A fast-paced talk show

The screams of the women are out of proportion with the previous shows and all the teams are very surprised by this excessive interest for this adorable little doll who has just made her entrance.

Seeing the little girl walk like a real lady, David Letterman can not contain his laughter when in face of he, he sees this little girl so smiling, wearing a pretty white dress in lace with cute little bows everywhere.

"My lovely Mommy, can you see me? Huhuhu, now you see me again?"

As he expected Lara is not stressed at all.

She holds her teddy bear with the interesting name in one hand and by trotting here and there, she sends flying kisses to the cameras and a particularly noisy audience.

He tries to calm her down when she starts running around waving at her mom who is watching her at home and fortunately, her nanny had the good idea to tell her that to soothe her in case of excessive excitement, candy is not an unnecessary luxury.

By the way, today, her babysitter must have had a lot of fun, because Lara's hair is full of tiny braids, which must have taken a lot of time.

The couch is a little high for Lara but she takes the momentum and jumps on it to reach it. Once on the couch, as if she was satisfied to have succeeded in reaching it, she stands up on its cushions and she gives a big smile to the audience.

To the delight of the crew, her amusing action once again unleashes the screams of the 90% female audience.

David Letterman is not used to discussing children on his set but with this little miss, he knows that the answers will be direct and clear. She is 6 years old but only if we refer to her year of birth and these next few minutes promise to be interesting.


"Hi Lara, welcome to The Late Show. Aren't you too stressed to be on television?"

Mom must be at home watching me but I have to confirm that this show is live.

"Pupupu, hello Mister pretentious, hello everyone in the TVs. No, you're talking nonsense again. Lara is not stressed at all. I had fun with the people on the show, huhuhu. The show is live, right? Can mom see me now if I say hi? Mommy, it's Lara, in the Tv. You know; Sally made me all pretty and then pouted again when she looked at herself next to me in the mirror. My lovely Mommy, I love you. "


David Letterman laughs again as he watching her move in all directions. She can't keep still and is squirming like a maggot.

"Yes your mom can see you if you say hello. Lara, I heard that you terrorized our teams. I also heard that you played a joke on our producer. I've heard that you put a Post-it on his back. Is that true?"

The little girl's laughter is infectious. The audience laughs as they see her laugh to tears.

"Yes, fufufu, Sally brought me my post-it teddy bears so, I wanted to test their sticking power and seeing this gentleman with a big nose and mustache all over the face, I was inspired. Mommy, it's Lara. I give you 1,000 big kisses, 1,000 hugs and 10,000 bear hugs all drooling."

He knew she would say something silly but being in front of the camera doesn't stop her at all. She remains herself, that is; a little devil.

"I see you brought your teddy bear, Lara. Can you tell our audience what you named it."


I don't know if it's joy, but when I hear this question, I show my teeth.

Mister who stinks, this is your fifteen minutes of fame so for once, try not to be too ugly.

"Yes, he's my best friend and he goes everywhere with me. His name is Mister who stinks, fufufufu."


The whole audience holds its stomach. Not only these words are funny but the little girl stands upright on the sofa and as if proudly showing off a trophy, she brandishes her teddy bear above her head.

An image that will be in the news a lot in the next few days has just been created according to the cameraman, who was one of the many victims of the little goblin.

The presenter himself has difficulty to take back his seriousness in front of this victorious posture.

"Very cute name but, why this name rather than another?"

Lara smiles and looks embarrassed for the first time since her entrance.

"It's an unfortunate set of circumstances as mom says. When I was three, a pretty baby bear came into my life on my birthday. But on my birthday I had eaten lots and lots of candy on the sly and my stomach was making a lot of noise. In the evening, I was carefully searching for a name for my baby bear when the door to my room was suddenly opened by mom, but at the same time I farted, huhuhu. Mom said, "Lara, I know you're happy to see me but, contain your joy a little bit, my angel." At that very moment, without thinking, I said to mom. "It's not me, it's baby bear who stinks." Baby bear who stinks became Mister who stinks as he grew up and that's that."

David Letterman lets a good minute pass for the more sensitive to regain their composure but he waited too long because, when a little song rings out, Lara dances as the audience applauds her natural performance.

No really, this little girl is not anxious at all.

"Lara, I heard you are already in 6th grade? It must be hard to be in Middle School at only 6 years old?"

Lara stops wiggling her little buttocks. She considers this question for a moment and then after another bow to the camera and a nice smile towards the audience, she shakes her head.

"This is great. My elder sisters are giving me lots of hugs. My elder brothers and I get to do a lot of silly things and I get to make a collection of words."

The presenter is of course aware of this prestigious collection that Lara is so proud of, and he will take advantage of it.

"What is the nature of this word collection Lara? The audience would like you to explain."

"David you are mean. I know those words aren't nice but never mind, I like them and I said I would answer the questions you ask and even if they are silly, then, I will answer. Every time I do something stupid, the teachers put a note in my notebook and I collect them. That's what my word collection is. I want to make it clear that I've already filled two notebooks."

David Letterman sees an assistant who tells him that the hour is running dangerously fast. So now he must address the topic that will get people talking and manage to leave CBS in the news.

"Lara, I learned that you were going to play in a movie produced by MGM of which CBS is co-producer. Can you tell us a little bit about it?"

Fortunately, the show is short because the impatient little girl has laid down on the couch to chat with her teddy bear.

"Yes, but I've been told to keep almost everything a secret so I won't say much. In the movie I'll be a little girl, like I am now. But not like now, I'll be with my daddy. Not my real daddy, because the real, he's an Idiot. No, a movie daddy, and together, we'll go on a long journey. The main actor is Mel Gibson. Mom thinks he's very handsome but I don't. I prefer Mickey as an adult, those movies are more fun. That's all you'll learn and even if you're curious, you won't know anything more."

He certainly didn't want her to reveal anything because his own TV station would blame him, but, this little girl's seriousness about this topic makes him happy.

"Great Lara, you are very professional. We leave each other for forty seconds to make room for our sponsors. See you soon."