Death Attached To You

*Next Morning*

I woke up and immediately got out of bed and had to think about what was I going to do with Flora it's best to say I need Mr. Dixon's help he is the only one I know who lives closest to us. I told Karr where and what I was going and doing. I opened a portal to the outside of his door and I slowly walked to the door and knocked on it 3 consecutive times.

It took a few seconds but he answered the door and I was kind of surprised he was there, to say the least, I figure he would be in battle somewhere since we are at war. He says,

"Oh Noah hey what are you doing here, and why did you bring Flora with you?"

[I explained everything to him down to the last detail]

Mr. Dixon says "I see, so Dalten is back, and he killed your mother this is not good at all, and you said he obtained true immortality?"

"Well not exactly he obtained immortality but if you exhaust it becomes limited and not unlimited," I added

"You seem unmoved by this are you OK Noah?" He asked me worryingly

"Of course not but I have an ability that can block my emotions, it's complicated and it could kill me but I almost have nothing left to lose now except Flora and my friends."

He looked at me and put his hand on my shoulder before saying, "Look all might seem lost but there is hope, I promised your parents this when you were born, that if they died I would be your guardian along with your sister."

My eyes shot open and I looked down and I felt something tingling inside me and the voice said,

"Your feeling hope again, this is unexpected I figured if you lost almost everything you might fall, Noah if you fall my power will make you the medium and it will cause bad things."

I look up to him and said, "Thank you, Mr. Dixon, but I must decline this if I retain hope again and lose it I could snap, I have already explained what's inside me we should be more careful."

He paused before saying, "Noah, however it goes I promised your parents that I will protect you both and I will do that no matter what."

I looked at Flora and said to Mr. Dixon, "Will you look after her until the war is over I need time to think about this."

I walked towards the door and Mr. Dixon said, "Noah you be safe this is a war we're talking about."

I turned my head back and replies, "I understand but there is no way I can this war was started because Dalten wants me dead."

I open the door and look at flora and say, "See you later sister."

She giggles and I walk out the door and teleport back home. When I arrived Karr was waiting on the other side, I looked at him and said, "You stood all this time waiting for me?"

"Why wouldn't I, I'm your best friend." He replied

I felt it again but I also felt something else I started tasting metal or something and blood had shot from my mouth and I started coughing off of it. Karr started patting me on the back and it did nothing. Karr then puts his hand over my mouth and splashed water in and pulled the blood out through the water.

I stopped gagging and spit whatever was left out. I stood up to the floor breathing heavily and Karr asked,

"What the hell was that?"

*Moments Later*

"Wait so let me get this straight ever since your father died you have been suppressing your emotions?"

I nodded and remained quiet and he began scolding me,

"Noah that's so stupid how could you, that's the part that makes us human without that you're just... I don't know what to call it but you aren't the same person."

I remained silent and Karr shouted, "Noah you can't just ignore me!"

"I'm not ignoring you I'm listening to the voice of what's inside me," I replied

"Oh great a voice just what I needed to hear." He said violently

I stayed silent and the voice said, "He seems to show aggression towards you should we hurt him?"

I said, "No Karr is my best friend."

The voice then said, "No friend of mine would talk to me like this instead they would support you."

I didn't know what was happening his voice was blinding my decision, it made me want to say things I didn't want to. I looked at Karr and said,

"You're supposed to be my friend why aren't you supporting me."

He looked at me confusingly and said, "Noah what is that voice telling you."

I hear the voice say, "Lie to him Noah help me, be my friend."

I listen to the voice and said, "The voice is telling me nothing, actually it's trying to support me in this dire moment unlike you my so-called best friend."

"So-called? I am your best friend what is wrong with you?" He shouted

"What's wrong with me is you Karr you aren't helping me... I HATE YOU!"

His face changed from angry to gloomy and annoyed and he said, "You know what fine listen to that damn voice I won't be around to watch you fall apart."

He stormed out and I began to regret what I said and I started shaking and freaking out and I was talking to my self,

"Help, help, help I don't know what to do help."

Then the voice said, "I will help you friend I can help you if you let me all you have to do is take my persona."

I repeated, "Take your persona."

I listened and my body started glowing and my mind had left the past occurrence and I said,

"Forget him I need to kill Dalten."

*End Of Chapter 32*