Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Wishes and Awakening


After I had accepted the offer I was told that I would have no say when it came to selecting the first world I would be traveling to, and at the moment I was given time to think and select my Wishes. Originally I thought it would be a simple task but as I thought about it and contemplated what I would want, I realized that what I truly desire is to be a jack of all trades and a Master of all.

At the same time I didn't want to gain it all instantly, yet I didn't want to be weak and struggle either, my life was hard enough as it was I don't need even more hardships than that. I needed a power that will always put me above all, potential to be capable of growing beyond all that exists and will exist. I guess my new life goal will be to become the definition of the word overpowered.

With the final gulp of the tea that seems to purify, strengthen and slightly refine my soul, and a resolve to see through that which I have desided upon, I stated my Wishes.

1. A system that gives me access to all systems.

2. To have all the powers and knowledge of the omnipotent and omniscient quincy king YHWACH.

3. A perfect gamer physique

(Gamers body- a body that adapts to all things in existence without negatively influencing the body, can house and utalize all energies in all planes without exceptions, gives the highest affinity to all things.

Gamers mind- Keeps the user calm and level headed in tense situations, will not allow users emotions to surpass a certain threshold, makes host immune to all mind control, and gives high resistance to mental attacks.

Gamers soul- Users soul becomes immortal, when user is killed user will be revived after a while, this ability may only be used once per day for now)

4. An infinite storage space that stops time within and can repair, clean, purify and rejuvenate items put within.

5. To add multiple thought partitions and perfect memory to the gamers mind.

A long silence prevailed within the void. It seems as though the being before me was frozen in time the only thing suggesting otherwise being the magnificent galaxies that started swirling at a noticeable slower pace, it was probably contemplating whether my wishes were acceptable or not, or maybe it's just a shock.

After the passing of what seemed like an eternity the being before me stured and the galaxies began swirling at their previous speed once more.

The being spoke, "Your first wish is the most difficult however, I did give my word that you could wish for whatever you desired so it shall be done, as for your second wish I will grant you his power but not all at once, your Reiatsu shall activate at the age of five and it will begin temparing your body and will slowly increase until the age of 13 only then will you have Yhwach immense Reiatsu and monstrous strength.

The Almighty will only appear when you hit the age of ten and as for the rest of the Schrifts you will receive a single one every five years. As for all the powers he was supposed to gain from the shinigami who had touched him I shall only allow you to keep the zanpakuto of the head captain all others shall be stripped from you, but in compensation for doing so I shall unlock a bleach system for you and will allow you to purchase the zanpakuto Ichimonji within the shop at a 90% discount when you wish to purchase it. Will that be acceptable?".

Listening to what the being said I truly didn't mind, it simply meant it will take a little longer to get them, and will give me time to practice and perfect them. So without any hesitation I nodded to make my agreement known.

After seeing me nod in affirmation the being continued "As for your third wish I can't help to admit but it's pretty decent, you effectively removed any limitations of the body and gave yourself the potential to grow infinitely, consider me impressed and it shall be done. As for your fourth wish, I shall also grant it, and as for your last and certainly not least, it will also be granted due to the gamers mind there should be little to no mental strain to using such partitions as of such I shall be generous and allow you to gain 1 partition per year until you reach a thousand, the wish will start when you reach the age of five as well. this can be considered a gift and further compensation for cutting so much from your first wish. Will this surfice? "

I was pleasantly surprised at the unexpected boon I had recieved and I replied as I bowed my head in gratitude, "It will do magnificently, I thank you for your generosity"

For a second I thought I could feel the being before me smiling, but I chucked it as my imagination as I heard the being speak once more.

"if you are satisfied with your wishes then it is time for us to part ways once more, facts that you need to know is that your soul shall be in a dormant state until your abilities begin to manifest at the age of five, your souls slumbering state will be due to the merger of your soul with the system you asked for. As your soul will be dormant your body will be within a kind of auto pilot state, so to all others you will just seem like a detached baby or child. I wish you a safe journey."

The being waved to me after speaking, and with the monotone voice of mine receding I spoke, "I thank you for everything, if fate allows then May we meet once again, and thanks for the tea it was the best I've ever had."

After my words faded, I turned back into the gray orb I was before and like a star my body shot to a random direction, just like that, my world returned to darkness and I succumbed to deep slumber.


Back in the empty void there now stood a single figure, this figure was staring at the direction the mortal soul shot towards.

After some time had passed the figure shone in resplendent light and what emerged was the figure of a woman, her eyes where still that of a shining peerless light that would put stars to shame but the seemingly cosmic appearance she had before now could only be seen in the Form of the spinning galaxies that can be seen dancing a top her hair that fell all the way down to the back of her heels, she possessed clear skin that gave off a cooling sensation from a glance, it was as if she just came out of a body of water. Her figure alone was one with well rounded curves that would cause wars to break out.

"Let us see what will become of you, will you reach the peak that you so crave for or will you fall short of your potential"

After these words were said in the same manner she came, her body began to scatter and she disappeared within the empty void, ruturning it to silence.

(Third Person POV)

Musutafu Japan


9th January

Within a random alleyway a young child with short black hair could be seen lying in a fetal position within a corner clearly trying to get some warmth. Trying to use the dumpster beside him seemingly in vain, to stop the cold raging winds. This child was seemingly nothing but skin and bones, he was seemingly holding on to his last straw until...


A powerful aura burst out throughout the city all those who had the slightest bit of battle experience could feel it, their souls trembled and they felt the Awakening of an ancient Beast, a dreadful aura that seems to want to turn everything to Nothingness.

Before anyone could react or find the location of they mighty being the presence vanished as if it was never there. Leaving only a city of frightened hero's and villains alike.