Dalten's Hunt begins

I couldn't believe what has just happened all of us didn't feel different but we knew that something was not right.

"How did he do that?" Aubrey asked

I remained quiet and Karr looked at me worryingly and said, "Noah say something."

I then say "He supposedly taken my power and used it to cast some sort of magic to make everyone immortal."

Followed by "Meaning we cannot age any longer."

"But if we cant age then what's the problem?" Karr said

"If everyone is immortal then the horrible people who roam the land cant die and will also be hurting good people."

"He's sort of right but this can mean other things as well," Aubrey added

"Like what?" I asked"

"Like if people will not die then the land will be overpopulated." "And the resources would perish."

"So how are we going to stop it we don't have the magic to do that," Karr mentioned

"He used my power so I should be able to do it, but I don't know how to perform it."

A while went by and Flora was asleep and I had no idea how to reverse this. We were all in the living space and Aubrey said,

"Does your dad know how to reverse this effect?"

"My eye's ability is strained I could ask when it cools down."

Karr says "Where's your dog?"

I sat up straight and said, "Dalten absorbed him and, he's gone."

The room's mood had changed and I stood up and walked to the kitchen. And as I do my mother walks through the door and says.

"Karr, Aubrey I haven't found him but I need to keep looki-."

She notices me and I smile and she lunges at me and held me close then said worryingly,

"Noah where were you!?"

"I was with Dalten," I replied

"Did he?" She said worryingly

"He did but for some reason, I still have my power."

Followed by "And he did what dad tried to prevent him from doing."

She said, "I know I noticed the glowing aura."

I told her I talked to dad and her expression changed to tense and she told me she loved me and checked on Flora but before that I said,

"If he comes near any of you I will kill him because you all important to me."

My mother then said.

"Noah I know you want to but he still is more dangerous than you, stay away from him OK?"

Even though I didn't want to I told her yes and she believed me. She told us to stay nearby and I was going to rest to restore my eyes.

*Dark Region*

Aretha: "Are you crazy Dalten?"

Dalten: "War is the only option I need that boy dead if what the noble ones say is true then he must die at all costs."

Magnus: "But war brother we can just go kill him ourselves."

Dalten "If your willing to risk fighting the power of a demon then volunteer yourselves but the nobles have spoken."

Circel: "Dalten's right the kid is the child of darkness eventually he will bring pain upon the land."

Dalten: See Circel sees this as the opportunity to kill, I have made my mind I am declaring war on the northern region."

Magnus: "Brother... Dalten I hope your right about this one."

Dalten: "Don't you worry this war is in our favor."

*Northern Region/ Noah Narration*

Aubrey went home to get something and it was just Karr and me. I put on some better clothes and got something to eat. Karr asked me,

"Noah Aubrey knows you like her."

I look at him with no surprise and say "I know she does but I could die soon so I can't attach myself to her yet."

"I'm not an expert but I think she likes you as well."

I replied, "This can wait till a good time but now I have to worry about killing Dalten now."

Aubrey comes back and she has a mask it looks really old and dusty with a fancy silver edge and black eye holes, and the face looked to be a chunky face. I asked her what was it for and she said.

"This mask is used to give immense power to an individual without cosmic power it draws it from the earth."

"How do you have it?" I asked

Karr then said "She stole it from our mother, she found it in a dungeon.

With my power, Aubrey's mask, and Karr's skill we can defeat Dalten now all we do now is wait patiently.

*End Of Chapter 27*