
Aubrey, Karr, and I waited for the line to get shorter and it eventually did. Karr walked in first and no even 10 seconds later he walked out with a letter in his hand and it read that he has full right to become a chaser. Aubrey and I congratulated him and she walked in next about the same time Karr took she walked right back out with a letter. The letter said she has full right to become a chaser.

Next is my turn and I walk in and Seo handed me a letter and as I walked out he asked,

"Who are your parents?"

I turn around and look him in the eyes and ask, "Why does it matter?"

"As I said I've met someone like you long ago." He added

I take a deep breath and say "My mothers' name is Flake she is a sword chaser."

I tried to avoid saying my fathers' name as I walked closer to the door because I didn't want to think about him.

"And your father?" He asks

I turn back around and my eyes are active and I say "Zero... Zero is my father the best sword in history."

He smiles and says.

"Now him I remember, I beat him in a combat match some good 15 years ago in the castle of gold."

Followed by "Any way you can leave now congrats."

I walk out and Aubrey says "What took so long."

I replied with the most dead expression and tone "Nothing I'm fine." I said then smiling after.

Karr looked at me like I was being weird but I feel fine. I had to use the bathroom so I went to the outhouse. After that, I walk out and someone was standing in front of the outhouse with the blandest facial expression, with long brown hair, wearing a light brown robe with no shoes.

What I presumed to be a female said, "This is a message from Dalton, we will have your power."

Followed by a more aggressive voice, "Give yourself up or he will come for you and remove you himself."

I said, "You got the wrong per-."

"Noah, age 14, male, son of Zero, and Flake, Brother of Flora."

I was completely weirded out and I activated my armor and drew my dark aura sword and said,

"OK jokes up get away from me now," I said aggressively

The lady's eyes turned black and some black liquid came from her eyes and right in front of me she burnt into ashes as quick as a flash. I jumped back facing the outhouse Aubrey, and Karr came to my distress and they asked what happened and I said.

"Someone's looking for me."

*One Day Later*

We arrived back in our region and I was at Karr, and Aubrey s house we discussed what could this be and we told their parents. Their mother Jay and father Lucas haven't heard of the name Dalten before. I didn't know what to do usually I would go to my father but he-. I stood up and I said.

"Aubrey, Karr, Ms.Jay, Mr. Lucas thank you for letting me sit here but I know who to ask."

I wave and leave back to my home. While walking I was thinking maybe one of my fathers' friends or my mother has heard of the name Dalten before. I got to my house to find my mother laying on her bed with Flora with her as well. I didn't want to wake her so I waited for later to come around and ask her.

In the meantime, I went to my room and laid on my bed. I thought to myself,

"If you were here you'd know what to do."

I then sit up and think, "What if I could go see him using a rift."

I thought it was an excellent plan but I had to be careful not to run into the black beasts. I hop out of bed and walk to the door and walk to the living space. I went to my mothers' room to check on her and she was still asleep and so was Flora. I close her door quietly and walk outside to the field. I wanted to enter the place the dead end up so I activated my left eye with the intention to open to the decided location.

The rift opened and the portal was like a spinning red aura that gradually gets darker towards the middle I walk through and close the rift behind me, then start looking for my father. This realm is the same as the one my dad was left in.

In the corner of my eye I see movement and as I snap my head towards it, the figure kind of hides behind a giant fiery rock. I activate my right eye and I could see something hiding through the rock. I use my power and turned the rock to ashes and behind it was an animal. This animal trembled at the sight of me. My only idea was to study it. It was about 3 feet tall and has black thin fur with a boney spine sticking right out, really yellow teeth that resembled fresh wheat, it had one shiny blue eye and one shiny hazel eye.

It looked to be a dog I put my hand out and say, "It's OK I'm not here to hurt you. The dogs' body loses some tension and it slowly made its way towards me. I stay still as it approaches my feet and started sniffing them. I then move my hand towards its head and rub it. The fur was so dry it felt like sand. I was comfortable and the dog seemed so I picked it up and it licked my face and Its tongue was moist as if the mist was stuck against a piece of rubber.

It turns out it was a he but I need to call him something. I was thinking something like Babican maybe that will work. I use my fathers' magic to make a chain and tie the dog to me. But it seemed he didn't like chains so I let it walk freely. Now it's time to find my father.

*End Of Chapter 22*