Not Taken Only Borrowed Immortality

Dalten has taken my power and Aubrey and Karr have to defend me from him if he plans to come again. But then my hands sparked with energy and I felt it flowing back into me. Maybe he didn't take it my eyes drained the ability for some time. I don't know how this happened but I am relieved that it did.

"OK so he didn't take it but why did I feel so drained from it," I said

"Maybe it's a side effect you have never done this right?" Karr said rushingly

"So you can defend yourself from him nextime." Aubrey implied

*Dark Region*

Dalten: "I got his power now I can begin what was meant to happen so long ago."

[Eerie sounds]

*Noah's House*

Now I have to wait for my other to come back and I am waiting with my friends. And I began to think about Babican and I get that sad feeling you get when someone dies. Then my father ran through my head and I couldn't take it anymore.

I excused myself and went to the bathroom, I activate my eyes and look at my reflection, and gave myself happiness. I felt better again and as I put my hand on the knob I got a rush of energy so I rushed to my friends and they feel the same thing that I do.

All of us including Flora started glowing a bright white aura and seconds went by and the glowing died down and I said, "What was that?"

"I have no idea," Karr replied

*Dark Region*

Dalten: "It's done, from here on the human race is now immortal."

Magnus: "Every human?"

Dalten: "Yes everyone, now my next mission is to find Zero's son and kill him."

Circel: "But why is he important?"

Dalten: "Because his fighting reminds me of Zero and if he tries to reverse this then we all are in danger." "Even though he is immortal by age he can still die the natural way."

*Noah Narration*

The aura felt like something strange, I activated my right eye and looked at everyone for a disturbance. Karr, Aubrey, and Flora had a white aura surrounding them instead of the regular black line around them. I had the same thing as well I couldn't help but think something bad has happened but I don't know what it is.

"Hey, guys I need to go do something, watch my house OK?"

"What do you need to do?" Aubrey asked.

"I need to find my dad and ask him what just happened," I replied

"How would he know?" Karr said

"The dead can see everything happening in our realm."

"Even things we can't see?"

"That part I don't know, but my left eye can see beyond this realm I can see the dead version of this realm."

This conversation made the moment uneasy so I told them I would be back when I have my answer. I activate my left eye and I open the rift and I walk through the portal. The portal opened to the last location in which I was there.

When I enter the other side and my father was there I think he was waiting for me to come back but all this time.

"Dad!" I shouted.

"Noah, what happened why did you leave?" He said curiously.

I replied, "I ran out of energy and I was warped out." Followed by"But I need to tell you something."

"Noah, what happened?" He asked.

"I don't know if you noticed but something bad has happened recently, Dalten's allies kidnapped me and tried to sacrifice me or something but I got away luckily and tha-."

"Noah, calm yourself I know I saw that." My father said.

I took a breather and said, "Some white aura surrounded my sister and friends and I wanted to know if you know what that means."

My father's presence turned from insightful to serious and he said "What do you mean white aura?"

I say "I mean they looked like fireflies but floating all around us and they remained white of course."

My father mutters "He did it, but how, "Noah do you have your power?"

"Yes all of them why?" I say

"Then where did he get the power from to perform this?" He asked

I reply "Well when I escaped he grabbed my leg and I kicked him in the face and his mirror appeared but he couldn't have gotten it because I still have my power."

He says "Noah he didn't take it it seems he borrowed it and it came back, usually when he uses that thing, the mirror takes it with no return it seems you're fortunate."

"Now Noah my turn, why are you using your power to ignore your feelings?"

My body froze, I was hoping he didn't see that.

He said, "You know I watch over you guys, why Noah?"

I reply "I can't take it anymore every time I am in a bad situation I am used to you helping me out and I think of you."

Followed with "And I have been doing this ever since you died."

He lifted his hand and some red/black aura emitted from his hand and he spoke the words,


I felt lost after he said that the aura hit me and I felt how I did when I was not under my ability. He looked at me and said, "I know you can take Dalten down, but if you try to hide your emotions you will eventually collapse one day."

Followed by "Noah when if he comes for you again, you must kill him without your power you must kill him with your sword in a powerless combat."

"But what if I fail?" I asked

"If you do the world will most likely be walking with people who aren't supposed to be." "And those people could be cruel horrible people."

I remained looking to the floor and I said "I can't focus if I feel dad how can I win while I am distracted?"

He smiled and said, "Think of someone you love, Her name is Aubrey right? think of her when you fight you will never think that way anymore." "And forget about me I am OK with my decision I died to protect you, Flora, and your mother."

He knew about Aubrey how it didn't matter but how? I then look up at him and asked "You think of mom when you fight?"

He smiled lovingly and said, "I think of everyone that is special to me."

I snickered and said, " Is that how you block all the sad stuff?"

An aura surrounded me and my father said "It appears you are at your limit, so remember I did pass my power to you and strength to Flora to protect you, your mother is as strong as I was she will protect you until she dies."

The aura completely covered me and I was back in my home. Karr said "You were gone for an hour what happened"

"I found my dad he said that Dalten has done it."

"Done what?" Aubrey asked

"He has made everyone immortal."

End Of Chapter 26