When the little goblin is not there, the suits dance.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


The big house on the banks of Hook Pond in East Hampton usually receives few visitors, but since the young Miss left for Los Angeles, Mister's friends and associates have been parading in and out.

An incessant parade of cars coming and going, entering and leaving the property, reminds us of those happy days that suddenly stopped 3 years ago, when the young Miss declared war on suits.

Glue on car locks, insects of all kinds in the pockets of suits, dishwashing liquid in drinks, suspicious little balls found among the raisins, unfounded accusations about eyes directed towards the cleavage of her lovely Mommy, strange disappearance of car keys, surprise attacks with clods of earth...

It would not be wrong to say that all these V.I.P had surrendered and run away from a little girl of 3 and a half years.

All these feared businessmen in their respective fields, terrified of the little demon, were certainly not faking the fear they felt in front of the little girl when they were having a quiet drink with Mister Prescott, have been the victim of surprise attacks and were beaten by a teddy bear.

A horrible kid was spreading terror, but knowing that her lovely Mommy was overprotecting her, the male host of the place was unable to intervene.

So, sometimes, when their keys disappeared, they had to call a cab or a locksmith to enter their own house, not without first suffering to remove the chewing gum stuck in their hair.

Too often, it was lifeless men of which suits covered with paint, were going to home dejected and went to bed without even eating.

But today, the maids know it; in this rare moment of joy for the suits, it is different.

The little monster that they themselves are very afraid of, is far from home.

While working in uniform doesn't really bother them, having a bear with an indecent name adorning their chest is another story.

The idea, of course, came from the young Miss who told Madam with a big smile. The rest, unfortunately, does not need to be developed and just take a look at their professional uniforms to guess the conclusion of the mother/daughter negotiations.

Although the mood of the staff is excessively good, every time a car passes through the gate of the property, everyone shudders at the thought of seeing an evil blond goblin getting out of a car, whose broad smile always means trouble ahead.


When Lara was brought home from the Gulag, Sally was carrying her bags.

She did not scold her but made her promise, as if to reassure herself, to do less nonsense and to behave well.

Of course, Lara nodded, but when she saw the naughty little smile on the little girl's lips, the young woman understood that the life of the employees of this house would not be easy.

After a huge kiss on the forehead of the one she considers her own daughter, Sally left the house of the future as Lara likes to call it, comparing it with her house in the Hamptons.


On Monday, she, Mister who stinks, Sally, and Maï had walked through some of the streets and stores of Los Angeles.

Sally even made her wear glasses and a big fruits hat. Lara didn't like it much but,

"Huhuhu, I'm a star after all."

She laughed, shaking her tiny hips like the tall blonde girls in bikinis in the movies.

During their walk, Lara had noticed the nasty looks on Maï and it wasn't because she was half Chinese, no, no, because Chinese women were also looking at her in an unpleasant way.

After a careful investigation by Mister who stinks, it became clear that it was the fault of her ugly clothes.

That day, looking carefully at Maï, Lara decided that from now on, the girl would be, the breasts in less, like those other ladies.

She will make sacrifices and even if she hates suits, at least one will be necessary for Maï, because some of the other ladies with a mean look were wearing them.


Thursday, April 27, 2006


This lunch, I ate broccoli. Broccoli it's ugly and it stinks.

Mister who stinks agrees with me on this point so, to mark our desire not to eat these things, we threw these smelly vegetables through the kitchen.

Maï scolded me huhuhu, and now I'm sitting across from her on the living room couch.

She's trying to scare me with a stern look and big eyes, but since I've been a little girl, people have been doing that to me ever, so it's not working.

"You know Lara, food is very precious and even when you don't like a vegetable or meat, you should respect it."

I've never heard a broccoli that crashes into a wall complain, me.

A little suspicious, I look straight into Maï's pretty eyes and when without meaning to, my gaze goes down to her missing cleavage, I remember our walk with Sally.

"You know Maï, my lovely Mommy always says that a girl who dresses like a bag, is not really trustworthy, so, I won't listen to your nonsense."

Maï looks down. She pulls slowly on her not nice shirt and certainly agree with me, she sighs for a very long time.

"Anyway, a garment is only for covering the body."

"Um, what did you say Mister who stinks? Do you think Maï wears bags because she is ashamed of having less breasts than our middle school elder sisters? If that's the case, I think we need to correct that problem quickly and then if Mommy sees Maï like this, she'll throw her out thinking she's little boy in disguise."