008 - back at school

we are finally back at school again except this time I have Lisa things are going to be different around here, it is getting more crowded in our dorm but with Lisa here I guess there is someone fast in our group, the principal came to call Lisa for the entry test we followed Lisa discreetly so Lisa won't feel embarrassed that we are following her when Lisa began the entry test she felt nervous so we came out shouting at Lisa that she can do it first it was just me then others joined in the shouting I could see that Lisa was glad that her friends were here to support her, she went into the simulator 5 mins later she came out with a sad look on her face and yelled I pass we all cheered for her we carried her to the dorm room to celebrate her success we brought out a cake we were hiding from her for when she passed now it was time to party we danced all night and ate a lot of food during the party Lisa called me outside to talk she thanked me for what I did for her that she owes me a favour them I told her there is a party for you enjoy it we went to the party and enjoyed our selves I could see lisa was enjoying her self because she never miles but this night ahe smiled alot,

the next morning it was time for training the principal was going to teach our group and I knew if we were late the amount of training we were going to do will be so much when we get back we will not be able to move so I woke everybody up and told them we had training today " everybody wake up " everybody in our group jumped up and ran to get ready for training even Luigi who is always ready for training was rushing like everybody but Lisa was ready to go to training I told her to wait for us but she said, you guys should have gone to bed early but no you guys were partying the second person that was ready was xenox, seun, Roxanne, Luigi and last me we all ran to the training hall they had already started the principal told us we are to stay an extra thirty minutes after class and told us to join others when class ended my group stayed thirty minutes on our way to the dorm we were so tired I had to call Lisa to carry us to our dorm room and make a healing soup for us to take she did and we felt better, but now it was time for us to spar each other I was sparring with seun he asked me to remove my bracelet but I told him if he wants me to fight without the bracelet he has to put me at a disadvantage so we fought he was strong but I had learned a skill that makes a Indiviual slow so i used but i still lost and ranked last in our group Lisa ranked second to last luigi was second Roxanne was fourth xenox was first and seun was third I can not believe that luigi beat seun everyone was surprised even seun himself was surprised that he lost to luigi, now o had to clean the dorm for two weeks.