
Why me it's always me it can't be anyone but be suffering I have a ton on my chest it weighs me down. I wish time could be like when I was a small child when both my parents lived and I was having a peaceful life. And why does everyone know that I had slain a demon lord it wasn't even me and the demon wasn't technically slain it was power broken.

Who was that man that attacked me was he a god no he couldn't be he looked like a human and any other God I have seen had a specific transformation. If he was then how was he able to look like a human instead of the base form. He didn't even want to introduce himself he just wanted an opponent to face. And who told him I fought a demon?

I guess I will never know until I make him tell me. Anyway, it's my sister's birthday and I wanted to surprise her by coming back home for a little while. But only she and Mr. Dixon must know I was there no one else.

She's turning 5 today and I wanted to bring her something like a clay doll or whatever girls like. I open a portal and I walk through to Mr. Dixon's home. And the first thing I see is the home was collapsed and burnt to the ground, and I immediately ran to the house and checked for anyone there. I feel like someone killed them or taken them he wouldn't leave his home like this I know he wouldn't. I teleported to Forsaken and ask people if they'd seen a man with a five-year-old girl and no one has seen them anywhere.

"You can use my tracking ability to find them if you give in once again Noah." The voice said

I stopped and thought about it but it was lost cause I can't allow distractions to take hold again and I said,

"Shut up you idiot I told you I would separate us so we both benefit why are you like this?"

The voice replied, "You lie, child of darkness, I can sense it inside you from the very start you lied about owing it to the Devil and you lied to me I will never trust you LIAR."

Maybe he's telling the truth but I can't listen to him he's worse than I am. I limp to a nearby pond and look down at my reflection. I stay like this for a few seconds and then I activate my eyes and the voice in my head said, "You are a stubborn one aren't you? I have already mentioned you could die if this is used at a rapid rate, you used this ability the entire week you know what will happen you do this one more time right?"

I ignored what he said and I used my emotion-blocking ability and immediately after blood came spewing from my mouth and it was a lot of blood. I spat the last bit of blood out and sat on my bottom wiping my mouth with a cloth I had in my coat. I thought about what the voice said but if I held on any longer I could become self-destructive and not last as long as I could now. I can't find my sister and Mr. Dixon and I have to get strong enough or everyone who knew and knows me will die.

[Portal Opens]

I opened a portal to the Forest Of Bloom where I left Babican before I exiled myself. The forest looked as I left it colorful and filled with blooming flowers. I used my right eye and looked for any dead creature I assumed he's the only one here since animals on this plane live rather than be dead. I walk for some time and I couldn't find him he probably made his way out in the past year or so. I just hope he is happy right now. I open another portal and walkthrough and was back at the shore.


I panicked and started looking around how was I able to panic I took my emotions away so that I didn't have to. Is he coming back he didn't tell me I had a short time limit. I stood there petrified for about five minutes before I realized it was actually raining and he wasn't coming. I sat under a tree further away from the shore and tried to get some shut-eye this day didn't go as planned so I might as well rest and recover.

[2 Hours Later]

I wake up and something seemed off I didn't feel right usually I'd wake up and feel great but something in my body was changing but I didn't know what it was. I got from under the tree and started brainstorming ideas on how to get stronger there are so many ways but what are they. I thought maybe I could consume everyone's energy and just have an infinite source of energy. That can't work that makes me like Dalten and it could kill people. I could take what's left of Satan's power and leave him like the Devil until I decide I should give it back. No, I already owe people so much back.

I could use my new ability but I could kill myself if I am not careful. Then the voice in my head said,

"But then how are you going to owe me then?"

"Aren't you trying to take over my body?" I replied

"There is much you must learn about me I can't use a dead body I need a living one to thrive." the voice mentioned

I sighed and said, "So why did you do it."

"Do what?" The voice replied

I replied, "I know you stopped me from using my eye's ability to take emotion so why did you do it do you care about me now?

"Don't be an idiot I've already stated I can't use a dead body." The voice punctured

I smiled and said, "Oh I think your lying I sense it."

The voice remained quiet as well as I did and I made it back to the shore and when I did I decided to use my full power when he returns in the meantime I will go swimming until then. Hopefully what my father left me and my power combined will be enough for the time ahead.

*End Of Chapter 52*