009 - a mysterious man

Samuel, you are to become the strongest in the east universe, I went to the guidance counselor to tell her about my nightmare, she told me since the dream is asking me to get stronger why don't I get stronger because of what the guidance counselor said I went to my room to think about what she said and decided to train harder now that the meaning of the dream is out of the way who is the man that keeps telling me to get more powerful,

now it was time for skill evaluation, they are going to evaluate our skill to see if we have gotten stronger or we stayed at the same power level our group was last to be evaluated because another group took the space, after days it was finally our groups turn to be evaluated Lisa had gotten stronger, seun had gotten stronger, Luigi had gotten stronger, xenox had gotten stronger, Roxanne had gotten stronger and I had gotten stronger since all of the people in my group had gotten stronger I told the principal to host a tournament that decided which student who get to be the elite ten the principal decided that the tournament was a good idea and announced that there will be a tournament in a few days and canceled all training that we were to do, Luigi told the group that we have to train so we can win this tournament so we trained we tried a new skill that amplifies the group's team power we were pretty confident that we are going to win but Luigi said do not be over confident because the other groups might have gotten stronger than they were last summer so we must train like we are going to war if we want to win the elite ten seat for year one so we headed back to training everyone was so tired we did not wait to call it a wrap we slept in the gym,

it was the next day and we were finally getting closer to the day of the tournament since they were no training I decided that the whole group should go for a run around the whole school so we did Lisa was first but nobody was surprised because Lisa is a speed type so today we decided that we were going to the sim room on our way there we saw the second group come to our direction immediately our group came to the meeting point we all stopped the leader of the second group said you guys might be in the first group but if we were to fight you would not have a chance they were right if we fought individual we would win but in a team fight we would lose because they were our years best team fighter so we went to the sim to train our team cooperation we managed to clear only two levels feeling like we lost Luigi decided to give a good speech and he did we all felt motivated but we were tired so we told him tomorrow we will train so we went to bed except for Luigi he stayed so I decided to stay then he told me why this was important he said his father is a criminal and his mother left him when he was four that is why he never had any courage but now that he knows us he feels free then I told him that he is a friend and friend look out for each other and told him to go to bed when he went to bed I started criying because i thought I was alone but yuems out lisa was there and she asked me what was wrong i told her that is was sad I do not know my father but I am helping people why does my father not wasnt me I cried she told me not to worry that my dather will come so i went to bed and slept,

It was finally time for the tournament all the group of year one all lined up to see the competition I was shaking with anxiety the bell for the tournament rang and all the groups went to their fighting platform the first group we had to fight was tough but we won the second group also strong but lost to us the third group was above the 100 groups but we still won the fourth group gave is a hard time but we won barely only because one of their team members forfeit the match it was finally time for the finals and we got to fight the second strongest group we fought our hardest but lost we were second and got to fight in the individual match after a lot of fighting I made it to finals and I was to fight xenox, I take off my bracelet and we clash she is winning for now so let her test my full power she counterattacks it I dodge her blow I give a punch that will destroy planets I hit her and her groans I pain and forfeits I won the tour ament and I am now part of the elite ten I am seat no 1 the strongest in all of 1st year but deep sown I know that this may not last long becuse only won because xenox gave up but next year i will train harder and i will feel comfortable in the no 1 seat,

it was the next day and the principal decided that since tomorrow is our last day as the first year he was going to host a party for us where we will enjoy and talk to other people all the elite ten agreed to the party even all the staff agreed and most of the student so we started to prepare for the party even when everyone went to bed the elites ten stayed to arrange the event hall and then went to bed.