Battle For Forsaken

*Noah Narration*

The flames increased in size and my only hope was to teleport it out with a rift. I activated my left eye and I opened a giant rift and the flames were being absorbed. A couple of seconds go by and I am tackled by someone I think an enemy. I struggled to get the person off of me and ended up killing them. When I stood to my feet I began to see unknown warriors attacking forsaken.

I went to assist the citizens of the forsaken and right as I leave my last position I was hit with fire. This caused me to activate my armor and pull out my red aura blade. Two people walked out of the distant flames one being Dalten and the other was unknown. I stood up again and was on guard. They both launched at me and I couldn't block both of them so I began improvising and then.

Aubrey came out of nowhere and kicked them both in the face knocking them backward. Karr came from another direction and shot a wave of flames mixed with water and made a smokescreen. I vanished my sword and activated my dark cloak. Thoughts began pouring in and the only thing I thought of was why. Dalten absorbed the smoke and sent a wave of black aura at us. We carefully evaded the attack.

Dalten looked at me and said, "So there's the child of darkness." Then pulled out a sword and energy surrounded the blade. I thought to myself, "What does he mean by the child of darkness?." And I was pretty sure Karr and Aubrey were thinking the same thing as I was. One of Dalten's allies that wields the pink flames pulled a bow out and aimed it towards the sky and released the arrow.

I didn't move because there was only one arrow, and we needed to focus on them first. Then I hear an explosion and from my view, it looked as if the arrows divided into two. The arrows were at least five yards wide covering the citizens. Then something blue formed in the sky and the arrows turned to dust. I couldn't see what caused it but it seemed to be some of our allied chasers.

Dalten and the flame chick were then joined by Magnus and Circel and we were outnumbered four to three. Dalten said, "I'll take Zero's son you guys can have the other brats." He said Zero's son why would he say that? why? I looked him directly in the eyes and said, "My name is Noah, call me that." I said as I began walking to him with my sword ready to fight. Dalten replied, "The nobles told me of what you could do it seems your too dangerous of us immortals to keep you alive any longer." He said this walking towards me.

I then said, "I don't know what you're talking about but you're trying to hurt the people I care about and for that, you will die."

He laughs and then says "They told me that your fate leads to hurting the people you love."

He then runs to me and I stand on guard and then green energy hits him in the face and my mother landed right in front of me. Then older chasers started coming and they were outnumbered by a ton. My mother puts her hands on my shoulders and said with all seriousness,

"Noah take your friends and get out of here NOW!"

I looked her in the eyes and said, "Mom I will not let you fight for me I am going nowhere."

She looked at me and said, "Well I'm sorry for this." And she teleported us out. We were back in the barracks and there was fighting outside. I ran to the window and there was a battle happening outside. I said,

"Karr, Aubrey we need to help them outside let's go. They both agreed and we exited the barracks to the outside battle. We began fighting enemy chasers we could tell who was enemy by the robes and cloaks that were not custom from here.

*10 minutes later*

after ten minutes have passed we are still going at it until we heard a big bang and we all stopped fighting. Then we all see a giant green humanoid aura standing in the distance. The green aura looked like my mother's so I vanished and headed to the giant green aura. On the way there I attacked some enemies and on my arrival. I see Dalten and my mother fighting. Her aura giant dropped and she was fighting with her power active. It seemed reckless but I noticed something Daltens mirror was cracked in half.

I think she broke it or something I don't really know but she had done something to it. They exchanged blows and my mother looked at me and smiled and kept her fighting spirit. Dalten was taking heavy blows from her and was then knocked backward. My mother then put her hands together and the ground started shaking heavily and the floor below her cracked.

And then green aura particles started leaving her body this reminded me of the time my father used this. I rushed to my mother and knocked her out. Dalten looked at me confused and said,

"Why did you do that?"

I look at him threateningly and say, "Your welcome, thanks to me you get to live a little longer."

His mirror fixed itself and I deactivated my armor and pulled out my blade of fury and he said,

"It's too bad your father's dead, I would rather fight him than fight you right now."

Aubrey and Karr caught up and Karr said, "Noah why did you leave like that?"

And they both looked ahead and Dalten was coming at us. I teleported my mother to the barracks and charged at Dalten.

He took on all of us at once and tossed us around and we couldn't even touch him. I activated both my eyes and that increased my strength, however, that wasn't good enough he was just too strong for us. But I had an alternative action this skill might kill me if I go overboard but it's worth the risk its called the [Reverse Interdimensional Transmigration]

*End Of Chapter 29*