Thursday, April 13, 2006
In my car, who drives me to school I think back to everything that happened recently.
The least we can say is that at home, it was very hectic but not very pleasant.
A few days ago after further tests, the idiot and the competent educational authorities met to decide what to do with me, as they say.
How vulgar to talk like that about a little girl in her presence.
My lovely Mommy screamed loudly when she knew where they were going to put me.
She told the idiot that he had won the right to sleep in a guest bedroom until he changed his mind.
Usually the idiot is weak in the face of this threat. This time, however, he also yelled that he had more than enough money to satisfy himself if he needed it.
Sometimes I don't understand anything they say...
Unlike me who is excited, my lovely Mommy is really scared.
I comforted my Mommy who cried when the idiot proudly said that they had decided that Lara Eve Prescott, her 6-year-old daughter would enter a Middle School.
He took the opportunity to get me through an intelligence test but I could see that he was a little disappointed when the man told him that I was part of intelligent children between 145 and 150 degree, but not of the very intelligent children.
It seems that I to learn quickly, that's all.
I'm in a hurry to be like a little elf among the gnomes giants.
In this school, there will be plenty of Maï who that will pamper me with love, Huhuhu.
Ouuh, I want a lot of cuddles, kisses from my new big sisters and every day, I smile stupidly while thinking about it.
In a certain very noisy B2 class, a certain teacher looks at his 6th grade students a little agitated
As a ball of paper chew passes close to his ear and sticks to the board, the tired teacher sighs in despair and helplessness.
Not only does he have to endure these students (among others) but he just learned that a little little elf will join this class.
"Silence, I have an announcement to make. Silence, I said. But you will shut up, yes. Thank you, for your understanding and your immediate cooperation, pfff. Today a new student will join your class and I would like you all to be very kind to her because she is, how to say ... A little special? Yes special, that's the word."
"Is she a moron?"
"It's a big cow?"
"Is she pregnant with you?"
"She has herpes?"
The disillusioned professor looks at his students who laugh stupidly and tells himself that eventually a cute little elf in this class of morons, will be very relaxing.
"silence Bunch dumbasses."
(Clak, clack, clak.)
In a certain B2 class, in a certain Middle School, a certain door opens and a certain school principal enters by holding by the hand, a very little elf who wears an adorable little yellow dress and a teddy bear.
All the girls in the class throw a deafening "Kyaaa" and the boys laugh in their voices that derail a little.
A certain school director frowns at seeing this distressing sight.
"Silence, all of you. Mister Decker, I'm bring you, Lara Eve. I do not have to remember you who she is, who her parents are and how old she is? Lara Eve, everything will go well you'll see. They are a bit noisy but they are all very kind. If they bother you, you come to see me immediately. All of you, if you do any harm her, immediate exclusion and I warn the police, understood? Mister Decker, if you value your position here, take good care of her. Have a good day, Lara Eve."
A certain Professor Decker feeling a heavier weight than ever falling on his frail shoulders before watches the very beautiful little girl who makes him a big smile.
So cute! This little smiling angel will certainly not cause her any trouble.
"Welcome Lara Eve, do you want to introduce yourself to your new classmates?"
The little elf obviously no more worried than that, turns to the students by squeezing her teddy bear in the crook of her right elbow and begins a speech with her adorable little voice.
"Hello everyone, my name is Lara Eve Prescott and I'm 6 years old. I'm in love with my mommy, my dad is an idiot, I have a beautiful and fun bedroom, spinach gives me diarrhea and here is my best friend, mister who stinks. Both of us are excited to the idea to have fun with all of you."
The hilarity is general.
The teacher looks at the elf's teddy bear who currently waves his paw in the direction of his idiot students who give him back his greeting.
The beautiful little girl, stays straight and smiles after her speech which in two seconds and three sentences, has just sown chaos in his class.
Seeing big bright blue eyes and her mischievous expression, he now knows that this little elf will not be so simple.
"Thank you Lara Eve, I'm Mr. Decker, your new English teacher. If you need anything, do not hesitate to come see me. You can take the place in front, no one wants its and as you are small, so, it will be perfect."
Huhuhu, this teacher doesn't seem very smart and the students seem to be having a lot of fun. Mister who stinks, I believe that here we will soon be in our element.
"Yes, Mister not very smart."
Mister Decker is quietly writing his lesson on the board, but seeing out of the corner of his eye a little thing wiggling, he fears to know who is the cause of this new problem.
Judging by the laughter in the class, it seems obvious that one of his charming students is still making the idiot. He really hopes to be wrong about the troublemaker and has to check quickly. He turns around very quickly and sees the little elf jumping on her chair.
"Yes Lara Eve, do you need something?"
The little girl answers him with a mischievous smile and stretches her teddy bear towards him.
"Mister who stinks has very much want to pee and me too, Mister not very smart. I'm really afraid that if we do not go now, my dress will be even more yellow than it is now."
New general hilarity and meanwhile, the depressed teacher sighs again.
It was not 10 minutes ago, it was a urgent besoin to go for poop and only thirty minutes ago, her notebook refused her the permission to write on it.
"Tina, you're going with Lara Eve, please. Lara Eve, try to do everything this time."
The little girl whose smile widens even more, jumps out of her chair and rushes to the door.
"I'll try Mister not very smart but I'm afraid that my little buttocks are a fickle one. Come mister who stinks, from what I understand, the candy dispenser is at the end of the corridor, huhuhu."
A cute little elf, isn't it? Seeing the little girl wiggling her little buttocks exaggeratedly, even with a lot of effort, the exasperated professor can only see in this Lara Eve, a horrible goblin.