The End Is Nigh

We left to a mild forest and I laid under a tree for the time being.

"By the way, Noah using no power will shorten the time I thought you might want to know that." Said the voice.

"It's fine... I mean it's not fine but I will try to ignore this until we kill Plague OK?"

The voice remained quiet and Kato said, "Oh, by the way, Noah, when we were in the forest a couple of days back, was that you Aubrey saw?"

"Oh yeah, that was me speaking of." I walked over to Aubrey and looked her in the eyes and gave her her memory back."

She didn't change since she has already seen me she just remembers seeing me and passing out. I had to keep them away from me to save them but now no one is safe even my sister and Mr. Dixon I don't even know where they are right now.

I walked away from the group and jumped into a tree and looked into the distance and saw some thunder clouds forming. I began hyperventilating as the wind picked up and the water fell from the sky ever harder. Then a portal opened and an explosion came from it and Mr. Dixon flew from the portal with a sword in one hand and I think Flora in the other.

I activated dark cloak and rushed to the portal and I heard as I passed Mr. Dixon, "Noah?" And Plague beamed through and knocked me into Karr and we hit the ground hard.

"You're still alive?" Plague asked

"You won't kill me, you bastard," I replied

Plague then says, "You're right I won't because you're going to die all by yourself and watch as I kill everyone here and maybe I show mercy and kill you myself."

"You have no right to come here and threaten us because Noah beat some gods," Aubrey shouted.

"Oh my you are alive too well I guess I should have checked... Silly me." Plague replied.

He swiftly knocked us individually around one time each and went back to where he was and said, "You need to understand you humans cannot take me on you need to be damn near a god to be able to fight me head-on."

I pulled out the sword of rage and activated my strongest form and said, "Then you're going to need to be damn near sure if you think I won't go all out." I then leaped at him and we were fighting.

"Are you gonna strike first?" Plague said creeping over her shoulder. She swung behind her and he jumped over the blade. She stuck her left foot to the ground and kicked him with her right before swinging him with the blade of chaos or blade of destruction. He was sent flying in the air then he regained balance and crashed on the ground in front of her so hard it cracked the ground in half and sent her in another direction.

Plague said, "You all are pathetic every one of you."

I saw someone small behind him and it was flora I yelled, "Flora get out of here!"

Plague turned around and saw her and said, "Oh little one you should have stayed hidden I might have just ignored you. He walked slowly to her and Flora said in a demonic echoey tone, "You should have too."

She raised her palm at him and a beam of energy hit him and sent him what looked to be very far away. Her eyes looked like mine and she had the tail, horns, and teeth as well but no dark cloak. Her power deactivated and she fell to her knees and was breathing rather hard. Plague walked through another portal and when he did he was partially burnt and he said, "Who is she?"

I zoomed over to him and punched him from the jaw up and said, "She is Satan."

He stopped mid-air and sensed something was wrong and out of my left and right eye I could see energy being absorbed from the forest. The trees and flowers, as well as grass, were being diminished. He floated straight up and said, "Now it's time I become serious."

And he waved his hands apart and the entire forest was blown away and everything went blank.

*End Of Chapter 56*