Truly Immortal

The air began blowing and my friends were being pushed back by it and so was Dalten. My body felt better as if my adrenaline was rushing as fast as a river flows. I put my sword away and rushed Dalten. We were exchanging hits and kicks and this eventually went on for some time and we eventually used our abilities.

I said, "After you absorbed my powers I learned something about your mirror and I think it's true."

He looks at me with his eyes squinted in confusion and I also say, "Your mirror doesn't work if you use an ability beforehand, I don't know the interval but I will not use any skills until you do."

My powers wind died down and he replied, "Even if it were true I wouldn't reveal that to you."

Karr and Aubrey then were attacked from behind me but I couldn't focus on them right now. Dalten almost made my mother kill herself and killed all the others helping her fight him. My power Reverse Interdimensional Transmigration draws power from the other plane and gives me energy. This power is like "consume" but on a much larger scale.

Dalten puts his hands together and his mirror falls off and behind was a circle he smirks and says, "Do you believe in true immortality?"

What does that mean I had to ask myself because I don't exactly know what he means to tell me. He cuts his hand with his blade and wipes his blood on the circle and the circle started to glow a faint white aura. From behind me, I could hear Magnus say,

"Brother don't."

And I was pretty sure it was too late things began to vibrate and from my right eye I could see grey lines of aura shaking up and down. My body starts losing energy and all around me I start to see the surrounding people losing energy as well. This went on for some time and eventually, it would stop. When the shaking stopped a bang of smoke shot off of Dalten and the only thing I could see of him was his shadow tearing through the foggy smoke. Then his new body looks like something so pure and almost true divine.

He had giant pitch white wings, greenish-blue eyes, Long black hair, a silver robe with a hood on it, and his skin turned to gold. And to top that it seemed from my right eye I could see the circle was gone from the ordinary plane to the other plane. He has awakened true immortality, he must have gotten it from when he turned everyone immortal and consumed it all through that forehead seal.

He made everyone immortal so he could use a mega absorption on everything living, I can't believe I let him absorb my energy. Out of nowhere, some adult chasers attacked him but he dodged them so fast it didn't look like he moved. He then kills them with some white glowing aura it touched them and they turned into black figures and then turned to dust. I didn't like this feeling he appeared in front of me and said,

"I'm divine now however, I cannot say the same for you child of darkness." He then raises his hand and I interrupt his action by saying, "Why?"

He looks at me with superiority and replies "Why what?"

"Why do you call me a child of darkness?"

He looks down at me and says, "Since I can kill you easily I can explain."

He raises his hand again and I say, "Another thing?"

"What?" He says impatiently

"Why do you pronounce me as the son of Zero instead of my name, Noah?"

Without thinking he says "Because you aren't memorable like your father is."

"I see so I am below expectations is what you're saying," I exclaimed

"It seems you understand and you're welcome." He says comedically

"For what," I replied

"He says "Because I answered your question and let you live a little longer."

I look down and say "You were expecting stronger huh? I guess I will go overboard just this time."

What he said about my name I took to heart because I don't want to be known as my father's son I want to be known as the strongest sword chaser under my name Noah. He walks closer and says,

"Now since you caused me so many problems for you of all beings will be tortured until I feel you should die."

He then kicks me into a stone wall, and chasers surround him and they send attacks at him and he flies upward and right back down then spins, and a wave of energy splits the chasers in half and he looks at me and I appear right in front of him. I think his power is limitless what kind of move was that I had thought to myself. He picks me up by the throat and punches me in the stomach before throwing me back into the wall.

I activated my armor, dark cloak, my eyes, and I felt recharged but I don't think it will be enough for him.

*End Of Chapter 30*