The idiot rents out handicapped people

I have to save my lovely Mommy at all costs, but all the hallways here are the same.

I don't know where to look.

I don't know where to watch anymore.

I don't even know where I am anymore and most of all, I'm out of breath from running.

"Can someone help me? My mommy, they want to hurt my Mommy."

No, never, my lovely Mommy mustn't suffer because of these heartless suits.

It's not possible, I'm going back to the coffee machine again. Where do I have to go to find the idiot? I'm fed up, I'm really fed up and I think I'm going to cry.

No more choice.

I have to use my pretty voice at its full power.

"Linsey, Linsey where are you? It's Lara, I'm lost and there's an emergency. We have to save my Mommy, quick. Linsey, where are you, kind of big buttocks nasty woman?"

"Hello sweetie, are you lost? What's your name? Do your parents work at that company, tell me?"

A rescue lady coming to my rescue.

"Hello rescue lady, my name is Lara Eve Prescott. I came with my daddy but I got lost and I can't find Linsey. Ah Linsey, she's my baby-sitter. Can you take me to Daddy please?"

Why does she look scared? I know, she doesn't like the idiot either.

"Prescott, like, Derek Prescott?

Oh, so she's a family friend?

"Yeah, you know the idiot?"

Why the look of terror? I know from experience that the idiot isn't always very nice, but he's more stupid than he is mean.

"Are you Mister Prescott's daughter? Oh my God, give me your hand, I think he's in a meeting. I'll take you next door to the meeting room and ask her assistant to call him."

That rescue lady is very nice.

Even though she doesn't like the idiot, which is a mark of intelligence, she still agrees to help me.

Finally, after experiencing so much pain, I meet a friend of the children.

"I like you, you're nice and you don't like the idiot, so let me introduce you to my best friend, the incomparable Mister who stinks. What's your name, rescue lady, so that you and Mister who stinks can introduce yourselves properly?"

She seems surprised and I can understand her. Being introduced to Mister who stinks is a privilege that is reserved only for the best of human beings.

"I am Meredith Swift. Nice to meet you, humm, ..., Mister who stinks. Lara, it's here, come on, let's go see this lady so she can call your daddy. Hello madam, can you reach Mister Prescott because..."

"Impossible, he's in a meeting and a simple employee like you can't afford to disturb him. Go back to your work or I will have to report your absence to the person in charge of your department."

What an unpleasant woman.

The time allotted to me is too short for me to give her a bear kick, so let's ignore this vile woman who refuses to help a lost little child whose the Mommy is in serious danger.

Meeting room it says here.

On your marks.

Attention on departure.

1, 2, 3, launch the Lara rocket.

Run Lara.

Ten more steps and I'm in front of a big grey door that I'm pushing with all my strength.

Knowing that the peaceful life of my lovely Mommy depends on it, without asking myself any questions, I enter a room that contains only an enormous oval table with a hole in it around which more than thirty or forty suits are sitting.

Yes, idiot in sight!

How relieved I am, he is here.

"You have to save Mommy, quick, quick."

Why do these costumes grunt when I talk about Mommy? Don't these rotten men like my lovely Mommy?

"please, calm down gentlemen, that's my daughter Lara who's obviously a little freaked out. I'm going out for a moment. Come out Lara and you can explain to me what's happening to your Mommy."

Finally outside, pfiou...

I think the sight of all these costumes shocked me a little bit.

No! Now it's the unpleasant woman who comes to annoy us.

"I am sincerely sorry Mister Prescott, I had ordered this woman and her child to leave but this insolent little girl disobeyed me and went in too fast for me to catch her. If you..."

"That's enough, shut up. You are talking about my daughter so I will be grateful to you to avoid insults against her. Madam, did you accompany Lara?"

"Yes, she is my nice rescue lady, but also a very good friend of Mister who stinks. Without her, I would still be all alone, all lost, all sad. You have no right to scold her."

"Calm down Lara, I won't scold her. Leave your name accompanied by the number of your departement with my assistant, you will be greatly rewarded for helping my daughter. Thank you for everything, really. Then my angel, tell me why Mommy in danger?"

What exactly did that suit say, again? Yes, I know approximatively.

"A bad suit do some handwritting, then, he made trouble to the bookkeeping and then, he put makeup on it for a month. He said that you and the others will be in big trouble and so Mommy will suffer."

"Makeup, handwriting? Oh shit, you..."

Oh, the idiot blanched when the word makeup came up. That's too suspicious...

Is he secretly wearing makeup?

I have to check because I don't need two Moms.

"Don't be rude or mommy will scold you."

"Excuse me, do you know the name of this gentleman, my angel?"

Remember that. Remember, Lara.

"So how was it again? Mister who stinks give me a hint. What did you say his name was? Billy? No! William? Yes! It's William and his ugly name is Grants. I'm sure and anyway, he said he's gonna be in a meeting with you so, help Mommy, quick."

"I'm borrowing your phone. I need to ask the accounting department for an inquiry. Madam, Lara seems to like you. Would you mind looking after her for a while? I'm afraid I'll be busy for a while. Don't worry, I'll call the person who's supposed to be looking after her as soon as I have a free moment. Lara, be a good girl and don't cause any trouble to your rescue lady, you promise? You are adjourning the meeting in progress. Lara, you can take office number 2, angel. Well, now if you'll excuse me."

He's an idiot, but he must really love mommy to react this way.

"Unpleasant woman, can we have some paper and pencils to draw with?"

Oh, this is good quality. These sheets are very thick and this pencils are very sharp.

Hmm, that unpleasant womanmust certainly be drawing in secret.

"Rescue lady, come on, we're going to have a drawing contest. Careful, my lovely Mommy says I'm very good, so you'll have to apply yourself. Great, we have a desk all to ourselves."

"Lara, who are those men?"

I follow the anxious eyes of my new friend and realizing that there is nothing wrong around me, I smile and continue my beautiful drawing.

Hmm? How to describe these not too normal men?

"These are the men in black. They follow us everywhere. They can't talk. I think idiot rents out handicapped people to clear his conscience. Look, I drew a crocodile."