Chapter 3

Chapter 3: History and System


The moment my soul awoke, my Reiatsu which contained blood lust that was a combination of both my own and that of the quincy king fused together, shot out in all directions. To ordinary people, it was nearly harmless as it was released for only a mere moment, added to the fact that the intent wasn't aimed at any individual, all they would feel is a slight oppressive feeling that would dissappear just as fast as it came few moments later. As for the more experienced crowd they would have it worse, because they would be capable of perceiving killing intent, this resulted in them getting to experience the joy of being thrust into a frozen hell, some of the unfortunate ones that were weak and happened to be nearby were forced to their knees and spat out blood from the overwhelming pressure.

Oblivious to all this, I had just calmed down my bloodlust. Focusing on the state of my body and the place I seemingly awoke from, I couldn't help but to let out a helpless chuckle. 'To think that my body would be in such a state. From what I could see, I could be easily toppled by a simple gust of wind, from the state I'm in, I deduced that this is a state that this body was not use to or it wouldn't be this weak, that would mean that things became this rough only recently.', as if to prove my hypothesis a steady stream of memories started flowing into my head. At that moment I realized, I was in the world known as, 'my hero academia'.

I was born on the 10th of January, my parents named me Yhwach I looked nothing like my mother or father, I was born into a wealthy family. My parents were once heroes, not very strong ones since they weren't even known by most people. Their money came from their news agency that they built after failing to stand out in the hero business. My mother's quirkwas the ability to put people in a paralyzed state, but the state is broken when she loses physical contact with her target. As for my father, he had a quirk that uses his blood to create a gas that had the effects of weed, however he doesn't have enough blood to spare after fighting a few opponents, 'he's basically a walking bong', I thought.

I have a younger brother who is a year younger than me. My life was definitely a lavish one, I was spoiled rotten by my parents, life was good. Then everything changed when the quirk manifested. Yes what lead to this was the manifestation of a quirk. The quirk that manifested was a mutation of both my parents quirks, it allowed one to turn their sweat into a gas that paralyzes anyone it come into contact with. A powerful quirk that had a lot of potential, the problem lay in the fact, that the one who manifested it wasn't me, the one who had this great quirk was my younger brother. When everyone learned of this, my parents were overjoyed. It turned him into the so called, 'future of the family' . Later on, it brought to question why I haven't gotten my quirk yet. My parents decided we should go visit a quirk doctor, all in the hopes of, finding out the reason, why my quirk had yet to manifest, and it was revealed that I was one of the minority cases of normal people, rare people who where blessed with the natural state of quirklessness, well sadly my parents didn't see it that way, and just like that I was branded as trash.

The effects of this quickly became apparent, the looks of contempt from the maids in the house, the being treated as if you are non existence, and the greatest change, was becoming the practice dummy for my younger brothers quirk. A few months down the line, my parents spoke to me again after a full 10 months, they said we were going for a drive and during that drive I was thrown out of the car at the outskirts of the city, with nothing but the clothes on my back, and the bit of pocket money I had forgotten in my pocket a while back. That was two months ago, The money had lasted for an entire month and 10 dayz, for five days I scrounged up whatever I could, find that was edible and ate minimal amounts, the food had held out for an additional 10 dayz, since then I haven't eaten a thing. I had managed to make it till now, only by relying on water that I had melted from the snowfall that happened during the festive season.

After I was done absorbing all the memories, and suppressing the urge to shove Ryūjin Jakka down my so called families throats and releasing it, I heard some words in my head.

{system starting up.}


{Welcome to the Systems Emperor System}

I was surprised to hear a clear deep masculine voice, one I knew all too well, my voice or my previous one anyways. 'Why do you sound like me' I thought.

{That is because I am you, part of you to be more exact. You see the being that created me, knew you wouldn't trust even your own system, so they made me, by using a part of your own soul. Think of it as if I am your zanpakuto, if you focus a bit you'll be able to verify the volidity of my words}.

That confirmed that I can talk with my system through my thoughts. I close my eyes and verify what the system said, and indeed from Yhwach memories I could feel a connection simular that of a zanpakuto and it's master, it's comforting to know that I'm the system, and the system is me. That means the chances of betrayal are non existant. 'Since that's the case, I'll call you Keiser', 'Keiser, hit me with them starter packs', I said.

{'Born to be emperor', Great fit}.

{Well then let's get started, by naming me, you completed a hidden quest, and you have two starter packs}.

{Main system starter pack opened, you received:

-Ten Thousand Petals Bloodline Creation Lotus x1.

-System points x100 000.

-Multiverse Smartphone x1.

-50% discount on system perchase x1}.

{Bleach system starter pack opened, you received:

-Perfect harmonization of Shinigami, Quincy, Fullbring and Hollow energies x1.

-Zanpakuto Zabimaru x1.

-System points x20 000.

-free outfit coupon(bleach system) x1}.

{Hidden Quest complete:

Give system a name, (complete).


-Mystery box x1}.

'Open mystery box'.

{Mystery Box opened, you obtained:

-Devine Sovereign God Beast Steak x1}.

Looking at the boons I gained, I couldn't help but let out loud laughter, uncaring of those whose sleep I would be cutting short by doing so. My laughter was brought to a halt by my complaining stomach demanding to be fed with a rumble that would put to shame a marching battalion. I also desided to get a system that would permanently solve my hunger problems. 'Yo Keiser How much for a Food Wars System'.

{Lets see..., ah here you go:

-Food Wars System, (D-Rank) = 300 000SP.

-Food Wars System, (E-Rank) = 80 000SP

-Food Wars System, (E-Rank) = 50 000SP

-Food Wars System, (F-Rank) = 10 000SP}

{Before you ask, All systems are devided into ranks, They are in order from lowest to highest F, E, D, C, B, A, S and X.

In the F-Class are the lowest of the low mostly low end, gacha systems and those catering to a single thing, giving you only knowledge of said thing, all else you have to figure out yourself, an example would be the F-Rank Food Wars System, all it does is give you recipes and nothing more, when it comes to ingredient and other things you may require, you are essentially on your own, where as the D-Rank versión, sells all you will ever need, including things like ingredients, chefs life experience, a separate space that contains a kitchen fully stocked with all kitchen appliances and so forth.

The X-class systems are the most elite, they are systems that come standard with everything, sort of like an amelgemation of all things, examples of these would be, the system from The strongest omni traveler.}

'Get me the E-Rank System worth 80000SP'.

{purchase successful}.

{comencing system integration:


{Intergration complete}.

'Great, time to cook that steak.'

{Do not even bother my guy, to cook a steak of this caliber you will require Devine level flames which is currently out of your reach, you gonna have to eat it the old fashioned way, RAW, and do not worry it was tenderized to perfection so it won't shatter your teeth when you bite into it}.