The Riddle

Karr and Aubrey left after some time and it is now time for bed I walked to the bathroom and stuck my hand in the bin of water and put it on my face. After that, I look in the mirror and thought about my father again this went on for too long. I needed to do the thing again, I activated my eyes and look at my reflection and simultaneously use them and the sadness went away. I felt complete happiness.

I then said to my self "No one can know of this ability it can cause complications."

After using that I felt tired almost drained of energy so I leave the bathroom and go straight to bed. I was woken up in the middle of the night to a noise coming from my bedroom window. This scared me I thought it could be Dalten but why would someone so powerful use this tactic. I walked over to the window and it was a bird poking at my window.

I became annoyed so I banged on the window, but it did not move instead it pecked even harder and the glass was cracking and cracking. The bird would not stop it looked like it was trying to get to me. It hit the window one last time and the glass shattered and was pushed by something to the outside ground. I freak out and back up against the bedroom door. This woke Babican up and he was in attack mode.

The bird hops from the window to the hardwood floor and Babican attacked it but the bird opened its wing and slapped him and he fell unconscious. I tried to open the door but the door lost the knob and the door became a wall now the only exit was the window.

The bird started growing and became more human-like and turned into a woman with long black hair, pale skin, red lips, Grey eyes that resemble a cat, and a long fur black cloak that looked like my dark cloak ability. This moment was super awkward and scary at the same time I say awkward because there is a female in the room while I am half indecent. She looks at me and smiles and says.

"You must be Noah, what a handsome boy you are." And slowly makes her way over here."

I then say "You're Dalten aren't you?"

She giggles and says "I am not Dalten I am his ally come to get you for him... Silly."

I activate my armor and right as it activated she turned into a bird and pecked my neck. That hurt a lot and some seconds after I felt my body going numb and everything started spinning and my mother burst through the door and she was knocked into the wall and I fell out.

*In A Dark Cavern*

I wake up in a Dark chamber of some sort in a cave my head was pounding but I looked around and saw two females. It felt colder than usual and I realized something.

"Oh, you have woken up Noah." Said one of the women

"His name is Noah Circel? what a nice body Noah."

I said, "Where are my clothes you hags."

One of them slapped me out of anger and the one named Circel said "Sweety for this ceremony we needed to expose you a little but don't you worry when it's over you can have em back." And laughs menacingly. I tried to struggle but chains were holding me. And something was restricting my power as if I cant use it.

"Don't even bother trying that I put a spell on you so you cant use your deadly power for enough time."

My struggling became tiring and I gave up. The cavern was massive and it had stalagmites everywhere. The two women were standing next to each other and they were reading from some dusty old book. Circel started talking.

"Aretha, the Grimoire, what pages are we using?"

"The centermost page and the five pages after."

I tried to struggle again and nothing happened. I was still a little woozy from earlier, and I see Circel open another book and pull out an empty vial along with a knife. I struggle again and Circel walks up to me and says,

"This shouldn't hurt for too long calm yourself Noah."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked

She pretended to ignore me but then I asked "Why are you trying to hurt me Circel."

Saying her name should throw her off and she looked at me seriously, grabbed my chin, and said,

"Listen I don't know you boy, but it doesn't mean I won't kill you after this now hushhhh,"

She used a spell and I couldn't talk anymore but I could clearly see what she was doing she walked over to me with the empty vial and knife and she cut my chest diagonally and put my blood in the vial. The head pain was then overthrown by the cut of the knife and I was shouting from the top of my lungs. Then Aretha said.

"Hand me that."

The blood in the vial was sat in the book along with the knife. Then I see something in the shadow of the cave. Another person walks into the cave a male and he says,

"So you have him already."

"Of course your brother wants him and his blood overseas and on the island before two weeks are up."

"Let me go," I yell again.

The man walks over to me and says "OK you want freedom then you have to solve this riddle within an hour OK?"

I say threatening "What is the riddle?"

He smiles and says,

This riddle was one I have never heard of, 7 letter word from which, this one is hard I have no clue as what it could be I only had an hour.

*End Of Chapter 23*