Temporary Power

Dalten and I exchanged blows and I got some hits in as well as him. I went in to punch and he grabbed my hand and punched me in the stomach. I vanished and backed away from him he was still looking at me so that meant he can either see me or sense me.

I used my new right eye and said, "Consume." I noticed a slight change in his energy so that means that it wasn't effective. He makes a claw motion with his hand and a sword summons in his palm. The handle was made of pure gold with a stream of gold lacing downward of the handle, the handguard went into both directions pointing upward with sharp ends on them, and the blade was made of backend gold and in between the blade end and the handguard laid a weird amethyst crystal that glimmered and shined.

He pointed the sword at the ground and the voice said to me, "Hold your hand out young Noah, I have a surprise for you."

I really had no choice it seemed his voice was almost making me want to. I held my hand out and something was forming in the palm of my hand. The formation was completed and in my hand laid a sword. The sword completely looked like black smoke but in the shape of a sword.

Dalten said, "It appears you have already activated the child of darkness's power that is how you have caught up to me so conveniently."

I replied, "Power doesn't matter right now the only thing that matters is me killing you."

He closes his eyes and says, "The nobles were right about you, you only want the darkest thing in mind son of Zero."

Why did he say that did he do that on purpose, why...Why I asked myself this over and over.

"Why do you keep doing that, aren't you trying to prevent me from bringing darkness to this land?" I asked.

He then said, "The nobles only said I couldn't stop you they didn't say that I couldn't stop you with the power of a god, son of Zero."

That was it that's the push I needed to completely snap I didn't care about restrictions, friends, family, even life I just wanted to kill him.

*Fight Narration*

*Noah Narration*

I was so tired and my form had run out, but the voice was still there and it said,

"I am fading now but when you are recharged I will return."

The voice faded and Dalten got up and he was still in his new form. He skimmed his way to me and as he was about to punch me his form vanished and he was back to normal. I had my chance so I took it I activated my armor but my energy was low so only my arm piece was active. I punched him in the face and he fell back. My armor depleted so I had to fight him in hand to hand. We both stood up and strikes each other and hit each other in the face. I didn't know how much I had left I couldn't even use consume because I'm too low.

Dalten caught my next punch and used whatever energy he had left and disappeared into a portal. I was actually released because I hadn't any more energy. I fell to my bottom and my clothes were torn up and I was too tired to care. Karr and Aubrey rushed over to me and Karr said,

"Noah, what was that?"

Aubrey put her arms around me and said, "You went overboard again we could have lost you."

I just sat there and said nothing, but then I stood up and said, "This war isn't over he'll be back in the meantime I need to ask something that just happened to me."

*Night Time*

I was at home comforting Flora, she didn't know what happened to mom and I wasn't going to tell her either not until she is ready for now she must only know that she was on a special mission.

Karr stayed at my home until it was safe for us to be alone, but Aubrey was at their house because she had something to take care of. But in the meantime Forsaken only has one thing to do which is preparing for the next battle.

*End Of Chapter 32*