Already Powerful

I activated the portal and energy came from all sides and it hit his arm knocking it to the floor. The scythe chaser fell to his knees and was holding his arm out of pure pain. I deactivate my power and rush to him and used my father's power to restore his arm. The other trainees were making a noise of surprise. I stand and pull him to his feet and I say.

"Sorry about that I kind of need to win."

He replies "How did yo-."

"It's nothing to worry about your arm is back right?" I interrupted

Seo said, "Match over, come to my office later to see if you qualify now or later."

I stand up and I notice Seo was studying me hard and it looked to me that he had another question in mind. I meet up with Karr and Aubrey and Karr's match was up Aubrey and I stood in the front and watched the match unfold. Since Karr's abilities are fire he can take on people who have either water because they don't mix and if used enough they can cancel each other out, earth which he can burn away, and air because if fire receives air then the flame grows. Honestly, I don't even know what abilities he currently possesses after all we went to two different schools.

Karr enters and so does his opponent as he enters Aubrey briefly states that Karr has 2 elements this shocked me I didn't know you could have more than one element I only have ice and from that, I can make water but water isn't one of my elements only ice is. This had me rambling to Aubrey and she said that a teacher mentioned that it's very rare for someone to pick up two elements let alone all 6. My father only had it because of his abilities and now I have it for that same reason but how can someone so regular as Karr gain 2 elements.

The match started and Karr pulled out his sword and rushed his opponent I watched very closely to see his second element and Karr opened his hand and the wind picked up and was very strong. I equipped my armor to protect me and then Karr puts his sword away and opens his other hand and flames started coming from his hands the air and fire mixed and.


The entire area was filled with smoke and dust I put my hands together and used air to blow the smoke and dust away. Karr was standing tall and his opponent was not there at all I opened my right eye and looked for life in the arena and only Karr was there. I then use my left eye and look and see what I hoped wasn't his opponent which it turned out to be and he was scorched to the bone dead. Seo rushed to the arena and said.

"Match over, these are the conditions you'll run into when becoming a chaser, next match."

Karr comes back to me and I kind of felt intimidation coming from him because he showed no remorse for killing someone I just let him be, for now, he was quiet and I was as well.

Seo leaped back to his post and called for the next match Aubrey immediately rushed to the arena and willingly volunteered Seo granted her permission and complimented her for being brave and called her chaotic. I wasn't surprised she was always like this which is being the chaotic one of course. She enters the ring and her opponent was a huge male and when I say huge he was tall and big. By the look of it, he appears to be a hammer chaser Aubrey was a sword chaser these categories don't mix so the advantage was half and half.

Karr says "She's got this her element lightning is no joke."

I look at him and then turn to her and she was already fighting their weapons bounce off each other as they stroke each other her opponent actually had a slight disadvantage because of his speed and the weight of the hammer. Aubrey jumps back and she starts to rub her hands together for 10 seconds straight and then began to rub her hair and then the sky had become murky and lightning and thunder was sounding. I looked closely at the sky and realized what she was trying to do. I jump and backflipped in the opposing direction and she points at her opponents' feet and the clouds turned a golden yellow. The lightning stroke him and he yelled so loud that he tore his mouth.

She stopped the lightning and he was smoking, Then she jumps out of the arena and stands right next to Karr and me. Seo said

"Match over on to the next one."

We didn't stick around longer we just wanted to know if we can be chasers or not. We decided to eat something after our victories. Karr suggested we go to the camps' caf I had no problem with it so I agreed. Aubrey follows us and we eat. while eating I asked Karr how he got his second element and he replied,

"To be honest I have no clue one day at school it kind of just happened and I trained hard and make some skills out of the two."

"What about you Aubrey?" I asked

"What about me?" she replied

I ask quickly "Do you have a second element?"

"No, I only have one." She exclaimed

They both look at me and ask "How many do you have Noah?"

I look at both of them and jokingly say "Uhh... 6."

Their faces turned from curious to surprised quickly and I say "We'll I left some information out when we reunited."

"What kind of information?" They said forcefully

"Inbetween the time we left to come here I never told you what happened in the past 3 years," I say followed by, "OK, promise you will not freak out OK?"

They looked like they were debating then Karr said "OK fine."

I breathe in and say "My uhh... my-my."

"What?" yelled Aubrey

I looked down and then said, "My father died."

Their eyes widened and their movement became loose and I look up and smile before saying,

"But he left me his power and now I am carrying his torch."

They show a blind rage expression and I scratch the back of my head and then let out,

"I was severely depressed but now I am good now that I know that he left me his power to protect me."

Aubrey then said, "Why didn't you tell us?"

"Yeah, you can trust us can you?" I look at them and say "Because I don't need anyone to be worried about me."

Right after other trainees came in and Behind all of them was Seo and he announced,

"Results are done come to my office individually and come and see your score."

We all looked and him and turned our attention to ourselves and it was time to find out.

*End Of Chapter 21*