09h45pm I'm in a rotten part of town.
It's scary, it's dark and it smells bad.
Here, there are people of all colors, with weirdly coiffed hair and tattoos and ears full of holes and nasty eyes.
Needless to say that I, with my little blue lace dress and my varnished shoes, have no place in this decor straight out of a bandit movie.
The way I arrived here is even stranger.
With Linsey, we went shopping, then I wanted to get out of the store for a while.
So once I was outside, I thought, "What if I went down the street? And once I got to the end of the street, I thought, what if I went past the hair salon that sells fake hair?
Walking from storefront to storefront, I didn't pay attention to my surroundings nor to the time that made the hands of my pretty pink watch turn.
By chaining the (and if I went as far as), I found myself here.
I can't stop to ask for directions because all these people are so scary that for more than ten minutes, Lara has been scared and now she has to pee a lot.
"Mister who stinks, look, it's an alley. Maybe I could relieve myself in the open air like our driver likes to do so much."
Oh, it's a good thing Mister who stincks is here, otherwise I think I would cry so much I'm terrified.
Nevertheless, my lovely Mommy always told me to face my fears, so I do and I move forward without turning around, because otherwise my eyes would refuse to obey my head.
Wow, perfect!
There's nobody in this alley, I'm going to take advantage of it to hide behind this garbage can and I'll create a big artificial stream, huhuhu.
Quietly installed near a pile of not really fresh vegetables, and ready to create my big stream, my cute little white panties are already on my feet, when two scary voices coming from nearby cut off my peeing urge.
The strange words coming out of the big mouth of man number 1, make me stand up my future back hair.
"How much do you think we can make if we sell this little beauty to that pervert Gory?"
I quickly pull up my panties when man number two, whose expression that causes a beep, beep in my head, slowly approaches me.
"You've seen how beautiful she is. He's never had such pretty ones. This freak will offer us more than 5000 dollars for his videos, that's for sure. With her, it's the jackpot. Kid, come see I got a lot of delicious sweets at home."
No, no, no!
Panties, this is no time to get stuck in my dress.
"You really don't know how to talk to kids, you son of a bitch. Little girl, come here. Your big brother's got a delicious big lollipop for you."
Saved, my little buttocks are now well hidden.
"You're dumb, you look like a pervert with your lollipop. Kid, come here now."
These men are not good people.
They're too big and if I run, with my little legs, they'll definitely catch me very quickly. Yet, I don't have a lot of options here.
Lara's dazzling departure, please answer my desperate call.
I run towards the other side of the alley which fortunately is not long but my luck is definitely not very good and I arrive in a completely deserted street.
No, one of the men has just grabbed me by the wrist and although I resist with all my strength, he takes me back to the alley against my will.
"Nasty cowardly ox-headed man. You're so ugly that your Mommy must have been super ashamed when she pulled you out of her belly. Help, an ox-headed is trying to kidnap me."
I keep screaming, I keep struggling, but the only effect I get is the laughter of those nasty men pinching my nose.
I am afraid, I cry and oh no, I have peed myself. My bladder, must have been so scared that to defend oneself, it released its liquid anxiety.
That's not smart because now, I'm all wet.
Suddenly, as one of those nasty men pinches my little butt, a deafening noise startles me, then the empty metal trash can next to us falls all by itself.
The two men are also scared because the one who was holding me has let go of my wrist and it looks like a statue.
Oh, someone comes out of the darkness...
Beware, intense suspense scene!
What's going to come out that dark street?
A vigilante who defends little girls and Teddy bears?
A superhero who likes to hide in the shadows of the dirty streets?
A cyborg from the year 2100 who came the wrong way?
It's like a movie. If my Mommy was here, for sure we would make as little noise as possible while eating our popcorn.
What a disappointment, she's a young girl who's not even twenty years old.
It was nice of you to make the trip, miss, but it is not with your marmoset arms that you will be able to fight against these two ugly adults.
"Hey, You, the two sons of bitches, let the kid go or the next bullet will blow your head off. Come close to me, kid."
I have a choice between two mean and ugly men or a pretty but young girl with the dirty tongue? Hmm? The pretty but young girl with the dirty tongue.
I quickly run towards my savior at the dirty tongue who for some unknown reason frightens these men but as I approach, I make small leaps of contentment.
"Do you have a real gun? Wahooo! Say, say, say, can I try to shoot the rotten vegetables, say?"
"For a kid who pissed herself and just escaped kidnapping, you recover quickly. No, you can't. You two get out of here before to have an extra asshole each. Little head, this corner isn't safe so follow me, I'm taking you to my place for now."
The apartment of the young girl with the dirty tongue is right next door in a broken-down building. Two very small rooms, wallpaper and carpet torn and wet. Her mattress on the floor and the shower wall is about to collapse. One cannot live like that, it is impossible, there must be an explanation.
"Say, dirty-tongued young girl, are you a camper?"
She opens her eyes and starts laughing. The girl with the dirty tongue walks behind me and looks at the label on my dress.
"Fuck, that's custom-made. The dressmaker even embroidered your name under his own, you can't be just anyone. Tell me what are you doing here, little head?"
If I tell her how I got here, she'll think I'm an idiot.
But, hiii, I am an idiot.
"Actually, I was being held prisoner in a gulag and these men who were two of the guards were following me, so I tried to lose them but I had to pee too much so I wanted to hide in the alley to relieve my bladder and that was it.
Her tongue is dirty but, she seems to have some intelligence because I think she understands that I'm talking nonsense.
"It doesn't matter. I'm hungry, let's eat. There's some pizza left in that box, have some."
What? But I can't eat like this, me.
"Excuse me, where's the cutlery and the plate?"
"Use your fingers, that's what they're for, little head."
Muu, I'm not a little head, dirty tongue.
I open this box and, ugh, too greasy.
I have to be brave. Let's grab this thing between two fingers.
(Sniff, sniff)
Oh? This thing could perhaps be edible. That doesn't smell that bad anyway.
"Oooh, that's pretty good. It's handy to carry around and I guess you took it with you when you went camping."
"I don't go camping little head, I live here. An you, where do you live?"
Should I tell her the truth, Mister who stinks? I hesitate because even though that dirty-tongued girl saved me, Mommy always told me to stay away from vulgar people. Forgive me, my lovely Mommy, but without her dirty tongue, your Lara could have been in big trouble, you know.
"East Hampton! it's very small compared to here and there's no one except in the summer. In addition to that, there's the sea, but it's so cold that Mommy told me if I went swimming, I'd turn into an ice cube right away."
"New York, I see. Don't look at me like that, just because I live here doesn't mean I'm stupid."
"I see! No problem, it seems normal that an explorer used to camping in the streets and slums knows my little village."
"What did you...? Let's move on to this subject, otherwise I think I'll be tired before we get to the most important part. Since you are in Los Angeles right now, you have to stay in a hotel. Give me the name of the hotel I'm calling your parents. Staying here is too dangerous for a little girl as beautiful as you are. Add to that the fact that you think I'm camping here, needless to say you won't last five minutes on these streets."