"Mister Dumb Moustache, have you come across a little teddy bear post-it note somewhere?"
Mister Dumbe Moustache smiles at me, but I'm worried, so I don't care about his yellow teeth.
He looks at me like an idiot and as if I were a little dog, he strokes my little head.
I don't have time to wait for Mister Dumb Moustache's response because my paper friend must be very scared all alone in this big, ugly place.
Before the show, me and Mister who stinks have been running around the corridors all day.
The two of us visit all the hiding places we had found to stick post it notes on the backs of people who work in TV but, my paper friend is still missing.
Between that and playing on the TV set, I feel my cute little eyes starting to close on their own and after a big yawn, I fall asleep against a gray wall.
Today, Lara was accompanied only by four bodyguards who did not dare to intervene when their young Miss was establishing her childish tyranny.
After signing her first autographs, which amused her a lot, and an intensive post it hunt, the exhausted little girl fell asleep in one of the backstage corridors.
Between the jet lag, her excitement to have Maï with her and this show, Lara who had not slept much these last days, was paying the price today.
After quicly having greeted the members of the team of The Late Show, the four men put the little girl in the car then took immediately the way of the house.
As for Sally, she had kept Maï close to her in order to ensure, in a way, to transmit her succession, as she liked to say it.
Slumped on one of the huge sofa of the living room, Maï was not in her peak condition.
After a long conference of Sally on the duties of a good elder sister, she has signed various documents which allowed her from now on, among other things, to manage the fortune intended for the wellbeing and the leisure of the little girl.
At 17 years old, she has now in her hands several millions of dollars to manage whereas until a few days ago, 1 dollar saved was a victory.
No, Maï is not reassured.
Worried, anxious, are the words that best describe her mood at the end of of this interminable day.
It would seem that the young miss or Lara as she prefers to call her when they are only the two of them, is not spending at all and that except some toys, some sweets and from time to time a clothing which pleases her, she does not want, nor buys anything.
If this small demon is capricious on many other things, as regards the material goods, the girl is reassured that in this field, it is not the case.
Maï looks at the two bank cards in her hands and sighs, then after taking a long breath, she convinces herself that if a torturer like this unpleasant Sally can do it, so, she will also be able to.
"Maï sleeps with me, I miss my lovely Mommy."
Maï holds back her laughter as she see one of the bodyguards uncomfortably, carrying Lara like she is a potato bag.
In order to relieve the embarrassed man, she gently takes the sleeping little girl in her arms and unable to resist, she places a soft kiss on the tip of her cute little nose.
Although it is still very early, she considers that sleeping will also help her to chase away the bad thoughts that never ceases to assail her head.
"Alright let's go Lara. Thank you gentlemen, I'll take care of the youg Miss. You can do, hum, what you have to do."
When in her room Maï undresses an already sleeping Lara. Very amused, she smiles when she sees her tiny thighs and that tiny butt that even in this state, the little goblin continues to stir.
She is dying to pinch her little buttocks for teasing this adorable little girl but, Lara seems so exhausted that she holds back her elder sister's impulses.
Without delay, she puts the little girl to bed, who, as soon as she lies down beside her, wraps herself around her like a naughty little snake.
The light of the bedside table has just ceased to illuminate the room and yet, from this moment, Maï knows that with the small leech which slobbers in her neck, her night will certainly not be as restful as she hoped.
Wednesday 26 April 2006
"Mister who stinks, stop moving so much or I'll sink into the slush."
When me and Mister who stinks came to the communist's yard last time, we heard horrible screams coming from the bottom of his garden.
Mister wo stinks looked at me with his plush eyes and I confirmed his suspicions.
A hidden prison camp.
As a U.S. Secret Agent and a loyal fan of TV shows, in order to carry out our highly classified mission, me and Mister who stinks have been working on a clever way to camouflage ourselves.
Both of us are professionals, so every night we secretly spied on our communist neighbor's property.
As expected, the automatic sprinklers did their job conscientiously again last night and to go unnoticed, I rolled in the sludge of the small vegetable garden.
Now, in the form of an earthworm full of mud, I laugh as I stealthily crawl towards the gulag.
"H-2 minutes Mister who stinks. Did you bring the necessary materials for the liberation of the American prisoners. Oooh, you're the best liberation companion of victims of the communism I could have dreamed of. Let's set our watches and move on."
Our destination is already decided.
Our goal is also set.
With the help of my special strap, (Maï's belt), I carry Mister who stinks on my back and now ready, our little elite team is ready to launch the operation, which tomorrow, will be in all the newspapers.
"Mister who stinks, this is the most delicate moment. As you know, the Communists are devious and have probably placed mines around their base. I need your fluffy eyes to warn me if you spot one underground. I'm really counting on you, so please, don't grumble. Let's go Mister who stinks. For the families of the victims of communism, for the United States and especially for fun, I declare the operation (free the chickens from the gulag.), started".
Slowly, we come out of the small bushes all wet and still crawling, while Mister who stinks scans the area, I approach without noise the wooden gulag.
As I suspected it; the enemy did not skimp on the means.
Clear wood and a fence that prevents the cute little chickens from escaping.
Yet, maybe this communist thinks he's clever but, just by pulling, my smile grows as the little latch yields to capitalist justice.
the door to the enemy camp is open but those lazy chickens are sleeping.
"Chickens, chickens, the Americans are here. Don't worry, we've neutralized the communists, so now you can run away. Silly chickens, you will stop sleeping, yes?"
Time passes and yet the prisoners still do not wake up.
As Mister who stinks assumes, it's possible that those nasty communists have put some sleep-inducing medicine in their grains.
"Mister who stinks, the new garden gnomes will soon be making their rounds in this part of the garden. Yes, as much as it bothers me a little, these silly chickens leave us no choice."
I'm willing to do anything to help these silly chickens save their feathers, so without hesitation, I break my blanket.
I stand up, and with all my might, I kick the henhouse hard.
"Quick, save yourselves, you naughty chickens. If the communist wakes up, he'll eat you. Come on, chickens, the United States is all filthy just to save you, to thank them, you could at least open one of your useless poultry eyes."
Huhuhu, maybe I yelled a little loud or maybe there were some Made in Russia presence sensors set up along the way, doesn't matter in the end because a big hairy hand lifts me off the ground using the strap meant for Mister who stinks.
"Let me down you dirty communist cannibal. I've already notified NCIS and soon McGill will be coming to arrest, you and your garden gnomes."
Mr. Ford, looks at that disgusting little girl he's holds up and compare her with the little angel in the commercial.
Television is definitely for morons.
Mr. Ford was sleeping peacefully again that night when, a childish voice shouting nonsense reached his ears.
Still in his pajamas, his eyes half closed, he went to his personal security center and looked at the camera views one after the other, and finally saw a little vandal who was attacking his chicken coop.
This little one is not only very restless but also very brave.
She does not hesitate to support his glance and he sees her holding back her laughter.
If it was a man, he could stick his fist in the face but in front of her?
It is only a very small girl. The big man, dejected, sighs, says nothing and still holding this worm in the air, he walks it home.
When he rings the bell, it's a different maid than last time to opens the door.
He doesn't say anything but puts the worm in her arms and leaves the garden, greeting the bodyguards who were kind enough to let him pass.
He too knows that from now on, with the presence of this little vandal in the house next door, his nights will not be as restful as he would like.