Chapter 4

Chapter 4:


Hearing what Keiser said, I couldn't help but imagine myself trying to take a bite of the meat and having my teeth brake. At that very moment a cold chill ran up my spine, causing me to involuntarily shiver. 'If the creature that the steak came from was that powerful, wouldn't it kill me if I were to eat it?'.

{Originally yes, because of the sheer amount of energy contained within the single steak, a single bite would cause your body to explode. To make matters worse, you do not possess the type of energy cultivated by that beast so your soul wouldn't be spared either, however because of your perfect gamers physique, your body will rapidly try to adapt to that energy. Luckily for you yours truly can control said energy, so to answer your questions if you eat the meat then for the very low price of 5000SP I will use the energy to return you to peak condition should be about 2% of the energy, and the majority of the energy I shall devide it all, 28% to your vitality  and 70% will be used for all your bones, your physique will guarantee your growth won't be stunted by doing so. A Side effect will be that you will be full for the next 2 months}.

'What does the Ten Thousand Petals Bloodline Creation Lotus do.'

{As the name suggests its a lotus, this perticular lotus merges with the soul, but it can only be used by those with a soul world. Due to the fact that you have two zanpakuto's you automatically gained one, normal people would have to spends thousands if not millions of years creating them, and some are just born with them. How it works is that each petal represents a slot for a bloodline, what makes it so special tho is the fact that you only need a single drop of blood and it would be no different than your entire body having 100% of that said bloodline, making you no different from the progenitor of the species, however if the blood you get is diluted or impure then you require more of it to fill the petal , an example would be:

If the blood you use is only 1% of the bloodline you want, in this perticular situation you would have to get 99 more drops to fill up the petal.

When you are done collecting all ten thousand bloodlines you want, the lotus will merge them all into a new one that perfectly combines properties of all ten thousand bloodlines, giving an entirely new bloodline and race.}

Then I'll eat the steak and use the 'Ten Thousand Petals Bloodline Creation Lotus', I took out the steak and examined it, it was very fresh it was as if it was cut a few minutes prior, blood could still be seen on it a single drop fell to the ground and it burned straight through as if the earth was a non exsistant Consept. Seeing this sight I couldn't help but hesitate for a second, but immediately after I steeled my resolve and started eating the steak, with every bite I swallow I could feel my body burning, because of this, I started eating faster so I could end it sooner, but as if to keep up with me the burning got worse and worse, finishing the meat and licking from my fingers every last drop of blood at that exact moment..., the whole world went silent.

{5000SP has been deducted, you have 35000SP remaining}.

A contained explosion took place within my body, all bones without exception were turned seemingly to Nothingness, but I could feel that it wasn't the case the explosion had instead disassembled my bones down to the molecular level, that's what I assumed was happening because it felt like my very being was being torn apart. After what felt like an eternity I could feel my bones reconstructing atom by atom, the pain was so great I couldn't even let out a sound, the only things keeping me conscious being the gamers mind and my will that was tempered by my enumerable amount of experiences. After the whole process was done I let out a heavy breath, and at that moment as if to poor cold water on my relieved self the process began again. This would continue to happen a thousand more times. When this process finally came to a conclusion, I fell unconscious,unbeknownst to me black liquid was being secreted from my entire body, and a Tatoo of a lotus appeared on my lower back.

(Third Person POV)

Not far from the alley a figure, one of a woman if the beautiful curves are to be an indication, could be seen jumping from building to building at fast speeds, seemingly in search of something. She has an athletic build with muscular arms and LEGS. She had tanned skin, red eyes which are tilted slightly inwards, long eyelashes, and straight white hair reaching down past her waist. On her head, she has a pair of long white rabbit ears pointing upwards with a slight crook. Along with these, she also has a round white tail, which gives her a definite resemblance to an albino rabbit. She wore a sleeveless white leotard with dark purple trim around her shoulders and waist, a wide, yellow crescent moon design over her chest, and two thick metal plates on her midriff. She wears purple thigh-high boots to compliment her leotard, with more plating around the heel and toe areas, making her feet look like those of a rabbit. She also has a pair of thick white gloves on her hands with long cuffs, sporting small triangular protrusions around their edges. As she was jumping her long ears twitched, with that she changed direction towards a certain alley.

(Mirko POV)

I was out on petroll around the city, then out of no where a heavy bloodlust swept through the city like an unstoppable tide, this bloodlust felt like it came from someone who has killed millions if not more, the fact that it I wasn't it's intended target yet for it to still feel so overbearing. When the bloodlust stopped I could let out a breath that I had no idea I was holding. Without wasting any time I sped up starting to search for the one who could release such a terrible momentum, I was sure that the bloodlust was felt by most heroes through out the city. Some time later as I was still trying to find the source of the momentum I heard a strange sound like a muffled explosion, the sound had originated from a nearby alleyway, the sound wasnt loud enough to be anything big maybe a small fire work, usually I would have immediately ignored it, but I realized it was nearly 3 am in the morning, and I wondered who would be playing with fireworks at this hour, so I changed direction towards the alley to investigate. When I finally arrived on the rooftop next to the alleyway, I looked down and at that very moment the sound could be heard once again, but this time I could clearly tell what that sound was, it was one I was all too familiar with, I was horrified.

It was the sound of multiple bones breaking simultaneously but far louder, thinking how many bones could have broken on the kids body I shuddered. The kid was spasming, clearly in no small amount of pain. After some time the spasming stopped, I had jumped down into the alley but the kid didn't notice me, after the spasming stopped he seemed to have gone limp. The child was wearing dirty clothes that where seemingly of an expensive brand once upon a time before they became filled with holes and dirt. Making my way close to him I could hear his breathing it was faint, but he was still breathing. I black substance started coming out from his body and a putrid smell filled the alley. As I was about to pick up the child my intuition kept making me feel like I was in danger every time I was close to touching the boy. Deciding to listen to them as they saved my life many times before, I picked him up using the collar off his shirt, I held him up away from my body making sure there was no chance of our skin to have any sort of physical contact. When I was about to move a felt that pressure once again but it was far weaker this time looking at the child I was carrying, I could see two red eyes looking at me. Taking a closer look they seem to be unfocused, he was still unconscious, it seems this was his natural defencive mechanism. Slowly the child's hand raised seemingly with great difficulty and with a grabbing motion was making its way towards my throat. My instincts started screaming at me to get away but before it could reach, it seemed the hand was too short to get to my neck, few moments after the hand slumped down again, and the boy went limp once more, the momentum was gone so fast that I would have thought I was mistaken if it wasn't for the cold sweat on my back. After calming myself down, I took the boy and made my way to the hospital with him. After giving him to the doctors I made a call.