Time Will Tell

My mind is changing, morphing into something beyond myself entirely I can't have a regular life with the name child of darkness. I live by myself away from everyone I love to cause them no more harm. My darkness seems to have faded back into my life I have moments where I think about death and chaos happening to them. Since I last saw my friends it has been exactly one and a half years since then I need to keep them out of harm's way including my sister and Mr. Dixon.

"No matter how hard you try young Noah you will not get rid of me I am and will always be with you and with those that you pass your blood to." The voice said.

"Shut your mouth I will find a way to get you out of me for good and you will not harm those I love," I said angrily.

"Now without any interruptions, I can finish training." I followed

I punched a boulder and it smashed into pieces, then I blew it away with my wind element. I walked over to a nearby tree and I put my hand in a straight motion and I used my hand like an ax and cut the tree down. As it fell I pulled my sword out and I swiftly cut the tree into sticks and they all hit the ground.

*Distant Voices*

I blew myself into a tree and I see three people come by two males and one female they looked familiar. It was my friends why were they walking through this forest specifically do they know I'm here? Then I hear Karr's voice say,

"Wait so you are saying someone has seen Noah or someone who looks like him in this scary forest?"

"Yes, he left without saying anything it has been two years almost and he hasn't come back so we need to find him," Kato replied

Aubrey didn't say anything she just looked around the forest and listened to them bicker. She studied the forest well I had to move around so she wouldn't see me.

"If you would just kill them-."

"Shut it you annoying bastard."

She heard this and snapped her head and our eyes locked and hers widened as she gasped and pointed so I vanished as all of their attentions were aimed at that spot and before she could let words out I appeared behind her and tapped on the back of her head and took what she saw and I vanished and left.

From their view, it seemed she just saw something and fainted but I can't go back and I mean it this time. I was enraged so I had to get myself away from my friends as far as I could get. I felt flame grow inside me and suddenly the voice said,

"What will you do Young Noah kill them, erase their memory of them, or suppress your pain again you know what that does to you Noah it kills you inside and it gives me more space to grow that's why I have more grip now."

"Do you have to talk all the time your so annoying?" I replied after activating my eyes I took complete control. This won't last forever I have a limit still. I teleported to the coast of the region to see the ocean and feel the breeze. I needed time to relax from everything maybe I'll swim for a little while. I got in my swim apparel and I sat on top of a giant rock in the middle of the coastline and watched the waves move about.

My eye power was fading but it remained intact for the time being. I sat here reflecting on the past year and a half. my hair has gotten longer, my voice has gotten deeper, I found new abilities, and I have a new limit on my power.

"You know you never told me what you were here for," I said to the voice inside me.

"I just want a host so I can live again you just happen to be very unfortunate." The voice replied

"You have the power to create a body of your own why couldn't you just do that?" I asked

"... I had a body before but that was back when I was able to reach the divine realm."

I thought for a second and said, "I will find you a way to make you a body some time so we both benefit in the end."

The voice didn't reply and was dead silent I wonder what had happened was it something I said?


The clouds began to form and became grey and lightning was striking the ocean in the distance. But a particular lightning strike threw me off I looked up and my eyes picked up strong energy so I jumped off the rock and back onto the shore. Then Black lightning hit the rock and the rock didn't burst into dust but disappeared and water filled the empty spot. I put my clothes back on and following the lightning was rain then the clouds opened up and a bright light glimmered through.

[Rift Cracks Open]

On the shore, in front of me, a black portal opened and someone stepped through they wore a torn pitch-black cloak, he had golden snake eyes, and he had no weapon but his presence was on a whole other level than what I had dealt with. He looked around then looked me directly in the eyes and said,

"So you're the famous Being Slasher?"

I replied, "I-I don't know what you speak of, I don't know who you are."

He then asked, "You are Noah aren't you?"

I had to lie to get an escape so I said, "No I am not Noah I am... B... Babican." That's all I could think of at the time. His face changed from sharp to stern and he said, "And I thought the God Slasher was brave, I know it's you I was testing you to see how tough my opponent might be."

"Opponent?" I said questioningly

He smirked and I have kicked away and right after I was punched in the back and this process went on for about five strikes before he let me hit the ground. I struggled my way to my feet and he said,

"Well, how are you known for taking on the Devil and Satan two of the 3 strongest beings in the universe and you can't beat me?"

I thought to myself, "Because my father took him on at full power."

"Oh, your father eh where is he at?"

I thought to myself, "Please don't say it."

He then said, "Oh so he's dead sad... Doesn't matter you are his descendent you could be worthy enough for my attention."

"Noah this is... You need to leave now." The voice said.

"Who's the voice talking inside of you, Son Of Zero."

My eyes left the floor and locked onto his. He felt my hostility and he zoomed over to me and I activated my eyes and used one of my new abilities the ability of temporary astral projection this fell under my demonic power and not my father's. This ability makes every object that comes in contact with my body with an attack will not affect me but pass right through.

He fell behind me and I spun in the air and hit him with my calf and blasted him with energy into the ocean. I used my lightning ability and struck the ocean with the most massive lightning bolt and supercharged the ocean with him in it. After I walked over to his body floating back facing up, smoke coming from him, and when I went to reach to turn him over his heel smashed against my shoulder. I held it because it felt out of place and it hurt a lot.

He jumped high out of the water to me, grabbed me by the throat, and said, "I will be back Son Of Zero if you aren't as strong as those said you have been I will kill everyone you have ever met love, and know of understanding?"

His hand was crushing my throat blocking my voice.

"I assume that's a yes." He said before vanishing into a portal. I fell to the floor coughing and gasping for air. I started shaking something which I have not done in a long time and the voice in my head said, "Your father really caused problems for you... Twice."

*End Of Chapter 51*