Fighting A Plague

My body was being crushed by trees and tons of dirt, stone, and other rubble. I use my wind ability and blow the trees off of me and got to my feet. I carefully climb over the debris until I found Aubrey so I helped her from under a stump and we left to find the others.

"Noah?" Aubrey said while walking slowly behind me, "Yes Aubrey?" I replied after stopping and focusing on her.

"How are you so calm when you know you could die at any moment." She asked

I smiled and said, "Because I will die trying to protect the people I love the most." And I turned away then kept walking forward. I do have some feeling of guilt for not really caring about leaving them but what choice do I have I am literally in danger incarnate.


The ground shook intensely hard it knocked both of us to the ground. Right after we heard fighting not so far from us so we investigated. We creep over there and we see what looks to be a kind of tree monster from a dungeon or something. Mr. Dixon was fighting against a couple of them and he was taking them out easily like it was nothing. Then something at the speed of light came by and knocked him on the ground.

"Plague," I said angrily.

I jumped over there with my dark cloak activated along with my eyes. The wind behind me picked up behind me and something strikes my back. I turned around and nothing was there I moved closer to Mr. Dixon to assist him.

"How do you still live, you are all so stubborn." Plague said floating above our noses. After he flew to me at quick speeds and he fazed through me and ended up behind me and he punched my spine and my body went numb. Blood erupted from my mouth from that last attack and I think I had released a bucket full of blood.

"You see Noah you should have gotten stronger as I said and you wouldn't be dying now would you?"

"Why do you even want to fight me any way you know I didn't take him on at his full strength?" I asked him with a weak voice.

"Why? You know so little. I want to fight you because... You are the child of darkness." Plague said.

"That makes no sense you said because I defeated a god practically why now because of the darkness?" I asked confused about the whole situation.

He floated to the ground and said, "Do you actually know the level of your power if a natural god possesses it?

"No, and I don't care I am going to end this entire problem with the gods right here right now," I said back to him.

"Oh really." He said as he pulled Aubrey towards him and held her throat in the air.

I was enraged and I felt like something in me broke loose and I heard screams inside of my head and it rattled my brain making me dizzy. I looked at Plague and a visible flammable aura surrounded my body. I vanished and appeared in front of him and he just simply kicked me back to the ground and laughed at me.

"Noah is that all you have for me." Plague said as he squeezed Aubrey's throat even harder.

Kato used the stones and threw them at Plague but he aimed Aubrey at them and they hit her instead. His kick wasn't held back he seemed to put his force in that attack because I couldn't move. Then Karr came from the other direction and Kato took the other side and they came all at once. Mr. Dixon joined them and came from the side of him. Plague smirked and three hands erupted from his body and they punched each of them somewhere in the rubble.

"I guess that Karr was right you don't just sit around and let someone kill you." Plague said suddenly.

Aubrey began to struggle and kick at him so he punched her in the gut and she weakly stopped. Plague looked at me and said, "Well I guess this one will die first and then you will watch the rest die even your little monster of a sister. I fought my way to my feet and activated my final transformation and said.

"Hey, voice let's transform one last time."

"Noah?" The voice said

"Don't worry now I have a plan set for both of us well one of us," I replied

"What is that supposed to mean?"

I remained quiet and combined with him and entered my temporary god state. I need a lot of power for what I am about to do. I locked eyes with Plague and, I zoomed at him and tried to pull Aubrey back. He laid punched on me and I ignored them trying to get Aubrey back. He threw her and began fighting me.

I lured him a little bit away from everyone else until we were hovering above the clouds.

"This ends here Plague I am done fighting you," I said

"You aren't done until I say so." He replied.

"We'll see about that," I said before cutting my thumb and making a circle on my forehead, and placing my palms on each other. The sky became a dark grey color and Plague said, "What are you doing?"

I replied, "Killing you." And I looked down at my friends and I took a deep breath and the voice said, "Noah you'll kill your body."

And I released my hand and.


*End Of Chapter 57*