Battle Of Falling Hill

The following day I found out that Dalten has conquered over half of the northern region under one day. I couldn't wait to get my hands on him he will pay for what he's done to me, my family, and my home. With my new power, I am now equal to him this can either give me an advantage or leverage.

The entire city was recovering from what happened yesterday and after Dalten's attack, he fled. I think I found something out about his ability, that it works limited if overused, and now that he has done that he is vulnerable. My plan to finish him was to make him overuse his but I have to find a way to not use mine as well.

That would be the thought that would run through my head all day. At this moment I am outside my home and on my way to the cities barracks.


I finally make it there and I noticed that there were many chasers there, usually, some might be wandering around and not really there. Anyway, I walk in and the house leader is speaking,

"Today we fight on Falling Hill, does anyone know where that is?" She said this followed by,

"If you do spread the word to the other houses and other chasers."

I knew where that hill was because one summer my pare... It didn't matter to me all I wanted to do was to hurt someone but my ambition is set on Dalten. From across the room, I see Karr and immediately I was angry. How dare he not support me I thought I was his best friend. We both lock eyes and squint out of anger and look away from each other.

The voice in my head said to me, "Noah what do you want to do with him?"

"Nothing just yet he hasn't made me completely angry just yet," I replied

Aubrey walks over to me and says, "Noah, are you OK?"

I look at Karr and turned back before saying, "Did your brother sent you to do this that coward."

She smacks me in the face and shouted, "Noah, what's wrong with you?"

Everyone stopped and looked at us she continued, "I asked you a question Noah answer it."

In an aggressive tone, I said to her, "Listen you little brat you don't know what you're talking about and if you hit me again I will give you pain."

Karr came over and she had jumped back and looked at me worryingly and said, "Noah." Karr puts his arm in front of her holding her back from me. I had just realized what I just did I looked her in the eyes and I felt a tear leave my right eye so I turned away and walked out.

The voice in my head said, "Noah if you feel you will hurt yourself emotionally give in to me I can take the feelings away."

I replied, "Not now I need time to think."

*Minutes Later*

Chasers began running to the south gate and in the crowd, I heard voices talking about a battle at Falling Hill. For some odd reason, I smiled and I don't usually do that when I am heated. My mind felt as if it was going through something I think it felt like I was pulling on something trying to hold on. The last bit of chasers went by and I stood up and my attitude changed from wanting to kill someone to the usual.

The voice said, "Noah did you push away?"

"Not intentionally," I replied

"Pull against me." The voice said

"Not now I feel so much better now."

After the conversation, I had followed the crowd to the hill and it wasn't a far walk but I stopped and teleported there. On my arrival there was an entire army there they surrounded the entire hill. Someone spotted me so I used an ability called dark wind and blew everyone closest to me away.

The enemy chasers spoke and most things I heard were,

"That's Zero's son." Even after all of this I still didn't get the idea of calling me that. There was a shift in the crowd as if someone was walking between them. And there he was, Dalten breaking from the crowd. He was in his new form and this was the exact thing I needed.

*Karr Narration

We are in sight of the hill and the house leader was puzzled that Noah went on ahead without us. What is wrong with him is it that darkness in him or is that his new way of living. I didn't even know how to approach him again not after he yelled at me for being concerned and then saying he hated me.

Aubrey walked alongside me and she was shaken up by what Noah said to her. If he cannot fix himself then I would have to make him myself.

*Noah Narration*

Dalten looked at me with superiority and he pointed at me and I was frozen in place. He slowly opened his mouth and says,

"Noah, Noah why would you come here alone when you once stood in front of a true immortal?"

I snarled and said, "You're not completely immortal you're limited just like me."

He smiled at me and his wings spread wide and he said, "You know nothing of my power Young one, do you think that I would gain limited immortality?"

"I saw what happened last time we fought you ran out of energy and your form vanished."

He laughs and the enemy chaser's laughed as well, then he said,

"That's because I was still absorbing immortality when I was in my new form and I exhausted it and it went away until every single piece of everyone's immortality was inside of my head seal."

Followed by, "Now I am completely immortal, a god, the best thing that has happened to this world."

World? What was that word he used world he noticed my confusion and said,

"Oh yes, I almost forgot when you attain true immortality you gain some knowledge of what life originated from, and believe me I know a lot."

An explosion sounded and I heard, "Attack."

Dalten turned his head and said, "You know your part." And the chasers ran into battle.

He looks at me and says, "Killing your mother was nothing personal."

Anger ran through my head and I asked the voice to lend me power.

The voice replied, "Well of course."

My body began shifting and I was in my new form. My body was released from the paralyzation and I tackled Dalten and began punching his face. He blocked one hit and punched me off of him then points and a beam of energy crashes into me causing me to fly in the opposing direction.

Dalten flew to me before I could hit the ground and kicked me forcing me to hit the ground and creating a quake in the ground. I got up and moved as Dalten came down attempting to stomp on me. He kept me on the run but after some time I came up with a plan to hurt him. He came at me and I smacked him with my tail and he went back in the direction in which he came.

I needed space from my allies so I won't hurt them. I thought of an idea but it's kind of risky it could cause my form to deplete but it could hurt him badly. I activated my eyes and I pointed both of my palms at the ground and I combined my dark power with my wind element and I used dark winds. This caused massive winds to increase and the surrounding chasers both allied and enemies have pushed far away from this hillside.

Dalten speeded to me and punched me into the ground and laid punches to my face and chest. But I had him where I wanted him I aimed my palm at him and I used my lightning ability on him called, "Dark Lightning." This ability is invisible to the eye and only my eyes can visually see the bolts.

I sent the bolts running through his body and I held it for at least 30 seconds before the high energy began to fade. The lightning struck from the sky and hit him then bounced in all other directions. The hill was decimated and from what I saw the chasers were still fighting.

Dalten was shaking because of the high energized lightning he got up and so did. He said to me, "You seem different... Noah, what happened to you?"

"You called me Noah?" I replied rhetorically.

"I must admit you are definitely stronger than your father however, you are not as intelligent."

"What does that suppose to mean?" I asked

"Anyone who has fought me would know that I can absorb anything."

My eyes shot open and he aimed his palm at me and said, "This is going to be torture for messing up the other times."

And he released the lightning and I saw it all.

*End Of Chapter 33*