Dalten Want's Immortality

Time passed and I grew even more tired they fed me little food and gave me little water they did this to keep me drained of energy. Magnus yelled, "Island ahead."

"Stop yelling moron it's too early," Aretha shouted

"My bad it's just we have reached the island." Circel walks out and says "OK we know what we're doing today so let's just do it."

Circel walked over to me and said "put these on your not native to here so people will think your invading."

I put the cloak on and the chains pulled me towards Circel. As we got off the ship things I noticed was that there were not many people while we walked from the boat to the designated location. babican stuck to me like there was nothing in his way. My arms were numb because they have been hanging for a long time. We walked on a dirt path in the middle of a forest with dark trees with dark leaves.

We came across many camps along the way and we approached a stall stone gate with black bars. And behind the gate was a massive stone castle with red flags and homes in all directions. They took me into the castle and the inside was massive, but immediately Circel and the other two rushed me down some stairs into what looked to be a dungeon of some sort.

My heart started racing because there was only one person in the room beside us facing the other direction. But from the backside, he had hair that reached his shoulders, and his shoulders down were covered by a back cloak then Magnus said.

"Brother we have the kid and the vial of blood."

A calm soft and loud voice said "Good now we can begin." He turned around and the front half he had a beard, green eyes, and one of them was cut in the ball of the eye; the rest was covered by a cloak. He walked over and said,

"So you're Zero's child you look just like him." He then walked away and tilted his head and the chains released. I didn't even attack him I know he can absorb abilities with that mirror but where is it. He looks confused and says "Arent you going to attack me?" He notices me looking at his forehead and says "Oh so you must know then." He says "Is that your dog." and opens his hands and Babican is pulled towards him. He pulls a knife out and holds it to his throat and says "Fight or he dies."

I smile and say "You can't kill what's dead." He looks at Babican and says "Well I can absorb him." His mirror appears and Babican was sucked into it.

"Now look he's gone, but he did have some power, I need more."

I was traumatized and petrified but I was angry as well and I had nowhere to go I didn't even know where I was but I wanted to kill him badly. My power started flowing around me and Dalten said "Yes, Finally." He used his mirror and splashed my blood on it then the mirror absorbs it and I leaped back and stopped emitting power.

"Stop resisting it's hopeless."

I pull out my fathers' blade of fury and said "I am going to kill you." and my eyes activated. Dalten pulls out a blade and we fight.

*Fight Narration*

*Noah Narration*

I had no choice but to use my eye combo to further power a rift that can take me to a farther location. But I needed some distance so he cannot absorb it. I jump back and throw my sword at him and use both of my eyes and the rift started opening but it was not big enough to fit in. I needed more energy and I realized something.

Dalten said "No you don't and reached for me and I said, "Consume." He looked like he fell into fatigue and dropped to the floor. I tried to open the rift again and it gradually opened up and I tried to get in but Dalten grabbed my foot and I activated my armors aura and kicked him in the face and leaped through.

I fell into what looked like my home's field of grass. I started hyperventilating because that last move was worse than anything I have ever done in my training. I tried to crawl to my doorstep and I tried to use consume on the plant but it didn't work I think it's because I am low on energy. I scratch on the door and I laid there for an hour. I had the energy to stand so I open my door and fall to the living room floor.

"Oh my god, Noah."

Aubrey and Karr come running towards me and Karr says "Where were you?"

They told me my mother went looking for me with my father's friends. So Flora is with Aubrey.

*Moments Later*

I had told them everything that has transpired in the last two weeks.

"Wait so the person looking for you tried to take your power?" Said, Aubrey

I began to feel kind of weird and I felt like vomiting but instead, I threw up blood. Aubrey screamed and Karr tried to pat me on the back. I said, "I don't feel right." "Somethings wrong."

I attempted to activate my eyes and it didn't work I then tried to activate my armor and that didn't work either. I tried ice and that didn't work either. He took my power but how did he. I thought back to when he grabbed my leg and I think he absorbed my armor and took everything.

I think I am completely powerless now!

*End Of Chapter 25*