Who Is Dalten

I was walking around with Babican and I couldn't see anyone around. Then I had an idea what if the dog could track his scent. I pull one of my dads' swords that was untouched by me and put it to Babicans nose. He sniffed it and he started sniffing around and I was following him in hope of finding him.

* Sometime Later*

We have been walking for 30 minutes and we reached a wall with a door hole in it I walked in and it was the room Flora and I were being held. There was a giant chair against the far wall and 6 feet from it was a pile of ashes and Babican was walking on it and sniffing it. I walked over to it with caution and noticed a ring within the ashes it was my father's.

I held it up and it was made of gold and silver and the inside of it was black like the night sky. Babican started barking where my back was facing I turned around and behind me was what I hoped for my father. He looked dull and out of energy I rushed over to him and clutch on to him.

"Noah, why are you here?" He said in all seriousness

"I need help something has happened," I replied

"What has happened is your mother and sister ok?" He rushed out

"No their fine I need to ask you something important."

He looked at me and said, "You grew up Noah."

"Mom says that a lot, but I need to ask you something," I said rushingly

"What is it?" He replied

"Do you know anyone named Dalten?"

My dad stopped moving and said, "Where did you hear that name from?"

I told him "Someone came up to me with a message and they said, "Dalten wanted my power or something and submit yourself to him or whatever."

My father leaned over and held on to my shoulder and said, "OK listen in between the time you were a child I had some conflict with someone named Dalten was trying to take my power as well, Stay away from him and most importantly sta-."

He vanished I was out of energy and was transported back to my house. I was on the field and it was dark out and the moon was at its highest. I stood up and to my surprise, Babican was right next to me. How could he, he was dead like my father was there was no logical explanation to this. I walk into the house and my mother was awake and Flora was sitting in the middle of the living space. They noticed Babican and my mother said.

"Noah, why do you have a dog, and what is wrong with it?"

I quickly said, "Mom you have to listen to me OK, someone is after me and I went to the dead realm to find dad, I did and he knows of someone named Dalten who is trying to take my power."

My mother dropped a glass cup that was in her hand and said to herself out loud, "He was supposed to be dead, how?"

My mother then said "Noah stay away from him OK I'll explain... OK" She said forcefully

<8 years ago when you were little your father made a friend named Dalten, he and your father grew closer and became best friends. One day your father and Dalten were together and Dalten mentioned immortality to your father and how he needed an immense amount to make it happen. Your father did not agree with his plan because it required them to steal power from innocent people. Dalton attempted to steal your father's and my power but he failed and your father killed him to prevent him from hurting anyone. He had many allies and they were very strong even as strong as your father was. I don't remember names but Dalten is one I will never forget.>

Dalten from the story seemed intimidating but if he tries anything to hurt my family I will crush him. I told my mother, "If he comes anywhere near you two I will kill him."

She looked me in the eye and said "You aren't a match for him no matter what skill you have." Followed by "He can steal absorb your ability and take it as well and reflect it out of his bare hands."

I was scared by what she said and Babican snuggled against my legs and I say "So when he comes how are we going to stop him?"

"The only way to defeat him is using a blade in combat." My mother commented

I picked up Babican and walked to my room with fear running through me.

*10 Minute Skip*

I was laying on my bed and Babican was next to me I was thinking about Dalten all night long. The feeling was deepened even further as the night progressed. After some time I got up and walked to my window and I felt the wind brush past my upper thigh. And I closed the window and sat there thinking about the coming threat it couldn't leave my head. Babican noticed me and got up and walked over to me and laid on the floor right under the window I sat on.

*Next Morning*

I woke up to Karr and Aubrey knocking on my door. I get dressed and let them in. They asked me all kinds of questions pertaining to my occurrence. I sat them down and filled them in on what happened, after that, I wanted to introduce them to Babican.

"OK, guys I have something to show you follow me."

I take them to my room and Babican is sitting straight up on my bed and both Karr and Aubrey look at me mouths open and Babican jumps off the bed and jumps on me knocking me to the ground. I start rubbing his belly and acted playful with him. Karr and Aubrey still shocked. I get up and say.

"This is Babican my dog."

"D-dog, that's a dog," Karr said

"I mean it doesn't look worse than a lazarno."

"Well the thing about him is... He's dead."

"DEAD!?" They shout

I then say "Well it's a long story but in short I went looking for my dead father and found him along with my father and he followed me back."

"Wait how did you find your father isn't he dead?" Karr said

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you guys, OK as you both know my eyes are special."

They both nodded and I say "My left eye can open rifts and see the dead and go to the realm of the dead, and my right eye can consume other peoples energy, see the living and when you use both of them they can erase memories, but that's all I know about them so far there could be more."

Aubrey says "Wait a second you learned this all within 3 years of the school years?"

I nodded and said, "OK I'll tell you all of what happened in the past 3 years."

I once again sat them down and told them everything from abilities and skills unlocked to all the ups and downs. They had to take some tie to take it all in and wonder how I am ok with all of this.

"Well if you block it all out you won't feel anything."

They look at me like I was insane.

*End Of Chapter 23*