The Dying Flame

I emitted my power and used the technique my father used right before he died and I did so many things in the process. With my last few moments of life left I spent falling to the ground almost unstoppable. I felt the wind scurry past me as I fell and all I saw was a blur and destruction beneath me.

I was about to hit the ground but from what I saw it looked to be Kato grabbed me with a tree before I could hit the ground. I was gently placed on the floor of the destroyed forest and I could see five people standing above my bloody body Karr, Aubrey, Kato, Flora, and Mr. Dixon.

"Noah?" Flora said in a whining tone while shaking my body.

Then I opened my eyes and looked at everyone who began to look relieved that I was still alive. Aubrey was holding me up and Karr, Kato, and Mr. Dixon were on one knee looking worried for me.

I opened my mouth, smiled, and said, "Don't worry about me guys you will be OK." And blood was coming from my mouth as I spoke. Then above everyone was a spiritual body and it was the voice that once resided inside me.

"All of you listen closely." It said.

Everyone looked up and the spirit said, "Noah is dying and there is no turning back when I was inside of him he used a technique that sacrifices the user's life to get near unlimited power for one moment and he did five things when he cast it."

Everyone was full of tears and the voice continued, "First, he used it to kill the god Plague, second he used it to make sure the divine realm was not able to come here again, third he passed his fathers power on to Flora, fourth he stripped the dark demonic power from both him and his sister and gave it back to the owners and sealed the hell realm from entering here, and fifth the last thing he did he passed his legacy to his future descendants since he is dying he has passed it onto Floras descendants I am his legacy and I will return when she has her very first child or someone living after her the new child of darkness."

I then said to the voice with a weak tone, "Thank you for... Helping me save... Them."

The spirit said, "Young Noah thank you for setting me free."

My body was completely numb and the spirit vanished until he was required to come back. My loved ones looked at me and they were mourning my inevitable death. I asked Aubrey to sit me up and she did. I felt like I was about to go so I wanted to say my goodbyes to them.

"Karr th...Thank you for being my best friend and being the best person you could be."

Karr started pouring tears and crying, "Aubrey... Thank you for being there when it got rough, for being my best friend and almost my mate.

She smiled with tears in her eyes and said, "Noah why do you have to go?" And the dam in her busted. I put my hand on her cheek and I kissed her on the lips. She went quiet and tears remained falling.

Flora was still holding on to me crying and I said, "Flora I passed it on to you because you are my sister you carry the will of our parents and many chasers before you on your back." Followed by, "I need you to keep the flame burning until the end of time."

She probably didn't know what that meant anyways but she needs to know that my will and my parent's will are within her now.

Mr. Dixon suddenly said, "Noah I promised your father I would protect you, and yet you let yourself before me I thank you with all life left with me I wish I could owe it to you but I cannot I am sorry."

I abruptly said, "Mr. Dixon I am... Sorry to leave you guys... But I had no choice I was dying and I needed to defeat him."

Mr. Dixon then said, "Heh no need you have done enough Noah."

I closed my eyes and then everything flashed.


[White Realm]

I woke up inside of an all-white realm and in front of me was a spiritual aura that was so powerful I couldn't move an inch.

The energy spoke and said, "Your family sure does like making messes don't they young Noah?"

"Who are you?" I asked

"A friend of your fathers we need to talk."

*End Of Chapter 28*