Academy that some camps are set up in the northern territory. Lucky for us we are in that region, Aubrey mentioned that she knew where one could be so I take her word and she takes us there.

*Time Goes Bye*

We could see something in the distance and it looked like a camp, there were thin wooden cabins set up. There was no gate so we walked straight through and from what I saw there were good some people here. Karr said,

"So Aubrey where do we sign up?"

"I don't know I've never been here before." She replied

"We'll just ask someone where." I implied

I asked what looked to be an ax chaser where the signup was and we were directed to a dark brown cabin in the back of the camp. We stood in front of the even darker brown door and Aubrey knocked on it twice and a soft male voice said "Come In."

Aubrey proceeds to open it and inside was a bookshelf with no too many books, one cracked window, and a desk, and at that desk sat a man in an all-white jumpsuit and cape hanging from his back with a white hat on top of his head.

He looks at us and asks, "What would you children need?"

I look nervous and I reply, "We're here to become chasers."

"Chasers you say?" He said creepily.

This experience made me uneasy so I blurted out "Can we train or not?"

His facial expression change completely he then smiles and says "You remind me of someone who are you?"

I have the blandest expression ever and I look up and say.

"My name is Noah why?"

He stands and his cape hits the floor and he says " Noah of who?"

I didn't want to say but I felt like I was being tested then he said, " This feeling does bring me back but OK you signed up."

Followed by "Go to the training ground to be redirected."

We walk out with the feeling of being watched coming from that cabin. We walk the designated location and were in the middle of a crowd.

* Sometime Later*

We have waited for more than 30 minutes and no one has given us instructions. We were debating for us to leave and find another one. But just then we hear that soft male voice again and we all turned our attention to the direction of it. The man was there and he started talking.

"I'm sure you all waited long for this moment but some of you will not become chasers today."

I wondered what he was talking about this caused many looks to tear around the field.

He then says "Depending on how you did in chasing the school will tell me if you need more training or can advance."

"And My name is Seo."

He waves his sword and dust rises and a ring was summoned. He then looks back at all of us and says.

"You will fight someone and I will examine you and tell you if you pass or not."

*Matches Later*

In my eyes, the people here were balanced at their overall combat. But I had some new skills I can use that will give me anew advantage. My turn was up and the spotlight was on me, I proceed to walk to the ring and my opponent ended up being an at best built young adult.

He snarled at me and summoned a scythe and from that perspective, I knew I'd be fighting a scythe chaser. Seo said that the match begins and I use my father's weapon the Sun blade. He swings the scythe and it creates a wave of compacted energy and I split it with the blade. I activate my armor and the other participants laid a close eye on me.

I hold my hand out and created a cube of energy and I threw it above our heads and it expanded. The scythe user made a circle of light blue aura around himself and it looked to be a shield of some sort. The cube started glowing and I used to consume it to bring it back in. He drops his shield and rushes me.

I vanish and evade his movement he then jumps and stabs the end of his weapon in the ground and the ground started to make a wave-like motion and I was bouncing up and down. I couldn't freeze the ground but I could blow it to dust.

I activate my eyes and I stored the energy from the orb so long ago in one of the rifts. All I needed was for my opponent to sit still for a split second and he will take high amounts of energy to the face. I found ability in my father's power he had the ability to split himself into multiples. I do so and force my opponent into the center of the ring. He was charging up and this was my chance so I had to do it now.

*End Of Chapter 20*